37 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Restribusi Sektor Kehutanan terhadap Peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Luwu

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    This research aims to see how big contribution rertibusi forestry towards region original income (PAD) at Kabupaten Luwu. This research is carried out April until June 2008 at area Kabupaten Luwu (Kantor Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan). Data that got to analyzed descriptively to detect how big tax contribution from forestry sector. Result that got to show that contribution retibusi from forestry sector as big as 1,50 flat percents - flat pertahun from regency region original revenue total luwu, while for realization retibusi forestry from target that determined as big as 26,91 flat percents - flat per year retibusi forestry not balance in realization every year it because target that determined every year it increase. Key Words: region, original income Key Words: region, original incom

    Identifikasi Tanaman Obat-obatan Yang Dimanfaatkan Oleh Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan Tabo-tabo

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    This watchfulness is carried out in june - july 2007 at Forest Tabo-Tabo. This watchfulness aims to (1) detect medicine plants kinds that maked use by society around forest Tabo-Tabo, (2) detect plants parts that used upon which medicine and (3) detect place grows medicine plants kind. Watchfulness result is got 37 medicine plants kinds that maked use by Society that consist of 17 birch, 13 herb kinds, 5 clump kinds, and 2 liana kinds. Plants parts that maked use as medicine that is: young leaf or tip of a leaf, fruit, stick, skin, sap, tuber and root. Key Words : Custom Society, medicine plant Key Words : Custom Society, medicine plan

    ANALISIS POTENSI HUTAN TANAMAN JABON (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq)

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    Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq) is an endemic plant in Sulawesi and Maluku, this species is classified as a fast growing plant with high economic value and its distribution is distributed naturally throughout Indonesia. This study aims to determine the potential of Jabon Plantation Forest aged 4 and 5 years. This research was conducted for two months in Wulai Village, Bambalamotu District, Pasangkayu Regency, West Sulawesi Province and in Rerang Village, Dampelas District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This research was determined by purposive sampling using line plot sampling where the plot is made with a square shape with a sampling intensity of 10%. Based on the results of the study showed the average standing volume of the age of 4 years was 92.71 m³ / Ha with a standard deviation value of 13.74 m³ / Ha, the deviation obtained from the variance value was 188.84 m³ / Ha. The standard error value is 6.48 m³ / Ha with an accuracy obtained (large) of 6.99%. While the average volume of the age of 5 years is 209.45 m³ / Ha with a standard deviation value of 16.39 m³ / Ha, the deviation obtained from the variance value is 268.64 m³ / H. The standard error value is obtained 6.95 m³ / Ha with accuracy obtained (small) 3.32%. The degree of deviation and accuracy of the data obtained is strongly influenced by the amount of sampling intensity.Keywords: analysis, potential, Jabon


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    The research aimed to formulate a custom forest management compliance with forest land functions in the Toro custom forest area according to forest land functions.  The analysis method implemented for formulating the custom forest management is a comparative analysis, with which the land categorization concept according to Toro custom norms was compared with the forest management concept according to the Government Regulation Number 6, 2007.  The research results showed that the Toro custom community has already got hold of the knowledge system about land use management based on land biophysical characteristics.  In terms of area management aspect, there was indistinct forest management yet in the field among various kinds of custom land categorization implemented.  Meanwhile in forest management aspect, particularly in custom forest area utilization, there was a difference in term of the interests between the custom land categorization and the government regulation number 6, 2007.

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Penggunaan Alat Timbang Non Kalibrasi dalam Transaksi Jual Beli di Pasar Cakke Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Alat timbang menjadi instrumen penting yang digunakan oleh pedagang dalam melakukan transaksi jual beli. Namun pihak pedagang pasar Cakke masih ada yang menggunakan alat timbang yang tidak layak pakai, yang tidak ditera ulang untuk kepentingan bisnisnya bahkan sejak dibeli dan digunakan bertahun-tahun; 2) Alat timbang sangat menenukan keabsahan transaksi jual beli yang dilakukan, sehingga bila alat timbang yang digunakan tidak sah karena tidak akuratnya timbangan yang disebabkan pedagang pasar Cakke tidak pernah mengkalibrasi atau mengkalibrasi ulang ke UPTD metrologi maka transaksi yang dilakukan dapat dinyatakan tidak sah secara yuridis formal maupun secara syara


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    Forest is an area that is overgrown with thick trees and other plants. We can find forests in both the tropics and cold climates, in the lowlands and in the mountains, on small islands and on large continents, forests are a collection of plants and plants, especially trees or other woody plants, and these cannot be separated by HHBK, this made research interesting about the community's response to the utilization of the Candlenut Non-Timber Forest Products (Aleurites moluccana Willd). The purpose of this study was to determine how the community's response to the utilization of HHBK candlenut in Mire Village, Ulubongka District, Tojo Una-Una Regency, Central Sulawesi.This research was conducted in 2 months, from November to December 2019, and respondents were determined by purposive sampling. With data analysis using descriptive analysis methods, so that results are more detailed, From the characteristics of the respondents obtained through data analysis with descriptive material 1 (disagree) 3 (less agree) 5 (agree) The results showed that the response of the people of Mire Village to the use of hazelnut NTFP to bring prosperity to the community they responded was in the high level category or agreed, while the analysis of the data with scaling showed the community response to the utilization of hazelnut IPH by a percentage (200) High, why is it high because the level of community understanding of the hazelnut NTFPs is very good and this is also the result of Likert scale calculations.Keywords: Forest, Candlenut, Analysis


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    Forest areas in the Model Dolago Tanggunung KPHP area, Olo Baru Village, South Parigi Regency, Parigi Moutong Regency are now indicated to have been damaged due to activities carried out by communities in and around the forest area. Therefore, Dolago Tanggunung KPHP established Olo Baru Village as an effort to rehabilitate forests and land, an effort that must be made, namely the rubber tree planting program and the land used for rubber tree planting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate rubber planting activities in the area of the KPHP Model Dolago Tanggunung, Olo Baru Village, South Parigi District, Parigi Moutong District. This research was conducted for three months, from January to March 2019. The research location was located in Olo Baru Village, South Parigi Regency, Parigi Moutong Regency. In this study the data collection techniques used were observation and interviews (questionnaire) data collection using questionnaires and interview guidelines, respondents selected deliberately (purposive) consisting of: rubber farmer groups (20 people). The study uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded as follows: Development of rubber plants in the KPHP Model Dolago Tanggunung Olo Baru, South Parigi Village, Parigi Regency, Moutong Regency has gone according to plan in nursery activities (100%), planting (100%)), maintenance (100%), protection and protection (100%), seed requirements and alternative seed procurement (100%), group institutions (85%), technical guidance (90%), There is one activity that has not been maximally realized, namely counseling and mentoring (25%) .Kata Kunci : KPHP Area Of The Dolago Tanggunung Mode


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    All the aforementioned areas must continue to be developed by the Regional Government (PEMDA) in each city in Indonesia in order to realize a green city because the LG is an institution responsible for providing and determining the function of a green space. This study aims to determine the suitability of the Kaombona urban forest development plan in Mantikulore District, Talise Village, Central Sulawesi Province with the applicable provisions based on the Regulation of the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number: P.71 / Menhut-ii / 2009 concerning the implementation of urban forests. in March to May 2019, located in the City of Palu, Talise Village, Mantikulore District. The research location included the location of the City of Kaombona Forest. Data collection techniques are field observation, interviews and documentation. Later data were analyzed using the suitability of the Minister of Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number: P.71 / Menhut-II / 2009 and descriptive. The planning of the development of the Kaombona City forest is categorized according to the Minister of Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No: P.17 / Menhut / -II / 2009 with 92% conformity rate. Kaombona City Forest is a type of recreation and protection City forest. The form of the Kaombona City Forest is in the form of clusters or groups with many strata. The function of the Kaombona City forest is the function of landscaping, environmental preservation and aesthetics.Keyword : the planning, development, city Forest


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    In the designation of the functions of the forest area established by the government needs to be held a review, so it is clear the designation of the functions of the forest area that needs to be protected and which may be utilized by the results. In relation to this it requires a conformity analysis of the forest area's functions using the latest data, namely large scale and current conditions. Such data can be analyzed using the Geographic Information System (GIS). Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based system useful in performing mapping (mapping) and analyzing various things and events that occur above the Earth's surface. GIS is very precisely used as an analytical tool in helping determine the function of protected forest areas on KPHL Tepo Asa Aroa in Kecamatan Petasia, northern Morowali County, Central Sulawesi Province. In this study, the methods used were forays (overlay) and scores. The outtake (overlay) and score are enforced against maps of marbles, maps of soil types, and precipitation maps to gain conformity of the protected forest area's function in Petasia Subdistrict, North Morowali County, Central Sulawesi Province. Of the result of the forest area's function scoring there is a mismatch of the 20.412.96 Ha forest area's forest function, the area of production forest is 7.934.21 Ha, and the area of limited production forest is 12.478.75 Ha, so remaining area of protected forest area is 823.25 Ha. It is in effect some factors namely class of marbles, soil type and rainfall intensity.Keywords : Forest protected, forest area, forest area Scor

    Pendugaan Volume, Biomassa dan Cadangan Karbon di Atas Permukaan Tanah Pada Kawasan Hutan Desa Lampo Kecamatan Banawa Tengah Kabupaten Donggala

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    Biomass is the mass of the living vegetation, which also plays an important role in the carbon cycle. Meanwhile, carbon stock is the carbon content stored either on the soil surface as plant biomass, necromass, or in the soil as soil organic matter. Before counting the biomass and carbon stock, we have to count the volume in the tree first. The purpose of this research was to estimate the volume, biomass and aboveground carbon stock stored in the Village Forest area in Lampo Village. This research was conducted for three months, from July 2020 - September 2020 in the Forest Area in Lampo Village, Banawa Tengah District, Donggala Regency. The results of this research showed that the total volume of vegetation in the Lampo Village Forest was 140.17 m³ / ha (trees) and 9.86 m³ / ha (poles); vegetation biomass in Lampo Village Forest is 137.09 tonnes / ha (trees) and 10.00 tonnes / ha (poles); and carbon reserves in Lampo Village Forest are 68.55 tonnes / ha (trees) and 5.00 tonnes / ha (poles). The dominant species group is Bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), of the 8 identified stands.Keywords: Allometrics, Biomass, Carbon Stoc