5 research outputs found

    Dimensions of authenticity in Malay cuisine from experts' perspectives

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    Food authenticity is defined as the originality and genuine of Malay cuisine in various aspects. It is an important element in portraying the family identity, culture and heritage of Malay community in Malaysia. Food experts including professional chefs and cooks are believed the parties that still practising and maintaining the authenticity of Malay cuisine in today’s scenario. Hence, in-depth interviews were individually conducted among the Malay food experts (n=15) in each State in Peninsular Malaysia to seek how an experts interprets the meaning and characteristics of authenticity in Malay cuisine that influenced the taste of the food. Technically, the food experts were chosen based on the diverse understanding, skills and experiences in Malay cuisine. Furthermore, the interview data were strengthened with extensive observation in their food outlets. Consequently, data analysis by using a self determination theory approach revealed that Malay food experts’ personality and motivation were directly accessed them to view the authenticity of Malay cuisine in three dimensions. There were consists of family culture (relational orientation, value, cooking skill, cooking method, cooking utensil and cooking ingredients), self interest (hobby, passion, permanent job, financial and events), and awareness (authentic taste, texture and appearance, modification, and alteration) characteristics. In a nutshell, these empirical findings demonstrated how a model of dimensions of authenticity in Malay cuisine and the characteristics able to influence the authentic taste of the cuisine from the experts’ perspective and served as guidance for future researches and interventions in Malay cuisine authenticity


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    2014ABSTRAK\ud EMI HUMAIRAH HAMZAH (B11110297), Tinjauan Yuridis Penolakan Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok (Class Action) Pada Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial Terhadap Putusan No. 02/PHI.G/2011/PN.Mks. Dibimbing oleh Prof. Dr. Marwati Riza, S.H., M.Si. selaku Pembimbing I dan Dr. Hamzah Halim, S.H., M.H. selaku pembimbing II.\ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami pertimbangan hakim terhadap penolakan Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok dalam Putusan perkara No.02/PHI.G/2011/PN.Mks., serta untuk mengetahui penyelesaian sengketa perselisihan hak yang menggunakan gugatan perwakilan kelompok.\ud Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pengadilan Negeri Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kepustakaan dan metode wawancara kemudian data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif.\ud Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, (1) majelis hakim telah memutus perkara tersebut berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 5 yang mewajibkan hakim untuk memeriksa dan mempertimbangkan kriteria gugatan perwakilan kelompok apakah gugatan yang diajukan oleh penggugat telah memenuhi syarat sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 PERMA No.1 Tahun 2002 tentang Acara Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok serta ditetapkan dalam suatu penetapan pengadilan. Selain itu majelis hakim pula memutuskan berdasarkan hukum acara yang berlaku di Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial sebagaimana telah diatur dalam UU No. 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial mengingat perkara tersebut mengenai perselisihan hak. Hal tersebut terlihat pada tindakan majelis hakim yang memutus perkara ini sebelum melakukan pemeriksaan mengenai pokok perkaranya, majelis hakim memeriksa mengenai formalitas gugatan penggugat. Namun gugatan dalam bentuk Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok tidak dapat diterapkan atau digunakan pada UU PPHI mengingat Pasal 84 UU PPHI. Berbeda dengan UU No.23/1997 tentang Lingkungan Hidup, UU No.8/1999 tentang Perlindungan konsumen, UU No. 18/1999 tentang Jasa Konstruksi dan UU No. 41/1999 tentang Kehutanan dapat menerapkan gugatan perwakilan kelompok karena undang-undang tersebut telah mengatur mengenai gugatan perwakilan kelompok. Oleh karena itu Majelis hakim kemudian menyatakan gugatan tersebut tidak dapat diterima. (2) Oleh karena PERMA No.1/2002 tentang Acara Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok tidak dapat diterapkan pada Pengadilan Hubungan industrial, maka penyelesaian perselisihan dalam perkara ini dapat diselesaikan dengan cara mengajukan kembali gugatan baru namun menggunakan gugatan biasa dengan surat kuasa khusus dari pekerja yang berselisih ke Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial sebagaimana ketentuan UU PPHI

    Challenges in sustaining the Malay traditional kuih among youth

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    The purpose of the article is to disclose the challenges in sustaining the Malay traditional kuih with differing levels of acceptance among youth in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Malay kuih also known as Malay dessert that referring to a product which uses specific raw ingredients; methods; processes; techniques; materials and utensils; and the recipes have been passed down from one generation to other generations. It is part of Malaysian culture, identity and heritage that should be sustained by all generations especially youth. Throughout observation and interviews with youth, age of 18 to 25 years old who are completed their secondary school and basically come from different family backgrounds, the trend of buying pattern among youth towards Malay traditional kuih were influenced by the family, friends and occasions. Six main themes that have been identified are including family, value, knowledge, motivation, way of life and pecuniary. Although all themes were emphasized by youth during the interviews, a closer look revealed that the themes evaluated quite differently based on their age and background. The exhibited divergences are found to be underpinned by different way of life dispositions, which are extremely important and affecting in shaping and influencing values amongst the youth. The results are promising meaningful understanding of the challenges to sustain the Malay traditional kuih among youth, which are reinforced by its complex culture diversities and globalization

    Religious thinking in children's short story published between 2012 and 2015 and its positive impact on children

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    This working paper discusses the religious thought in selected children’s short stories published between 2012 and 2015. The Panel of Assessor for Malaysia’s Premier Literary Award (HSPM) has expressed their disappointment with the mediocre quality of children’s short stories. Some believed that these short stories were written from the perspective of adult authors and did not satisfy the concept for children’s literature and child psychology. The present research adopts a qualitative approach of text analysis to identify and analyse whether the religious thoughts presented in each short story have a positive impact on the children or vice versa. This research seeks to determine whether the selected children’s short stories failed to provide good examples for their readers and that the authors failed to include child psychology and fulfil the literary concept for children in their writings. Scrutiny of the selected children’s short stories published between 2012 and 2015 showed that presented using the teaching elements based on the moral approach, preaching approach, and community approach in the Malay Methodology (Hashim Awang). Even though the authors included religious thought in the short stories to impart positive influence on the children, they failed to present the thought comprehensively because they did not adopt the concept of children’s literature and child psychology. Hence, this research seeks to identify and analyse the religious thought presented by the authors by scrutinising its positive influence on the readers, particularly children. This research adopts the model for children’s needs (an integration of Maslow’s theory with the Malay Methodology theory)