68 research outputs found


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     ABSTRACT The golden-yellow silk fibres obtained from Litsea cubeba Pers., westwood reared on leaves of three different host plants belonging to the family Lauraceous, were studied to evaluate their characteristic physico – chemical properties. The host plants M. bombycina King, L. cubeba Pers., Juss and L. citrate Roxby, significantly influenced silk length, width, sericin and amino acid contents of the fibres. The contents of the predominant amino acid; glycine (10.55 μg), aspartic (5.43 μg) and (7.15 μg), were higher in fibres obtained from cocoons of L. cubeba Pers., fed on M. bombycina, while alanine (9.46 μg) was higher in the fibres of cocoons obtained from the two host plant. The breaking load (17.191 g) and tenacity (3.562 g) were higher in cocoons from the host plant L. cubeba Pers. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed the amorphous nature of the fibres obtained from the cocoons of L. cubeba Pers., fed on L. polyantha and L. citrate while fibres obtained from cocoons from M.bombycina showed amorphous bands with little tendency to two dimensional order. Above all, the natural golden yellow hue of the fibre, which is one of the most important and commercially valuable added properties of this particular silk variety, was better retained in the fibres extracted from cocoons of L. cubeba Pers., larvae reared on M. bombycine. Keywords : amino acids, breaking load, L. cubeba Pers., tenacity, x-ray diffraction

    Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus Amarylifolius Roxb.,) Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan

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    The purposes of this study were to obtain the effect of drying time on antioxidant activity and to obtain the best quality herbal tea fragrant pandan leaves (Pandanus amarylifollius Roxb.,). This study used a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used were herbal tea fragrant pandan leaves are P1 (drying 110 minutes), P2(drying 130 minutes), P3 (drying 150 minutes), P4 (drying 170 minutes) and P5 (drying 190 minutes). Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% level. The results showed that the drying time significantly affected the moisture content, ash content, antioxidant activity and sensory assessment (descriptive and hedonic). The treatment chosen from the results of this research was the treatment P3(Drying 150 minutes). Treatment of P3 had a water content of 5,17%, ash content of 3,30% and antioxidant activity (IC50) of 5,68 ppm. Rate sensory descriptive and hedonic herbal tea fragrant pandan leaves treatment P3 had the colour of powdered tea that was green and the colour of brewed tea was a little green, the aroma of tea powder was scented fragrant pandan leaves and the aroma was brewed tea wasa little scented fragrant pandan leaves, taste steeping tea was a little astringent. The overall assessment of herbal tea steeping fragrant pandan leaves was slightly favored and tea powder was too slightly favored by the panelists

    Pembuatan Briket Arang Daun Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Dengan Perekat Pati Sagu (Metroxylon Sago Rott.)

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    Increasing need of energy and decreasing of fuel supply requires human to discover alternative energy resources. Consequently, there should be a research to discover a new renewable energy source such as palm leaves waste. Oil palm\u27s leaves (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) are mostly the least used waste from oil palm plantation as an alternative energy resources. This research aims to discover the precise adhesive consentration rate in sago\u27s starch (Metroxylon sago Rott.) to make oil palm\u27s kernel, which are 97%:3%, 96%:4%, 95%:5%, 94%:6%, and 93%:7%. Based on analitycal result of oil palm\u27s leaves charcoal briquet research, the best quality briquet is the P1 composition which composed rate is 97%:3%, has 3,21% water content, 30,18% ashes content, 0,0022 g/s combustion rate, 20,73% evaporated substance rate, 54,46% carbon rate, and 5.114 cal/g heat value

    Pemanfaatan Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.,) dan Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.,) dalam Pembuatan Fruit Leather

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    This study aimed was to got exact formulation of combination of papaya fruit puree and tomato puree in the manufacture of fruit leather. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used against fruit leather were PT1 (papaya fruit puree 65%, tomato puree 35%), PT2 (papaya fruit puree 55%, tomato puree 45%), PT3 (papaya fruit puree 50%, tomato puree 50%), PT4 (45% papaya fruit puree, tomato puree 55%) and PT5 (35% papaya fruit puree, tomato puree 65%). Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% level. The results showed that the use of papaya fruit puree and tomato puree significantly effect on water content, ash content, acidity (pH), fiber content, total sugar content and sensory analysis. Fruit leather chosen from the results of this study was fruit leather treatment PT2 which has moisture content 11,86%, ash content 1,03%, degree of acidity 4,39, fiber content 3,12%, levels total sugar 36,45%, reddish orange color, flavor slightly fruity papaya and tomatoes, slightly sour taste, chewy texture and overall assessment fruit leather preferred by the panelists

    Perbedaan Ukuran Partikel terhadap Kualitas Briket Arang Daun Pisang Kering

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    Dry banana leaves contain beneficial compounds lignin and cellulose which is quite high and has not been utilized optimally. Therefore, the study aims to take advantage of dry banana leaves as the main material for the manufacturing of charcoal briquettes and charcoal briquettes obtain formulations are of good quality. The study was conducted experimentally using Complete Random Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications and continued with Duncan\u27s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at level 5%. The treatmentsin the research including P0 (charcoal powder dry banana leaveswithout sieve), P1 (charcoal powder dry banana leaves20 mesh), P2 (charcoal powder dry banana leaves40 mesh), P3 (charcoal powder dry banana leaves60 mesh), P4 (charcoal powder dry banana leaves80 mesh), and P5 (charcoal powder dry banana leaves100 mesh). The result of analysis of variance showed that the particle size charcoal dry banana leaves significant effect on ash content, density, calorific value and fueled power. Selected treatment wasP3 (charcoal powder dry banana leaves 60 mesh) which has a water content 6.80%, ash content of 29.86%, a density of 0.38 g/cm3, 4646 calorific value cal/g, and fueled power 0.0016 g/sec

    Utilization of Striped Snakehead Fish and Tofu Dregs in Making Nugget

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    This research aimed to get the best formulation of striped snakehead fish and tofu dregs nuggets based on Indonesian National Standard SNI 7758-2013. A completely randomized design was conducted with five treatments, which were the ratios of striped snakehead fish and tofu dregs, such as 90:10, 85:15, 80:20, 75:25, and 70:30, and three replications. Data showed a significant effect of the ratio of striped snakehead fish and tofu dregs on moisture, ash, protein, crude fibre content, and descriptive analysis in sensory evaluation and overall hedonic test on nugget. The nugget from the ratio of striped snakehead fish and tofu dregs 90:10 was the best formulation with a moisture content of 64.66%, an ash content of 1.04%, protein content of 9.69%, a fat content of 0.65%, and crude fibre content of 0.61%. The descriptive sensory analysis showed that the nugget had a white color inside and a golden yellow outside, flavored with striped snakehead fish, a bit chewy, and had a striped snakehead fish taste

    Characteristics of Charcoal Briquwttes from Palm Oil Midrib and Coconut Midrib with Tapioka Glue

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    The purpose of this study aims to get the best combination of palm oil midrib and coconut midrib in making charcoal briquettes. The study was conducted experimentally using a complete randomized design method consisting of 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments in this study were the ratio of palm oil midrib and coconut midrib charcoal as follows: KSK1 (100:0), KSK2 (75:25), KSK3 (50:50), KSK4 (25:75) and KSK5 (0:100). The parameters observed were density, water content, ash content, vapour content, bound carbon content and heating value. The result of palm oil midrib and coconut midrib shells had a significant effect on density, water content, ash content, vapour content, bound carbon content and heating value. Based on the results of the analysis, the best treatment in this study were KSK4 of palm oil midrib and coconut midrib (25:75) with a density of 0,58 g/cm3, water content 5,82%, ash content 5,87%, evaporating content 15,01%, bound carbon content 79,12%, and heating value content 6596,65 cal/g

    Variasi Tingkat Keasaman dalam Ekstraksi Pektin Kulit Buah Durian

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    This study aims to obtain the best pH in the extraction of durian rind pectin. Research conducted experiments using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments are: P1 (extraction pH 1.5); P2 (extraction pH 2.0); P3 (extraction pH 2.5), and P4 (extraction pH 3.0). The results showed that the variation in the level of acidity in the manufacture of durian rind pectin significant effect on yield, methoxyl content, moisture content, ash content and organoleptic assessment of the color. Pectin P1-P4 treatment meets the standards IPPA (International Pectin Producers Association) For The best treatment in this study is the P1 treatment (extraction pH 1.5) produced pectinbetter to yield 2.60%, 4.35% methoxyl content, water content 8.38%, ash content 7.69% and pectin brown color

    Pembuatan Mi Instan dari Tepung Jagung Lokal Riau dengan Penambahan Brokoli (Brassica Oleracea L.,)

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    Instant noodles is favorite food in Indonesia. Instant noodles generally made from wheat flour, which is not Indonesian agricultural product. Diversification was needed to solve this problem. Corn flour is potential resource to develop. Instan noodles generally low nutrient, then need to addition other food matter like broccoli have a lot of calcium. The purpose of this study was to obtain the ratio of corn flour and broccoli that meet the quality of instant noodles on SNI 01-3551-2000. This research was carried out experimentally using completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications. The treatments in this study include JB1 (ratio corn flour and broccoli 11:0), JB2 (ratio corn flour and broccoli 10:1), JB3 (ratio corn flour and broccoli 9:2), JB4 (ratio corn flour and broccoli 8:3), and JB5 (ratio corn flour and broccoli 7:4). The data obtained were treated by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by a test using Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. The best instant noodles of this study was JB3 (ratio corn flour and broccoli 9:2). The best instant noodles results showed moisture content 6.62%, protein 5.86%, acid number 0.51%, calcium 13.56 mg/g, rehydration time 5.72 minutes and intactness 93.77% with description color was yellow, corn flavour, corn taste, hard texture and the panelists expressed the impression like

    Pemanfaatan Pati Sagu dan Tepung Biji Saga dalam Pembuatan Mi Instan

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the quality of instant noodles from sago starch by the addition of saga seed flour, which meet the instant noddles quality (SNI 01-3551-2000). Research conducted by experiments using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatment and 3 replications. The treatment consist of SG0 (noodles from sago starch 100%), SG1 (noodles from sago starch 95%, saga seed flour 5%), SG2 (noodles from sago starch 90%, saga seed flour 10%), SG3 (noodles from sago starch 85%, saga seed flour 15%), SG4 (noodles from sago starch 80%, saga seed flour 20%), SG5 (noodles from sago starch 75%, saga seed flour 25%). The data obtainedwere statistically analyzed using ANOVA. Parameters measuredwere moisture, ash, protein contents and acid value, rehydration time and intactness. The results showed that the ratio of sago starch and saga seed flour significantly on moistureand protein contents, acid value, intactness and rehydration time. The best treatment in this study was 75% sago starch and 25% saga seed flour, with moisture content before frying 5,15%, water content after frying 3,64%, protein content 4,87%, acid value 0,05 ml KOH/g, intactness 95,63% and rehydration time 4,11 minute. Instan noodles produced from sago starch and saga seed flour are meet the quality standard of instant noodles (SNI-01-3551-2000) except SG0 treatment