11 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the intention of young investors to invest in amanah saham bumiputera fixed-price unit trust in Sabah

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    The focus of this research is to investigate the factors that influence young investors’ intention to invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera fixed-price unit trust. In this study, intention focuses on young investors selecting Amanah Saham Bumiputera as one of their wealth accumulation platforms. Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a baseline theory, this study proposes attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control and awareness as factors influencing the intention to invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) unit trust. Using a sample of 150 respondents among young Bumiputera investors, this study tested the causal pathway of factors that influence young investor’s intention to invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera fixed-price unit trust. SmartPLS software was used to conduct the analysis and it was found that all hypotheses have positive relationship towards intention to invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera fixed-price unit trust. This research adds to the body of knowledge in offering theoretical support of TPB and broadening the understanding on the field of unit trust. The findings also show that attitude has the biggest influence factor affecting young investors to invest in ASB. Hence, this research offers practical insights that potential investors might use to discover investment opportunities in the future

    Exploring Motivational Factors For Muslims' Cash Waqf Participation: : A Case Study In Selangor, Malaysia

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    The Muslim population in Malaysia has long followed the practice of paying monetary waqf to mosques. However, no prior research has revealed the characteristics that drive donors to provide cash waqf. As a result, this research aims to investigate the factorsthat motivate Muslims in Selangor to pay monetary waqf to mosques. This study is deductive quantitative survey research in which the conceptual model was developed based on theory and empirical findings. To evaluate data for research utilising Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), 200 sample questionnaires were collected and analysed using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). This study discovered that the characteristics, attitudes, subjective norms, and religiosity greatly influenced the intention of Muslims in Selangor, Malaysia, to pay cash waqf to a mosque as a result of data analysis. This study should have a theoretical impact by empirically contributing reference information to the body of knowledge in the field of waq

    Islamic Credit Card Adoption: Empirical Evidence From Malaysia

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the factors determining the Malaysian bank customers’ behavioral intention to use Islamic credit card. Drawing from the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study proposes a modified and simplified model to examine the acceptance factors of attitude, subjective norm and perceived financial cost within the Islamic credit card context. The model is tested using survey data from 257 respondents. The results reveal that attitude, subjective norm and perceived financial cost significantly influence the Islamic credit card intention to use. The study is an eye opener on the need to establish the link between TRA and Islamic credit card behavioral intention, which previously is limited to investigate

    Penelitian susun atur akad dalam borang takaful kenderaan di Malaysia: Kajian perbandingan borang takaful kenderaan di Malaysia dan Jordan

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    Takaful ialah alternatif kepada insurans konvensional yang telah difatwakan haram oleh jumhur ulama kerana mengandungi unsur-unsur riba, gharar, dan perjudian.Walau bagaimanapun akad takaful yang berteraskan tabarru’ masih wujud kekurangan antaranya, ianya banyak menyerupai insurans biasa daripada segi penjualan polisi perlindungan, pengurusan dana dan dalam proses pengunderaitan serta pengkelasan risiko yang menjadikannya lebih rumit untuk difahami oleh masyarakat.Berdasarkan susun atur dan perletakan ayat dalam borang akad takaful kenderaan berkemungkinan menjadikan penyebab sumber kecelaruan pemahaman dalam membuat akad dan pengandalian borang akad takaful kenderaan yang hampir menyerupai konsep insurans konvensional. Hal ini boleh menimbulkan kebimbangan dan kajian perlu dijalankan terhadap perletakan konsep akad di dalam helaian borang daripada pelbagai segi terutamanya dengan melihat bagaimana negara lain seperti negara Jordan menghasilkan borang akad takaful kenderaan mereka sebagai langkah memurnikan urusan akad itu sendiri

    Factors determining islamic financial literacy among Bankers in Kuala Lumpur and Labuan

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    This article presents the findings on the study that determine the factors which influence financial literacy of bankers around Kuala Lumpur in term of Islamic financial products. The Governor of Central Bank of Malaysia pointed out several years ago that in order to make Islamic financial products acceptable to a wider spectrum of Investors and businessmen alike, financial literacy on Islamic financial products need to be enhanced. This is to facilitate transactions, with a clear understanding and appreciation of the unique characteristics and features of Islamic Rnance and its real economic value. However, to date there is scarcity of the studies of Islamic financial literacy in Malaysia. This is proven when Kayed (2008) queries if there are any attempts by the research community to assess levels of Islamic financial literacy in various Muslim communities. In addition, Ahmad (2010) also points out the Importance of Islamic financial literacy. These issues have actually motivated the current study to review available literatures on financial literacy mainly focusing on the Islamic financial literacy. The objectives of this study are (i) to determine if the bankers possess adequate financial literacy to undertake financial decision with respect to Islamic financial products and services, and (ii) to identify the significant factors that influence Islamic financial literacy among bankers. SEM was used to analyze the variables that affect financial titeracy. The findings reveal that 3 factors determine banker's financial literacy on Istamic financial products and services

    Islamic financial literacy: empirical study among bankers In Kuala Lumpur and Labuan

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    This article presents the findings on the study that determines the factors which influence financial literacy of bankers around Kuala Lumpur in term of Islamic financial products. The Governor of Central Bank of Malaysia pointed out several years ago that in order to make Islamic financial products acceptable to a wider spectrum of investors and businesspeople alike, financial literacy on Islamic financial products needs to be enhanced. This is to facilitate transactions, with a clear understanding and appreciation of the unique characteristics and features of Islamic Finance and its real economic value. However, to date there is scarcity in the studies of Islamic financial literacy in Malaysia. This is proven when Kayed (2008) queries if there are any attempts by the research community to assess levels of Islamic financial literacy in various Muslim communities. In addition, Ahmad (2010) also points out the importance of Islamic financial literacy. These issues have actually motivated the current study to review available literature focusing on the Islamic financial literacy. The objectives of this study are to (i) determine if the bankers possess adequate financial literacy to undertake financial decision with respect to Islamic financial products and services, and (ii) identify the significant factors that influence Islamic financial literacy among bankers. SEM was used to analyze the variables that affect financial literacy. The findings reveal that 3 factors determine banker’s financial literacy on Islamic financial products and services

    The product range conceptualization for Islamic SME financing

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    The SME sector is the most critical client for bank financing, particularly in commercial business banking. A dual banking system in which Islamic and conventional financial institutions coexist makes the financial market more competitive. To ensure that Islamic financial products and services can compete with the existing market, Islamic banking management must ensure that its services, particularly in the SME sector, have a place. Knowing the banking product preferences of those firms is one of the steps that should be taken. As a result, this study will develop a conceptual framework for the product range of Islamic banking products to investigate the SME owner's preference for Islamic SME financing. The product range of this range will be strengthened further with the theoretical support of planned behavior from the Managerial perspective among SMEs

    Proposing an alternative model for financing micro enterprises in Afghanistan

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    The advancement of Micro-Enterprises (MEs) holds significant value in a nation such as Afghanistan, where MEs form a substantial portion of the private sector and play a pivotal role in fostering the country's economic development. Notwithstanding the acknowledged significance of MEs, securing adequate financial support for them remains an onerous task. It is evident that MEs in Afghanistan confront formidable financing hurdles, encompassing exorbitant borrowing costs, stringent collateral prerequisites, rigorous documentation mandates, the necessity for comprehensive business blueprints, and the imperative need for robust financial record-keeping. Unfortunately, a considerable portion of these MEs find it difficult to meet these requisites, consequently perpetuating their challenges in procuring external financing. Consequently, this study introduces an innovative model termed the Integrated Qardhul Hasan and Equity-based Micro Enterprise Development (IQEMD) model. The study critically surveys pertinent literature related to the issues MEs encounter when attempting to secure financing, including Qardhul Hasan and equity-based financing, and utilizes these insights to formulate the IQEMD model. This model is designed not only to alleviate the external financing conundrum faced by MEs but also to enhance their overall performance and amplify their contributions to the national economic landscape. The study culminates with a prospective recommendation for further exploration in this domain

    Exploring motivational factors for Muslims cash waqf participation: A case analysis from Selangor, Malaysia

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    The Muslim population in Malaysia has long followed the practice of paying monetary waqf to mosques. However, no prior research has revealed the characteristics that drive donors to provide cash waqf. As a result, this research aims to investigate the factorsthat motivate Muslims in Selangor to pay monetary waqf to mosques. This study is deductive quantitative survey research in which the conceptual model was developed based on theory and empirical findings. To evaluate data for research utilising Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), 200 sample questionnaires were collected and analysed using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). This study discovered that the characteristics, attitudes, subjective norms, and religiosity greatly influenced the intention of Muslims in Selangor, Malaysia, to pay cash waqf to a mosque as a result of data analysis. This study should have a theoretical impact by empirically contributing reference information to the body of knowledge in the field of waqf

    Movement Control Order (MCO): An Syar'iyyah Political Approach

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    Covid-19 is a pandemic that has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic that has claimed many lives around the world. As of January 1, 2021, the world has recorded at least two million infected victims. Implementing the movement control order is one of the best ways implemented by the government today in curbing the Covid-19 epidemic until a vaccine is available. The method of discussion found in this article is based on document analysis by referring to authoritative books, journals, articles, and websites. The study's findings found that the Movement Control Order implemented by the Malaysian government is based on 'Siyasah Syar'iyyah' in maintaining and curbing the spread of Covid19 in Malaysia