108 research outputs found

    Mitotic metaphase karyotype of the mosquito Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) from Kassala State, eastern Sudan

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    The mosquito Anopheles arabiensis Patton is the most important malaria vector in Sudan. The study was conducted for the first time to describe numerically the karyotype of An. arabiensis from Kassala State, eastern Sudan. Adults An. arabiensis were caught from human dwellings during the rainy season of 2022. We examined for the first time the utility of brain ganglia tissues of adult mosquitoes for mitotic chromosomal preparations using Giemsa stain - spreading technique. High-quality chromosomal preparations were examined and photographed. Chromosome measurements were carried out using computer software and analyzed statistically using SPSS® software. The diploid mitotic chromosome complement of An. arabiensis consists of three pairs of chromosomes, two pairs of metacentric autosomes (chromosome II and chromosome III) and one acrocentric dot-shaped pair, sex chromosome, which is homomorphic in females (XX) and heteromorphic in males (XY). Chromosome II was described as the longest (2.61±0.07) of the complement and constitute 44.39% of the total length (5.88 μm) of the haploid chromosomes set, while chromosome I (X=1.39 ±0.04; Y=1.04±0.04) as the shortest chromosome. Chromosome X appears in the males significantly larger than chromosome Y (P = 0.00). Chromosome III has an intermediate length (1.88±0.06) compared with the other chromosomes. Comparison of the average lengths of the three chromosome pairs by ANOVA test revealed highly statistical significant differences between them (P < 0.00). The study establishes a strong cytogentic data, which can contribute to accurate identification of the mosquito An. arabiensis and to planning human malaria vector control programs in Kassala State, eastern Sudan

    Patrones de variabilidad de las microalgas epibentónicas en la costa este tunecina

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    Epiphytic microalgae were monitored on various substrates of seagrass and macroalgae and in the water column for one year (from March 2013 to March 2014) in Oued Lafrann along the eastern coast of Chebba (Tunisia) with a focus on the distribution patterns of the epibenthic toxic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Prorocentrum lima and Coolia monotis. Microalgae assemblages were dominated by diatoms and dinoflagellates both in the water column and on vegetation. High concentrations of epiphytic toxic and potentially toxic dinoflagellates were preferentially hosted by Posidonia leaves, mainly in the apical and middle regions of the leaves, and P. lima was the dominant species. A significant positive correlation was found between P. lima concentrations on Posidonia and in the water column, suggesting that macrophytes should be sampled in the framework of harmful algal species monitoring. Ostreopsis cf. ovata, exhibited low concentrations and was mainly present on the inner surface of the Posidonia leaf, whereas P. lima was mainly present on the outer surface of the leaf, suggesting a likely space competition.Las microalgas epifitas fueron monitorizadas en varios sustratos de praderas marinas, macroalgas y en la columna de agua durante un año (de marzo 2013 hasta marzo 2014) en Oued Lafrann, en la costa este de Chebba (Túnez), con especial atención a la distribución de dinoflagelados tóxicos epibénicos, como Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Prorocentrum lima y Coolia monotis. Las comunidades de microalgas estaban dominadas por diatomeas y dinoflagelados, tanto en la columna de agua como en la vegetación. Se encontraron elevadas concentraciones de dinoflagelados epífitos tóxicos preferentemente en las hojas de Posidonia, principalmente en las regiones apicales y media y Prorocentrum lima fue la especie epífita dominante. Se observó una correlación positiva significativa entre las concentraciones de P. lima en Posidonia y en la columna de agua, lo que sugiere el muestreo de esta macrófita como parte de la monitorización de especies nocivas. Las células de Ostreopsis cf. ovata mostraron concentraciones bajas y se encontraron principalmente en la superficie interior de la hoja de Posidonia contrariamente a la distribución de P. lima presente principalmente en la superficie exterior de la lámina. Este hecho probablemente sugiere una competencia espacial entre los dos microalgas tóxicas

    Variabilidad en la estructura de las comunidades de microalgas epífitas en las hojas de Posidonia oceanica en respuesta a las perturbaciones humanas en una pradera de Túnez

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    We investigated the impact of sewage discharge on Posidonia oceanica meadows in Mahdia, eastern Tunisia. We specifically addressed changes in biometric plant parameters and epiphytic microalgae composition on leaves caused by this anthropogenic interference. A hierarchical sampling design was used to compare epiphytic microalgae structure between one disturbed and two control stations. Samples were collected by SCUBA diving at 8 m depth in August 2009. A total of 58 microalgae taxa were identified on leaves. At the disturbed station, leaf length, leaf surface area and the leaf area index decreased, whereas epiphytic dinoflagellate abundances increased compared with the control stations, with more Prorocentrales, Protoperidiniales and potentially toxic species on leaves of the disturbed station. Moderate nutrient enrichment (mainly Si(OH)4 and NH4+) and low water transparency at the disturbed station were associated with the increased abundances of some dinoflagellate species.Se ha investigado el impacto de los vertidos de aguas residuales en praderas de Posidonia oceanica situadas en Mahdia (Este de Túnez). Se han estudiado los cambios en los parámetros biométricos de la planta y la composición de las microalgas epífitas en las hojas causadas por esta interferencia antrópica. Se ha utilizado un diseño de muestreo jerárquico para comparar las microalgas epífitas entre la estación perturbada y dos estaciones control. Las muestras se recolectaron en buceo autónomo a 8 m de profundidad en Agosto de 2009. La longitud, el área y el índice de área de las hojas era inferior en la estación perturbada mientras que las abundancias de los dinoflagelados epífitos eran mayores en las estaciones control, con más Prorocentrales, Protoperidiniales y otras especies tóxicas potenciales en las hojas de la estación perturbada. Un ligero aumento de nutrientes en la estación perturbada (sobre todo Si(OH)4 y NH4+) y una menor transparencia del agua iba asociada a un aumento en la abundancia de algunas especies de dinoflageladas

    Variability in the Structure of Planktonic Microalgae Assemblages in Water Column Associated with Posidonia oceanica

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    Patterns of phytoplankton in areas with seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) and areas without seagrass were quantified in the coast of Chebba (East of Tunisia). Replicate samples were collected at August 2011, from four stations (separated by 500 of metres). The diversity of phytoplankton was high around P. oceanica meadows compared to area without seagrass. A possible explanation to this finding is that water motion and hydrodynamics forces cause leaves agitation allowing the passage of epiphytic species in the water column. Our results also show an increase of abundance of potentially toxic dinoflagellates around Posidonia bed such as Alexandrium minitum, Amphidinium carterae, Karenia selliformis, Coolia monatis, Karlodinium veneficum, Ostreopsis ovata, Prorocentrum concavum, P. minimum, P. rathymum, and P. lima. Installation of fish farms on Posidonia beds should be avoided, not only to preserve this vulnerable habitat, but also to avoid fish contamination by toxic species derived from the resuspension of epiphytic community on seagrass substrata to the water column


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    Objectives: The study was carried out to investigate the ecology of A. arabiensis and their susceptibility to insecticides in Kassala area, eastern Sudan. Methods: Both adult anopheline mosquitoes and immature stages were sampled monthly following the standard WHO procedures during the period November 2000 through January 2002. The susceptibility of A. arabiensis to insecticides was conducted using the WHO standard technique. Results: A. arabiensis was the main malaria vector; its density fluctuated throughout the year with&nbsp; bimodal peaks during the rainy (6.1 females/room and 56.1 larvae/dip) and the cool dry seasons (4.8 females/room and 47.5 larvae/dip). The difference was not statistically significant (P&gt;0.05). An indication of partial aestivation of A. arabiensis to adapt the harsh environmental conditions of the dry season was confirmed in the area. Adult populations like to cluster around breeding sites in an area of less than 200 m. The susceptibility to DDT and fenitrothion was 88.3% and 100% respectively. Conclusion: A. arabiensis is the sole malaria vector in Kassala area and it was highly susceptible to the insecticides tested and these should be considered for malaria vector control in the area

    Graves' Disease Associated with Cerebrovascular Disease and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome

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    Thyroid disorders are commonly associated with coagulopathy. Patients with hyperthyroidism have increased risk for developing thromboembolic accidents, which are favoured by a simultaneous presence of antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome. in this paper, we describe the case of a patient with Graves' disease, who developed strokes with antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11-Beta-hydroxylase deficiency in a Tunisian family

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia refers to a group of rare genetic disorders affecting the adrenal glands. 21-hydroxylase deficiency is the most prevalent and the most studied cause while the remaining enzymatic defects are less common, accounting for less than 10% of cases. We herein described the clinical, biological and molecular characteristics and outcome of patients of the same family diagnosed with 11-Beta-hydroxylase deficiency. The disorder was revealed by peripheral precocious puberty between the age of 2-3 years in males and by the virilization of the external genitalia in females. Genetics finding a homozygous p.Gly379Val mutation in the CYP11B1 gene. All patients received hydrocortisone supplementation therapy and mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist. The females underwent a surgical correction of the ambiguous genitalia at the neonatal age. Long term follow-up revealed metabolic syndrome, obesity and hypertension in the first two patients, an impaired final height in the two females and hypokalemia in three patients

    Distribución y abundancia de los primeros estadios de desarrollo de Sardina pilchardus en el golfo de Túnez (Mediterráneo central) en relación con los factores ambientales

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    Four seasonal surveys were carried out in the Gulf of Tunis between summer 2002 and spring 2003 to study the abundance and distribution of Sardina pilchardus eggs and larvae in relation to environmental parameters. In the Gulf of Tunis, Sardina pilchardus begins spawning in autumn (23 eggs/10 m²) and attains its peak in winter (257 eggs/10 m²) when the mean SST is lowest (13.4°C). Sardine reproduction seems to be triggered by the decrease in the SST. In winter, the main spawning areas were located to the south of Zembra Island and the north of Cape Bon. Larvae were more abundant in winter (38 larvae/10 m²), while lower densities were collected in autumn and spring (1 larva/10 m²). The highest abundance of larvae (288 larvae/10 m²) was recorded southwest of Zembra Island. Eggs and larvae were mainly concentrated in the relatively warmer and saltier waters with high zooplankton abundance and, inversely, with a low concentration of nitrate and chlorophyll a and a low diatom abundance.Se llevaron a cabo cuatro campañas en el golfo de Túnez, entre verano del 2002 y primavera del 2003, con el objetivo de estudiar la abundancia y distribución de los huevos y larvas de Sardina pilchardus en relación con parámetros ambientales. En el golfo de Túnez Sardina pilchardus inicia la freza en otoño (23 huevos/10 m²), alcanzando el pico de puesta en invierno (257 huevos/10 m²), cuando la temperatura superficial media (SST) es mínima (13.4°C). La reproducción de la sardina se dispara al parecer por el descenso de la SST. En invierno, las principales áreas de puesta se localizaron al sur de la isla de Zembra y en el norte del Cabo Bon. Las larvas fueron más abundantes en invierno (38 larvas/10 m²); mientras que se recogieron menores densidades en otoño y primavera (1 larva/10 m²). La mayor abundancia larvaria (288 larvas/10 m²) fue observada en el suroeste de la isla de Zembra. Los huevos y larvas se concentraron principalmente en las aguas relativamente más cálidas y salinas, con altas abundancias de zooplancton, e inversamente bajas concentraciones de nitrato, clorofila a y abundancia de diatomeas

    Impressions and attitudes of adult residents of Karachi towards a possible public health insurance scheme

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    Objective: To gauge the general population\u27s knowledge and attitude towards a possible public health insurance scheme.Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from April to May 2015, and comprised permanent residents of the city. Convenience sampling was used. Data was collected via questionnaires. SPSS 22 was used for data analysis.Results: There were 340 participants in the study with an overall mean age of 32.9±12.4 years. Besides, 159(46.8%) participants were aware of the concept of medical insurance while the correct definition was identified by 160(50.5%) respondents. Overall, 256(75.3%) participants were willing to join a theoretical public health insurance scheme. Of all the respondents, 107(31.5%) had faced a catastrophic event in the past and consequently were more willing to join. Of those unsure or not willing to join, 33(37.9%) respondents identified lack of trust in government programmes as the main reason for their choice.CONCLUSIONS: A large majority of adults had a favourable attitude towards the implementation of a possible public health insurance scheme