3,100 research outputs found

    Space shuttle main engine hardware simulation

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    The Huntsville Simulation Laboratory (HSL) provides a simulation facility to test and verify the space shuttle main engine (SSME) avionics and software system using a maximum complement of flight type hardware. The HSL permits evaluations and analyses of the SSME avionics hardware, software, control system, and mathematical models. The laboratory has performed a wide spectrum of tests and verified operational procedures to ensure system component compatibility under all operating conditions. It is a test bed for integration of hardware/software/hydraulics. The HSL is and has been an invaluable tool in the design and development of the SSME

    Improved diamond coring bits developed for dry and chip-flush drilling

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    Two rotary diamond bit designs, one operating with a chip-flushing fluid, the second including auger section to remove drilled chips, enhance usefulness of tool for exploratory and industrial core-drilling of hard, abrasive mineral deposits and structural masonry

    The ethics of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia

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    The Role of Degassing in XLPE Power Cable Manufacture

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    This paper appears in: Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE. ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.This article focuses on a range of elements critical to this process; form the fundamental chemistry, through computational and measurement techniques to the solutions that are in use today. Degassing contributes greatly to the quality of power cables by improving the certainty in electrical testing and improving the dielectric properties. To ensure that the degassing process delivers the expected benefits, it is important to measure and model the process by which the crosslinking byproducts are desorbed from the cable polymers. Weight loss and HPLC have shown themselves to be the most effective and practical measurement techniques

    Samolus valerandi L.

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    Viola striata Aiton

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    Viola sororia Willd.

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    Viola rafinesquii Greene

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    Viola pubescens var. eriocarpa (Schwein.) N.H.Russell

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