106 research outputs found

    Use of Finite Element and Finite Segment Methods in Modeling Rail Flexibility: A Comparative Study

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    Safety requirements and optimal performance of railroad vehicle systems require the use of multibody system (MBS) dynamics formulations that allow for modeling flexible bodies. This investigation will present three methods suited for the study of flexible track models while conclusions about their implementations and features are made. The first method is based on the floating frame of reference (FFR) formulation which allows for the use of a detailed finite element mesh with the component mode synthesis technique in order to obtain a reduced order model. In the second method, the flexible body is modeled as a finite number of rigid elements that are connected by springs and dampers. This method, called finite segment method (FSM) or rigid finite element method, requires the use of rigid MBS formulations only. In the third method, the FFR formulation is used to obtain a model that is equivalent to the FSM model by assuming that the rail segments are very stiff, thereby allowing the exclusion of the high frequency modes associated with the rail deformations. This FFR/FS model demonstrates that some rail movement scenarios such as gauge widening can be captured using the finite element FFR formulation. The three procedures FFR, FSM, and FFR/FS will be compared in order to establish differences among them and analyze the specific application of the FSM to modeling track flexibility. Convergence of the methods is analyzed. The three methods proposed in this investigation for modeling the movement of three-dimensional tracks are used with a three-dimensional elastic wheel/rail contact formulation that predicts contact points online and allows for updating the creepages to account for the rail deformations. Several conclusions will be drawn in view of the results obtained in this investigation

    Application of X-ray photoelectron Sspectroscopy in determining the structure of solid-phase bound substrates

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    The synthesis of compounds on solid supports has grown rapidly in the past 10 years, but one of the hurdles to the routine adoption of solid-supported chemistry is the limited number of analytical methods available to characterize resin-bound compounds. There have been methods developed for on-bead reaction monitoring of solid-phase reactions; both magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR1 and FTIR2 are useful techniques, but much solid-phase chemistry still relies on releasing the product from the solid support for validation. As a result, there still remains the need for complementary techniques that could quantify and/or identify functional groups prepared during solid-phase synthesis

    Support of academic synthetic chemistry using separation technologies from the pharmaceutical industry

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    The use of state-of-the-art separation tools from the pharmaceutical industry for addressing intractable separation problems from academic synthetic chemistry is evaluated, showing fast and useful results for the resolution of complex mixtures, separation of closely related components, visualization of difficult to detect compounds and purification of synthetic intermediates. Some recommendations for potential near term deployment of separation tools within academia and the evolution of next generation separation technologies are discussed