57 research outputs found

    On the perturbative corrections around D-string instantons

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    We study F4{\cal F}^4-threshold corrections in an eight dimensional S-dual pair of string theories, as a prototype of dual string vacua with sixteen supercharges. We show that the orbifold CFT description of D-string instantons gives rise to a perturbative expansion similar to the one appearing on the fundamental string side. By an explicit calculation, using the Nambu-Goto action in the static gauge, we show that the first subleading term agrees precisely on the two sides. We then give a general argument to show that the agreement extends to all orders.Comment: 12 page

    AdS/CFT correspondence and D1/D5 systems in theories with 16 supercharges

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    We discuss spectra of AdS3AdS_3 supergravities, arising in the near horizon geometry of D1/D5 systems in orbifolds/orientifolds of type IIB theory with 16 supercharges. These include models studied in a recent paper (hep-th/0012118), where the group action involves also a shift along a transversal circle, as well as IIB/ΩI4\Omega I_4, which is dual to IIB on K3K3. After appropriate assignements of the orbifold group eigenvalues and degrees to the supergravity single particle spectrum, we compute the supergravity elliptic genus and find agreement, in the expected regime of validity, with the elliptic genus obtained using U-duality map from (4,4) CFTs of U-dual backgrounds. Since this U-duality involves the exchange of KK momentum PP and D1 charge NN, it allows us to test the (4,4) CFTs in the P<N/4P < N/4 and N<P/4N < P/4 regimes by two different supergravity duals.Comment: 28 pages, no figure

    HDR-VDP-3: A multi-metric for predicting image differences, quality and contrast distortions in high dynamic range and regular content

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    High-Dynamic-Range Visual-Difference-Predictor version 3, or HDR-VDP-3, is a visual metric that can fulfill several tasks, such as full-reference image/video quality assessment, prediction of visual differences between a pair of images, or prediction of contrast distortions. Here we present a high-level overview of the metric, position it with respect to related work, explain the main differences compared to version 2.2, and describe how the metric was adapted for the HDR Video Quality Measurement Grand Challenge 2023

    Properties of branes in curved spacetimes

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    A generic property of curved manifolds is the existence of focal points. We show that branes located at focal points of the geometry satisfy special properties. Examples of backgrounds to which our discussion applies are AdS_m x S^n and plane wave backgrounds. As an example, we show that a pair of AdS_2 branes located at the north and south pole of the S^5 in AdS_5 x S^5 are half supersymmetric and that they are dual to a two-monopole solution of N=4 SU(N) SYM theory. Our second example involves spacelike branes in the (Lorentzian) plane wave. We develop a modified lightcone gauge for the open string channel, analyze in detail the cylinder diagram and establish open-closed duality. When the branes are located at focal points of the geometry the amplitude acquires most of the characteristics of flat space amplitudes. In the open string channel the special properties are due to stringy modes that become massless.Comment: 41 pages; v2:typos corrected, ref adde

    A New Noncommutative Product on the Fuzzy Two-Sphere Corresponding to the Unitary Representation of SU(2) and the Seiberg-Witten Map

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    We obtain a new explicit expression for the noncommutative (star) product on the fuzzy two-sphere which yields a unitary representation. This is done by constructing a star product, λ\star_{\lambda}, for an arbitrary representation of SU(2) which depends on a continuous parameter λ\lambda and searching for the values of λ\lambda which give unitary representations. We will find two series of values: λ=λj(A)=1/(2j)\lambda = \lambda^{(A)}_j=1/(2j) and λ=λj(B)=1/(2j+2)\lambda=\lambda^{(B)}_j =-1/(2j+2), where j is the spin of the representation of SU(2). At λ=λj(A)\lambda = \lambda^{(A)}_j the new star product λ\star_{\lambda} has poles. To avoid the singularity the functions on the sphere must be spherical harmonics of order 2j\ell \leq 2j and then λ\star_{\lambda} reduces to the star product \star obtained by Preusnajder. The star product at λ=λj(B)\lambda=\lambda^{(B)}_j, to be denoted by \bullet, is new. In this case the functions on the fuzzy sphere do not need to be spherical harmonics of order 2j\ell \leq 2j. Because in this case there is no cutoff on the order of spherical harmonics, the degrees of freedom of the gauge fields on the fuzzy sphere coincide with those on the commutative sphere. Therefore, although the field theory on the fuzzy sphere is a system with finite degrees of freedom, we can expect the existence of the Seiberg-Witten map between the noncommutative and commutative descriptions of the gauge theory on the sphere. We will derive the first few terms of the Seiberg-Witten map for the U(1) gauge theory on the fuzzy sphere by using power expansion around the commutative point λ=0\lambda=0.Comment: 15 pages, typos corrected, references added, a note adde

    String Theory on Dp-plane waves

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    We study the spectrum of solvable string models on plane waves descending from non-conformal Dp-brane geometries. We mainly focus on S-dual F1/D1-waves in type IIB and type I/heterotic 10D superstrings. We derive the Kaluza-Klein spectrum of N=1,2 10D supergravities on D1/F1-waves. We compute helicity supertraces counting multiplicities and R-charges of string excitations in the plane wave geometry. The results are compared against the expectations coming from gauge/supergravity descriptions. In the type I case, the Klein, Annulus and Moebius one-loop amplitudes are computed for ten-dimensional D1-waves. We test the consistency of the open string descendant by showing that after modular transformations to the closed string channel, the three amplitudes combine themselves to reconstruct a complete square (|B>+|C>)^2. Tadpole conditions are also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, Minor corrections, References adde

    The Fuzzy Sphere: From The Uncertainty Relation To The Stereographic Projection

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    On the fuzzy sphere, no state saturates simultaneously all the Heisenberg uncertainties. We propose a weaker uncertainty for which this holds. The family of states so obtained is physically motivated because it encodes information about positions in this fuzzy context. In particular, these states realize in a natural way a deformation of the stereographic projection. Surprisingly, in the large jj limit, they reproduce some properties of the ordinary coherent states on the non commutative plane.Comment: 18 pages, Latex. Minor changes in notations. Version to appear in JHE

    Comments on D-brane Interactions in PP-wave Backgrounds

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    We calculate the interaction potential between widely separated D-branes in PP-wave backgrounds in string theory as well as in low-energy supergravity. Timelike and spacelike orientations are qualitatively different but in both cases the effective brane tensions and RR charges take the same values as in Minkowski space in accordance with the expectations from the sigma model perturbation theory.Comment: Latex, 22 pages. Typos corrected and a reference added, final versio

    Quantized Nambu-Poisson Manifolds in a 3-Lie Algebra Reduced Model

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    We consider dimensional reduction of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson theory to a zero-dimensional 3-Lie algebra model and construct various stable solutions corresponding to quantized Nambu-Poisson manifolds. A recently proposed Higgs mechanism reduces this model to the IKKT matrix model. We find that in the strong coupling limit, our solutions correspond to ordinary noncommutative spaces arising as stable solutions in the IKKT model with D-brane backgrounds. In particular, this happens for S^3, R^3 and five-dimensional Neveu-Schwarz Hpp-waves. We expand our model around these backgrounds and find effective noncommutative field theories with complicated interactions involving higher-derivative terms. We also describe the relation of our reduced model to a cubic supermatrix model based on an osp(1|32) supersymmetry algebra.Comment: 22 page

    Thermodynamic behavior of IIA string theory on a pp-wave

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    We obtain the thermal one loop free energy and the Hagedorn temperature of IIA superstring theory on the pp-wave geometry which comes from the circle compactification of the maximally supersymmetric eleven dimensional one. We use both operator and path integral methods and find the complete agreement between them in the free energy expression. In particular, the free energy in the μ\mu \to \infty limit is shown to be identical with that of IIB string theory on maximally supersymmetric pp-wave, which indicates the universal thermal behavior of strings in the large class of pp-wave backgrounds. We show that the zero point energy and the modular properties of the free energy are naturally incorporated into the path integral formalism.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, JHEP style, v4: revised for clarity without change in main contents, version to appear in JHE