92 research outputs found

    Quality of foraging material and effect on hens feed intake, egg production and -quality

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    The study shows that different kinds of foraging material can influence both egg-production and quality in organic egg production. The composition of nutrients in the silages and carrots used in the present study was very different in content of protein, Met, starch and fibre. The particular batch of alfalfa silage used had a high content of protein and Met, which could contribute with essential amino acids. Diets based entirely on 100% organic feed ingredients could limit the supply of especially Met. Unfortunately, the alfalfa silage was also high in fibre content. The results imply the importance of using foraging material of a high quality and further studies on the quality of other types of silages or vegetables are relevant in order to obtain an optimal organic eggproduction with a high egg quality

    Challenges in organic egg-production related to the nutritional quality of foraging material and introduction of 100% organic feeding

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    Organc hens have daily access to foraging material and the quality are important for egg-production due to varying contents of amino acids (aa) and dietary fibres (Hammershøj and Steenfeldt, 2005; Steenfeldt et al., 2007). Supplying organic hens with appropriate amounts of protein and aa can become problematic with the introduction of 100% organic feed from 2012. The interest in growing protein sources nationally has increased in Denmark in consideration of the environment. Growing soybeans nationally would reduce import. Present hen genotypes used in organic egg-production have high nutrient-requirement, so using genotypes with lower protein-requirements could have some interesting perspectives

    Økologisk produktion smager godt

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    Økologiske æg betyder ikke alene et bedre høneliv; ved at vælge de rigtige produktionsdyr og det rigtige hønefoder kan forbrugeren få en bedre smagsoplevelse

    Infusion pasteurization of skim milk: Effects of different time-temperature combinations

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    Infusion pasteurization technology was used in different time-temperature combinations for heat treatment of skim milk and compared to untreated skim milk and a standard pasteurization treatment. Aerobic count of microorganisms and activity of alkaline phosphatase showed that all infusion-pasteurized samples had received proper pasteurization. There were no difference in the size of casein micelles, but differences were seen in activity of the enzyme xanthine oxidase. The results indicate possible differences in properties of infusion-pasteurized skim milk compared to standard pasteurized skim milk

    Høner med ansvar for ægkvalitet

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    I projekt QEMP om bl.a. økologisk ægproduktion viste to høneafstamninger sig at lægge æg af meget forskellig kvalitet. Mange faktorer har betydning for kvaliteten af hønseæg. Samtidig er ægkvalitet relativ i forhold til anvendelsen. Kvaliteten påvirkes bl.a. af fodring, tid og temperatur under lagring af æg, og hønens alder. Man ved, at forskellige genetiske afstamninger har forskellig ægydelse, skalfarve og skalkvalitet. Dog forudsættes æggenes indre kvalitet dvs. æggehvidens og æggeblommens sammensætning og indhold ofte at være ens uanset genetik

    Effect of grass–clover forage and whole-wheat feeding on the sensory quality of eggs

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    BACKGROUND: A sensory panel evaluated the sensory profile of eggs from hens from three experimental systems: (1) an indoor system × normal layer diet (InL), (2) a grass–clover forage system × normal layer diet (GrL), and (3) a grass–clover forage system × whole wheat and oyster shells (GrW). RESULTS: The taste of the albumen was significantly more ‘watery’ and the yolks a darker yellow/orange in the eggs from the GrL and GrW groups. The yolk was darkest from the GrW group. The yolks from the InL and GrW groups had a significantly more ‘fresh’, less ‘animal’, ‘cardboard’, and ‘intense’ aroma than the GrL group. The taste of the yolks from the InL and GrW groups was significantlymore ‘fresh’ and less ‘cardboard’-like compared to the GrL group. The yolks tasted significantly less ‘sulfurous’ in the GrW group than in the GrL group. CONCLUSION: The combination of a high feed intake from a grass–clover pasture and the type of feed allocated is an important factor in relation to the sensory quality of eggs. Thus, a less favourable sensory profile of eggs was found from hens on a grass–clover pasture and fed a normal layer diet

    Proteinforsyning i økologisk ægproduktion

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    I den økologiske fjerkræ- og svineproduktion er forsyning med tilstrækkeligt af de essentielle aminosyrer i foder et stigende problem, da foderet ifølge lovkravene skal indeholde en meget stor andel økologisk dyrkede råvarer. Der må ikke tilsættes syntetiske aminosyrer til økologisk foder, der fra 2012 skal være baseret på 100% økologiske råvarer. Selvom både den økologiske og den kommercielle husdyrproduktion er selvforsynende med nogle råvarer, er det stadig nødvendigt at importere en stor andel proteinråvarer for at tilgodese dyrenes behov for protein- og især aminosyrer. For lavt methionin-indhold i æglæggerfoder kan påvirke både ægproduktion og -kvalitet. En ubalance i foderets næringsstoffer kan være årsag til, at hønerne kommer i en mangelsituation, hvilket påvirker foderoptagelse, ægproduktion og fjerpilningsadfærd (Ambrosen and Petterson, 1997; McKeegan et al., 2001). Risikoen for stress øges hos dyrene, hvilket kan medføre nedsat modstandsdygtighed overfor infektionssygdomme. Det er altid sårbart at være afhængig af en stor import af protein-råvarer, og især harmonerer dette ikke med de økologiske principper. Lokalt produceret foder forbedrer mulighederne for kvalitetskontrol, samt minimerer miljøbelastning i forhold til en global transport. I forskellige forsøg med økologiske æglæggende høner har råvarer som sojabønner, lupin og quinoa været undersøgt som protein- og methinonin kilder i æglæggerfoder, der er baseret på 100% økologiske råvarer

    Karotenoider i økologiske æg

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    Ved at vælge grovfoder i den økologiske ægproduktion, som har et højt indhold af karotenoider eller indhold af de rødlige karotenoider, f.eks. violette gulerødder eller grønkål, kan æggeblommens farve påvirkes i en positiv retning. Desuden kan grovfoderet bidrage til et øget indhold af sundhedsgavnligt lutein i æg. På sigt vil øget viden om karotenoidindholdet i forskellige foderråvarer og grovfodertyper kunne bidrage til, at en ønsket blommefarve kan nås og bibeholdes på et stabilt niveau

    Anvendelse af forskelligt grovfoder, sojabønner, urter og kål i økologisk ægproduktion

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    I projektet med økologiske æglæggende høner under FØJO III blev effekten af forskellige grovfodertyper, samt urter og grønkål undersøgt på parametre som ægproduktion, foderforbrug og ægkvalitet

    Microbiological and chemical profiles of dairy farm red smear cheese made from pasteurized and un-pasteurized milk

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    A red-smear soft cheese was produced four times during a year at an organic dairy farm using pasteurized and un-pasteurized milk, respectively, from the same milking. A commercial starter culture was added. The cheeses were characterized microbiologically and chemically in order to study how heat treatment and season affected their characteristics during cheese making and ripening. Large variations between the different lots of cheeses characterized the production. However, the cheeses made from un-pasteurized milk generally had a higher lactic acid bacteria count except in cases, where the pasteurized milk was recontaminated or if acidification failure took place. Delays in acidification caused a more pronounced increase in numbers of E.coli, Enterobacteriaceae and staphylococci, as well as an increase in the plasmin and plasminogen-derived activities. A number of pre-milking and process steps were identified as important for the microbiological contamination and development in the cheeses