172 research outputs found

    G-protein-coupled receptor GPR161 is overexpressed in breast cancer and is a promoter of cell proliferation and invasion

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    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for 20% of breast cancer in women and lacks an effective targeted therapy. Therefore, finding common vulnerabilities in these tumors represents an opportunity for more effective treatment. Despite the growing appreciation of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated signaling in cancer pathogenesis, very little is known about the role GPCRs play in TNBC. Using genomic information of human breast cancer, we have discovered that the orphan GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor 161 (GPR161) is overexpressed specifically in TNBC and correlates with poor prognosis. Knockdown of GPR161 impairs proliferation of human basal breast cancer cell lines. Overexpression of GPR161 in human mammary epithelial cells increases cell proliferation, migration, intracellular accumulation of E-cadherin, and formation of multiacinar structures in 3D culture. GPR161 forms a signaling complex with the scaffold proteins beta-arrestin 2 and Ile Gln motif containing GTPase Activating Protein 1, a regulator of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 and E-cadherin. Consistently, GPR161 amplified breast tumors and cells overexpressing GPR161 activate mammalian target of rapamycin signaling and decrease Ile Gln motif containing GTPase Activating Protein 1 phosphorylation. Thus, we identify the orphan GPCR, GPR161, as an important regulator and a potential drug target for TNBC

    Theorising rehabilitation: Actors and parameters shaping normality, liminality and depersonalisation in a UK hospital.

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    Sociological concern for rehabilitation remains limited. This paper aims to contribute to rehabilitation theory. It examines two units of a specialist rehabilitation hospital in the UK (amputee and neurological services) by focusing on the key actors involved - families, patients, staff - and the parameters shaping their relationships. The findings extend previous theoretical understandings of rehabilitation in three themes: normality, liminality and depersonalisation. We argue, first: normality is constantly negotiated amongst the different actors. This complicates existing works' critique of rehabilitation as reproducing the ideology of normality. Second, discourses produced during acute care shape the inpatient rehabilitation experience. This calls attention to the pre-rehabilitation phase and complicates existing works' emphasis on the transition from inpatient stay to the time of discharge. Finally, inpatient rehabilitation is notable in rendering the adverse effects of depersonalisation apparent. It combines the bureaucracy of a regular hospital ward, with institutionalising aspects of long-term care. These findings have a potential to enhance practice as well as knowledge. We call for a deeper sociological attention, combining theory-building with empirical data for a better understanding of inpatient rehabilitation

    Suppression of protein tyrosine phosphatase N23 predisposes to breast tumorigenesis via activation of FYN kinase

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    Disruption of the balanced modulation of reversible tyrosine phosphorylation has been implicated in the etiology of various human cancers, including breast cancer. Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase N23 (PTPN23) resides in chromosomal region 3p21.3, which is hemizygously or homozygously lost in some breast cancer patients. In a loss-of-function PTPome screen, our laboratory identified PTPN23 as a suppressor of cell motility and invasion in mammary epithelial and breast cancer cells. Now, our TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) database analyses illustrate a correlation between low PTPN23 expression and poor survival in breast cancers of various subtypes. Therefore, we investigated the tumor-suppressive function of PTPN23 in an orthotopic transplantation mouse model. Suppression of PTPN23 in Comma 1Dbeta cells induced breast tumors within 56 wk. In PTPN23-depleted tumors, we detected hyperphosphorylation of the autophosphorylation site tyrosine in the SRC family kinase (SFK) FYN as well as Tyr142 in beta-catenin. We validated the underlying mechanism of PTPN23 function in breast tumorigenesis as that of a key phosphatase that normally suppresses the activity of FYN in two different models. We demonstrated that tumor outgrowth from PTPN23-deficient BT474 cells was suppressed in a xenograft model in vivo upon treatment with AZD0530, an SFK inhibitor. Furthermore, double knockout of FYN and PTPN23 via CRISPR/CAS9 also attenuated tumor outgrowth from PTPN23 knockout Cal51 cells. Overall, this mechanistic analysis of the tumor-suppressive function of PTPN23 in breast cancer supports the identification of FYN as a therapeutic target for breast tumors with heterozygous or homozygous loss of PTPN23

    Optimal Use of Conservation and Accessibility Filters in MicroRNA Target Prediction

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    It is generally accepted that filtering microRNA (miRNA) target predictions by conservation or by accessibility can reduce the false discovery rate. However, these two strategies are usually not exploited in a combined and flexible manner. Here, we introduce PACCMIT, a flexible method that filters miRNA binding sites by their conservation, accessibility, or both. The improvement in performance obtained with each of these three filters is demonstrated on the prediction of targets for both i) highly and ii) weakly conserved miRNAs, i.e., in two scenarios in which the miRNA-target interactions are subjected to different evolutionary pressures. We show that in the first scenario conservation is a better filter than accessibility (as both sensitivity and precision are higher among the top predictions) and that the combined filter improves performance of PACCMIT even further. In the second scenario, on the other hand, the accessibility filter performs better than both the conservation and combined filters, suggesting that the site conservation is not equally effective in rejecting false positive predictions for all miRNAs. Regarding the quality of the ranking criterion proposed by Robins and Press and used in PACCMIT, it is shown that top ranking interactions correspond to more downregulated proteins than do the lower ranking interactions. Comparison with several other target prediction algorithms shows that the ranking of predictions provided by PACCMIT is at least as good as the ranking generated by other conservation-based methods and considerably better than the energy-based ranking used in other accessibility-based methods

    DAF-12 Regulates a Connected Network of Genes to Ensure Robust Developmental Decisions

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    The nuclear receptor DAF-12 has roles in normal development, the decision to pursue dauer development in unfavorable conditions, and the modulation of adult aging. Despite the biologic importance of DAF-12, target genes for this receptor are largely unknown. To identify DAF-12 targets, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by hybridization to whole-genome tiling arrays. We identified 1,175 genomic regions to be bound in vivo by DAF-12, and these regions are enriched in known DAF-12 binding motifs and act as DAF-12 response elements in transfected cells and in transgenic worms. The DAF-12 target genes near these binding sites include an extensive network of interconnected heterochronic and microRNA genes. We also identify the genes encoding components of the miRISC, which is required for the control of target genes by microRNA, as a target of DAF-12 regulation. During reproductive development, many of these target genes are misregulated in daf-12(0) mutants, but this only infrequently results in developmental phenotypes. In contrast, we and others have found that null daf-12 mutations enhance the phenotypes of many miRISC and heterochronic target genes. We also find that environmental fluctuations significantly strengthen the weak heterochronic phenotypes of null daf-12 alleles. During diapause, DAF-12 represses the expression of many heterochronic and miRISC target genes, and prior work has demonstrated that dauer formation can suppress the heterochronic phenotypes of many of these target genes in post-dauer development. Together these data are consistent with daf-12 acting to ensure developmental robustness by committing the animal to adult or dauer developmental programs despite variable internal or external conditions

    DAZL Relieves miRNA-Mediated Repression of Germline mRNAs by Controlling Poly(A) Tail Length in Zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND:During zebrafish embryogenesis, microRNA (miRNA) miR-430 contributes to restrict Nanos1 and TDRD7 to primordial germ cells (PGCs) by inducing mRNA deadenylation, mRNA degradation, and translational repression of nanos1 and tdrd7 mRNAs in somatic cells. The nanos1 and tdrd7 3'UTRs include cis-acting elements that allow activity in PGCs even in the presence of miRNA-mediated repression. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Using a GFP reporter mRNA that was fused with tdrd7 3'UTR, we show that a germline-specific RNA-binding protein DAZ-like (DAZL) can relieve the miR-430-mediated repression of tdrd7 mRNA by inducing poly(A) tail elongation (polyadenylation) in zebrafish. We also show that DAZL enhances protein synthesis via the 3'UTR of dazl mRNA, another germline mRNA targeted by miR-430. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our present study indicated that DAZL acts as an "anti-miRNA factor" during vertebrate germ cell development. Our data also suggested that miRNA-mediated regulation can be modulated on specific target mRNAs through the poly(A) tail control

    Tricks and treats: designing technology to support mobility assistance dogs

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    Assistance dogs are a key intervention to support the autonomy of people with tetraplegia. Previous research on assistive technologies have investigated ways to, ultimately, replace their labour using technology, for instance through the design of smart home environments. However, both the disability studies literature and our interviews suggest there is an immediate need to support these relationships, both in terms of training and bonding. Through a case study of an accessible dog treats dispenser, we investigate a technological intervention responding to these needs, detailing an appropriate design methodology and contributing insights into user requirements and preferences

    siRNA Off-Target Effects Can Be Reduced at Concentrations That Match Their Individual Potency

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    Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are routinely used to reduce mRNA levels for a specific gene with the goal of studying its function. Several studies have demonstrated that siRNAs are not always specific and can have many off-target effects. The 3′ UTRs of off-target mRNAs are often enriched in sequences that are complementary to the seed-region of the siRNA. We demonstrate that siRNA off-targets can be significantly reduced when cells are treated with a dose of siRNA that is relatively low (e.g. 1 nM), but sufficient to effectively silence the intended target. The reduction in off-targets was demonstrated for both modified and unmodified siRNAs that targeted either STAT3 or hexokinase II. Low concentrations reduced silencing of transcripts with complementarity to the seed region of the siRNA. Similarly, off-targets that were not complementary to the siRNA were reduced at lower doses, including up-regulated genes that are involved in immune response. Importantly, the unintended induction of caspase activity following treatment with a siRNA that targeted hexokinase II was also shown to be a concentration-dependent off-target effect. We conclude that off-targets and their related phenotypic effects can be reduced for certain siRNA that potently silence their intended target at low concentrations

    Assessing the Utility of Thermodynamic Features for microRNA Target Prediction under Relaxed Seed and No Conservation Requirements

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    BACKGROUND: Many computational microRNA target prediction tools are focused on several key features, including complementarity to 5'seed of miRNAs and evolutionary conservation. While these features allow for successful target identification, not all miRNA target sites are conserved and adhere to canonical seed complementarity. Several studies have propagated the use of energy features of mRNA:miRNA duplexes as an alternative feature. However, different independent evaluations reported conflicting results on the reliability of energy-based predictions. Here, we reassess the usefulness of energy features for mammalian target prediction, aiming to relax or eliminate the need for perfect seed matches and conservation requirement. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We detect significant differences of energy features at experimentally supported human miRNA target sites and at genome-wide sites of AGO protein interaction. This trend is confirmed on datasets that assay the effect of miRNAs on mRNA and protein expression changes, and a simple linear regression model leads to significant correlation of predicted versus observed expression change. Compared to 6-mer seed matches as baseline, application of our energy-based model leads to ∼3-5-fold enrichment on highly down-regulated targets, and allows for prediction of strictly imperfect targets with enrichment above baseline. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, our results indicate significant promise for energy-based miRNA target prediction that includes a broader range of targets without having to use conservation or impose stringent seed match rules