2,278 research outputs found

    Consumer attitudes towards organic versus conventional food with specific quality attributes

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    This paper describes the findings from a consumer survey conducted as part of the EU-funded research project QualityLowInputFood (QLIF). The objective was to segment occasional organic consumers with regard to their preferences for organic, conventional and conventional-plus products, i.e., conventional products with a specific attribute that also applies to organic products. In other words, these conventional-plus products are placed between organic and conventional food products. In addition, we aimed at analysing differences between consumer segments regarding their price sensitivity and attitudes towards food. The survey used choice experiments to investigate occasional organic consumer preferences for the different types of products. In subsequent standardized face-to-face interviews we collected data on consumer attitudes towards food that could explain the observed preferences. The attitudes were summarized in attitude factors, using factor analysis. The responses from the interviews and choice experiments were analysed by latent class models. These econometric models were used to identify segments within a group of individuals for their preference structure and to relate membership in each segment to consumer characteristics. Two segments of occasional organic consumers were identified. Consumers in segment 1 strongly preferred organic products and were less price sensitive. Furthermore, consumers in this segment showed a significantly higher level of agreement with most of the investigated attitude factors than consumers in segment 2. The latter consisted of consumers who were significantly more price sensitive and preferred conventional-plus and conventional products rather than organic products. Communicating quality attributes represents a promising marketing tool of product differentiation and information for both organic and conventional food marketers. The price sensitivity of parts of occasional organic consumers suggests that the perceived price-performance ratio of organic products needs to be increased by targeted pricing and communication strategies integrating product-relevant information. If not, conventional-plus products, representing a cheaper alternative, might be preferred by parts of the occasional organic consumers

    Polyhedral vesicles

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    Polyhedral vesicles with a large bending modulus of the membrane such as the gel phase lipid membrane were studied using a Brownian dynamics simulation. The vesicles exhibit various polyhedral morphologies such as tetrahedron and cube shapes. We clarified two types of line defects on the edges of the polyhedrons: cracks of both monolayers at the spontaneous curvature of monolayer C0<0C_{\text {0}}<0, and a crack of the inner monolayer at C00C_{\text {0}}\ge0. Around the latter defect, the inner monolayer curves positively. Our results suggested that the polyhedral morphology is controlled by C0C_{\text {0}}.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Implications of troponin testing in clinical medicine

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    During the past decade considerable research has been conducted into the use of cardiac troponins, their diagnostic capability and their potential to allow risk stratification in patients with acute chest pain. Determination of risk in patients with suspected myocardial ischaemia is known to be as important as retrospective confirmation of a diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). Therefore, creatine kinase (CK)-MB - the former 'gold standard' in detecting myocardial necrosis - has been supplanted by new, more accurate biomarkers.Measurement of cardiac troponin levels constitute a substantial determinant in assessment of ischaemic heart disease, the presentations of which range from silent ischaemia to acute MI. Under these conditions, troponin release is regarded as surrogate marker of thrombus formation and peripheral embolization, and therefore new therapeutic strategies are focusing on potent antithrombotic regimens to improve long-term outcomes. Although elevated troponin levels are highly sensitive and specific indicators of myocardial damage, they are not always reflective of acute ischaemic coronary artery disease; other processes have been identified that cause elevations in these biomarkers. However, because prognosis appears to be related to the presence of troponins regardless of the mechanism of myocardial damage, clinicians increasingly rely on troponin assays when formulating individual therapeutic plans

    Mid-infrared emissivity of partially dehydrated asteroid (162173) Ryugu shows strong signs of aqueous alteration

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    The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 space mission, was observed via both orbiter and the lander instruments. The infrared radiometer on the MASCOT lander (MARA) is the only instrument providing spectrally resolved mid-infrared (MIR) data, which is crucial for establishing a link between the asteroid material and meteorites found on Earth. Earlier studies revealed that the single boulder investigated by the lander belongs to the most common type found on Ryugu. Here we show the spectral variation of Ryugu’s emissivity using the complete set of in-situ MIR data and compare it to those of various carbonaceous chondritic meteorites, revealing similarities to the most aqueously altered ones, as well as to asteroid (101955) Bennu. The results show that Ryugu experienced strong aqueous alteration prior to any dehydration

    2D-IR Study of a Photoswitchable Isotope-Labeled α-Helix

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    A series of photoswitchable, α-helical peptides were studied using two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy (2D-IR). Single-isotope labeling with 13C18O at various positions in the sequence was employed to spectrally isolate particular backbone positions. We show that a single 13C18O label can give rise to two bands along the diagonal of the 2D-IR spectrum, one of which is from an amide group that is hydrogen-bonded internally, or to a solvent molecule, and the other from a non-hydrogen-bonded amide group. The photoswitch enabled examination of both the folded and unfolded state of the helix. For most sites, unfolding of the peptide caused a shift of intensity from the hydrogen-bonded peak to the non-hydrogen-bonded peak. The relative intensity of the two diagonal peaks gives an indication of the fraction of molecules hydrogen-bonded at a certain location along the sequence. As this fraction varies quite substantially along the helix, we conclude that the helix is not uniformly folded. Furthermore, the shift in hydrogen bonding is much smaller than the change of helicity measured by CD spectroscopy, indicating that non-native hydrogen-bonded or mis-folded loops are formed in the unfolded ensemble

    Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Antiparallel β-Sheet Secondary Structure

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    We investigate the sensitivity of femtosecond Fourier transform two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to protein secondary structure with a study of antiparallel β-sheets. The results show that 2D IR spectroscopy is more sensitive to structural differences between proteins than traditional infrared spectroscopy, providing an observable that allows comparison to quantitative models of protein vibrational spectroscopy. 2D IR correlation spectra of the amide I region of poly-L-lysine, concanavalin A, ribonuclease A, and lysozyme show cross-peaks between the IR-active transitions that are characteristic of amide I couplings for polypeptides in antiparallel hydrogen-bonding registry. For poly-L-lysine, the 2D IR spectrum contains the eight-peak structure expected for two dominant vibrations of an extended, ordered antiparallel β-sheet. In the proteins with antiparallel β-sheets, interference effects between the diagonal and cross-peaks arising from the sheets, combined with diagonally elongated resonances from additional amide transitions, lead to a characteristic “Z”-shaped pattern for the amide I region in the 2D IR spectrum. We discuss in detail how the number of strands in the sheet, the local configurational disorder in the sheet, the delocalization of the vibrational excitation, and the angle between transition dipole moments affect the position, splitting, amplitude, and line shape of the cross-peaks and diagonal peaks.

    Detailed studies of the subpicosecond kinetics in the primary electron transfer of reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas viridis

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    The primary, light-induced charge separation in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas viridis is investigated with femtosecond time resolution. The absorption changes after direct excitation of the primary donor P at 955 nm are investigated in the time range from 100 fs to 600 ps. The experimental data, taken at various probing wavelengths, reveal one subpicosecond and two picosecond time constants: 0.65 ± 0.2 ps, 3.5 ± 0.4 ps, and 200 ± 20 ps. The previously undetected 0.65 ps kinetics can be observed clearly in the spectral range of the Qx and Qy transitions of the monomeric bacteriochlorophylls. The experimental data support the idea that the accessory bacteriochlorophyll B A participates in the electron-transfer process. Reference