76 research outputs found

    Hama Belalang Kembara (Locusta Migratoria Manilensis Meyen): Fakta Dan Analisis Awal Ledakan Populasi Di Provinsi Lampung

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    Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen) : Preliminary facts and analyzes on the population outbreaks in Lampung Province. The migratory locust (locally known as belalang kembara), Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen (Orthoptera: Acrididae), has become a major insect pest in Lampung in recent years since its outbreak in 1998. Thousand hectares of agricultural fields were severely destroyed by the locust populations during the course of the outbreak. Local as well as national government were caught in surprised by the population upsurge with little information and technology available for controlling the pest. First presence of locust population was recorded in Kecamatan Pakuan Ratu in 1990. Area damage in the first year was ca. 60 ha. The population grew steadily over the years and reached its peak in April-May of 1998 when thousands of corn and rice fields were severely damaged. Country roads and fields were filled with millions of locust nymphs. Records of locust attacks during preliminary outbreaks from 1990 to 1998 also indicated that the insect started its outbreak from the same areas during those years, i.e. North Lampung District and northern Tulang Bawang District (two of the outmost northern of Lampung Province). Insect pest control experts were very concerned that the locust has established its populations in the region and could cause significant loss in the upcoming years. Control strategy and techniques based on the insect biology and population dynamics, therefore, should be explored and developed to manage future outbreaks. This paper discusses and analyzes preliminary facts and information on the migratory locust and possible strategies that could be implemented for managing the locust

    RUU Kesetaraan Dan Keadilan Gender: Pembahasan Dari Perspektif Teologi Ad‐din Al‐qayyim Dalam Al‐qur'an

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    This article discusses of KKG in theological perspective al-din al-Qayyim in alQuran. In this case, this perspective is something new developed. The old conception that developed in the community is always viewed from the perspective of law or jurisprudence. Theological concept that carried the authors in this case done in depth through the verses found in the Qur'an in the context of al-din al-Qayyim. Jurisprudence approach commonly used for this are not able to address the true essence of the problem. Such an approach makes fiqh not able to uncover the goals and ideals of the Qur'an in realizing real goodness in all areas of life, including the nine areas set out in the Bill. Through theological approach al-din al-Qayyim can manifest a new enlightenment

    Pengaruh Lama Periode Kering Dan Intensitas Curah Hujan Terhadap Penetasan Belalang Kembara (Locusta Migratoria Manilensis Meyen)

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    Effect of Dry Period and Rainfall Intensity on Emergence of the Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen). Dry period and rainfall intensity were simulated experimentally to determine their effects on nymph emergence of the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen) (Orthoptera: Acrididae). The experiment was conducted in a factorial set up with two factors, i.e. dry periods (1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 week interval of watering) and rainfall intensity (80, 140, 200, and 260 mm/month). Locust nymphal emergence and time required to emerge after the watering were recorded and analyzed. Results of the experiment indicated that dry periods and rainfall levels affected nymphal emergence of the migratory locust. Interaction between dry periods and rainfall levels, however, were statistically not significant (F-value = 0,69 and P-value = 0,7526). Nymphal emergences of L. m. manilensis tended to be higher on soils that were watered less frequently. Similarly, locust emergences were also higher for the soil with lower rainfall intensity (received less amount of watering). At the 80 mm/month rainfall level, 20 – 105,5 days period (egg incubation period) were required before the locust emergence. Incubation period of the eggs was significantly higher as the breeding media (soil) were watered less frequently. On the other hand, time required for the egg to emerge as nymphs was relatively similar regardless of the dry period levels. All eggs emerged 14 – 15,5 days after watering

    Studi Batang Bawah Dan Pengaturan Lingkungannya Pada Pembibitan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Dengan Cara Grafting

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    The experiment has been conducted in Labuhan Dalam, Tanjung Seneng, Bandar Lampung from January to June 2008. This experiment consisted of 3 subtitles that are: (1)The effect of root stock age and shading degrees on physic nut plant propagation with grafting. Is a factorial experiment (3x4) with split plot design, shading degrees as main plot consisted without shading, light shading), moderate shading, and heavy shading .Root stock age as subplot consisted 6, 8, and 10 weeks after transplanting; (2) The effect of root stock high and scion length on physic nut plant propagation with grafting. Is a factorial experiment (3x3) with randomized completely block design, the first factors were root stock high consisted 10, 15, and 20 cm from nursery medium. The second factors were scion length consisted 5 cm, 7,5 cm, and 10 cm; (3) The effect of kind of bend and IBA concentration on physic nut plant propagation with grafting. Is a factorial experiment (3x3) with randomized completely block design, the first factors were kind of bend consisted raffia rope, plastic rope, and faucet cellophane tape rope. The second factors were IBA concentration consisted 0, 1000, and 3000 ppm. The treatments were consisted 3 replication and each experiment unit consisted 10 seedlings. The result shows that (1) root stock age 8 and 10 weeks produces physic nut seedling growth better than root stock age 6 week. Physic nut seedling without shading and light shading (1 layer paranet) grow better than with moderate shading (2 layers paranet) and heavy shading (3 layers paranet); (2) Root stock high 15 cm produce physic nut seedling growth better than root stock high 10 cm and 20 cm. Length of scion 7,5 cm and 10 cm produces physic nut seedling growth better than length of scion 5 cm; (3) Plastic and faucet cellophane tape rope produce physic nut seedling growth better than raffia rope. IBA concentration 1000 and 2000 ppm produces physic nut seedling growth better than o pp

    Pemanfaatan Citra Mtsat-2r, Trmm-2a12, Dan Aster Gdem-2 Untuk Estimasi Curah Hujan Di Jawa Bagian Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan suhu puncak awan (SPA) dari MTSAT-2R dengan curah hujan (CH) dari TRMM-2A12 supaya menghasilkan CH estimasi MTSAT-TRMM, menurunkan variabel topografi yang dapat menunjang estimasi CH dari ASTER GDEM-2 menggunakan analisis zona, mengetahui variabel topografi yang menunjang estimasi CH, mengestimasi CH menggunakan regresi linier stepwise dengan mengikutsertakan variabel topografi, dan mengkaji distribusi CH pada puncak musim hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan berkebalikan eksponensial antara SPA dengan CH dari TRMM-2A12. Proporsi lereng menghadap selatan yang diturunkan dari ASTER GDEM-2 dengan teknik analisis zona dapat menunjang estimasi CH Februari 2014. Estimasi CH dengan regresi stepwise modifikasi memilki nilai keakuratan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan CH estimasi MTSAT-TRMM tanpa regresi stepwise modifikasi yang dibuktikan dengan lebih rendahnya nilai rerata RMSE. CH rendah terdistribusi di bagian tenggara, CH sedang terdistribusi di bagian selatan hingga timur laut, CH tinggi hingga sangat tinggi terdistribusi di bagian tengah dan utara wilayah kajian

    Toleransi Tanaman Kedelai Terhadap Cekaman Air : Akumulasi Prolin Dan Asam Absisik Dan Hubungannya Dengan Potensial Osmotik Daun Dan Penyesuaian Osmotik

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    In this experiment. the changes on leaf osmotic potential and accumulation of proline and abscisic acid were identified from drought-tolerant and drought - sensitive soybean genotypes. Three drought - tolerant (Mlg 2805, Mlg 2984 and Mlg 2999) and two sensitive soybean genotypes (Mlg 2510 and Mlg 3541) were subjected to drought condition created by regulating water supply in greenhouse. The results revealed that exposing plants to drought stress brought about a decrease of leaf osmotic potential. The decrease of which was greater in drought-tolerant genotypes (6.91 to 10.11 bars) than in sensitive genotypes (0.55 to 0.69 bars). The decreasing of leaf osmotic potential was followed with increasing praline accumulation, especialy for Mlg 2805. Only Mlg 2805 showed the significant ABA accumulation when the plants were subjected to drought stress. It is suggested that the drought tolerance was associated with the reduction of leaf osmotic potential (osmotic adjusment) in which proline might play an important role. The role of ABA could not be clarified since there had been a great variability in ABA content of all tolerant genotypes

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Pada Lahan Pasca Tambang Timah Di Bangka Yang Diberi Pupuk Organik

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    PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN JARAK PAGAR (Jatropha curcas L.) PADA LAHAN PASCA TAMBANG TIMAH DI BANGKA YANG DIBERI PUPUK ORGANIK Sukmarayu P. Gedoan1), Alex Hartana2), Hamim2), Utut Widyastuti2) dan Nampiah Sukarno2) 1)Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Manado di Tondano; 2)Departemen Biologi, FMIPA, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680 ABSTRAK Kegiatan penambangan timah menyebabkan Perubahan karakteristik fisika dan kimia tanah sehingga menjadi tidak sesuai untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pertumbuhan 7 aksesi jarak pagar yang ditanam pada lahan pasca tambang timah yang diberi kompos dan kotoran sapi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di TSS 133, Kelurahan Sinar Baru, Kabupaten Bangka, Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Penelitian lapangan dilaksanakan pada Bulan Mei 2007 sampai dengan Bulan Desember 2008. Percobaan faktorial ini dirancang dalam Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama adalah 7 aksesi jarak pagar yang terdiri atas: aksesi Madiun, Ponorogo, Jember, Dompu, Lampung, Bengkulu, dan Sukabumi, sedangkan anak petak berupa tanah tanpa pemberian kompos dan pupuk kandang (kontrol), kompos trubus 4 kg/lubang ditambah 4 kg tanah bagian atas dan kotoran sapi 4 kg/lubang ditambah 4 kg tanah bagian atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan awal yang paling baik untuk tanah bekas tambang timah adalah pada aksesi Jember yang ditunjukkan oleh diameter batang, berat kering tanaman, berat kering tajuk dan berat kering akar. Sedangkan tinggi tanaman tertinggi diamati pada aksesi Madiun. Penambahan kotoran sapi dapat meningkatkan produksi biji dan kandungan minyak. Produksi biji tertinggi diperoleh pada aksesi Bengkulu dan kandungan minyak tertinggi diperoleh pada aksesi Dompu. Kata kunci: aksesi, Jatropha curcas, kompos, kotoran sapi THE GROWTH OF CASTOR OIL PLANT (Jatropha curcas L.) ON THE POST-TIN-MINING LAND IN BANGKA PROVIDED WITH ORGANIC FERTILIZER ABSTRACT The activity of tin mining changes the physical and chemical characteritics of soil, so that the soil isnot suitable for plant growth. The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth of some accession of Jatropha curcas that we planted on post-tin-mining land provided with compost and cow feces. This research was conducted in TS 133, Sinar Baru Village, District of Bangka, Province of Bangka Belitung. This field research was carried out in May 2007 to December 2008. Factorial experiment was designed as split plot with three replications. The main plot was 7 accessions, i.e. Madiun, Ponorogo, Jember, Dompu, Lampung, Bengkulu, and Sukabumi. The subplot waskonds of organic fertilizer, i.e. top soil without addition of compost and cow fecer (control), trubus compost (4 kg/hole) added with top soil (4 kg/hole), and cow feces (4 kg/hole) added with topbsoil (4 kg/hole). The result showed that Jember accession had the best early growth based on the observation of stem diameter, plant dry weight, and root dry weight. The largest plant height was observed in Madiun accession. The higest seed production was observed in Bengkulu accession and Dompu accession had the higest oil content

    Intensitas Kerusakan Pada Beberapa Varietas Tebu Akibat Serangan Penggerek Pucuk Tebu (Scirpophaga Nivella Intacta) Setelah Aplikasi Zat Pemacu Kemasakan Isoprophylamine Glyphosate

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    Isoprophylamine glyphosate, a common herbicide, is widely used as a sugarcane ripener to hasten maturation and to increase sugar yield in many countries. The ripener also alter the physiology of sugarcane that might consequently affect the development of the sugarcane shoot borer, Scirpophaga nivella intacta Snell (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). This research studied the effect of isoprophylamine glyphosate on the intensity of S. nivella intacta attacks on several cultivars of sugarcane. Results of the experiment showed that varieties of sugarcanes responded differently after application of isoprophylamine glyphosate. The percentages of damaged nodes by S. nivella intacta were higher following the application of the ripener on GM 21 and RGM 97-10167 cultivars. Conversely, the damage nodes were lower on RGM 97-8752 and RGM 97-10120 at 20-30 days after the application of the ripener. Out of four tested cultivars, GM 21 was in general the most susceptible to the attacks of the sugarcane shoot borer. On the other side, there was an indication that cultivar RGM 97-10120 applied with isoprophylamine glyphosate had the lowest damage level by S. nivella intacta. The cultivar could be further investigated to study wether it has the potential as a better cultivar against S. nivella intacta when isoprophylamine glyphosate is applied as the cane ripener
