2,226 research outputs found

    Faith Under Empire: Old Testament Perspectives for Today

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    Narrating YHWH’s Kingship in Psalms

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    Psalms 93-100 function within Book 4 of the Psalter to advance the narrative of YHWH’s kingship over the cosmos. Whatever the origins of the constituent psalms, their current sequencing within Book 4 softens the despair that appears in psalms like Psalm 89, the ending of Book 3. As a kind of narrative used in liturgy, these psalms develop characters and plotlines that concentrate upon YHWH’s kingship and proper ordering of the world, which, in turn, benefits Israel and through them, the world

    Resources for the Study of Exodus

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    Alternative Visions: Reflections on Jeremiah

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    After Utopia: Isaiah 56-66 on Faith and Adversity

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    Recent Literature on the Book of Isaiah

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    Who Has Seen the Like? Reading Guide to the Book of Genesis

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    Pripovijedanje o YHWH-inoj kraljevskoj vlasti u Psalmima

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    Svrha je psalama 93–100 u Četvrtoj knjizi Psaltira da promiču pripovijest o YHWH-inoj kraljevskoj vlasti nad svemirom. Bez obzira na njihovo porijeklo, njihov trenutan redoslijed u Knjizi 4 ublažava očaj koji se javlja u psalmima poput Psalma 89, kojim završava Knjiga 3. Kao vrsta pripovijesti koja se koristi u liturgiji, ovi psalmi razvijaju likove i radnje koje se koncentriraju na YHWH-inoj kraljevskoj vlasti i ispravnom poretku svijeta, što zauzvrat koristi Izraelu i, po njima, cijelom svijetu. Služe kako bi dalje razvili pripovijest o njegovoj vlasti nad svemirom

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance T1 Mapping in Cardiomyopathies

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    Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging has been widely used to assess myocardial perfusion and scar and is the noninvasive reference standard for identification of focal myocardial fibrosis. However, the late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) technique is limited in its accuracy for absolute quantification and assessment of diffuse myocardial fibrosis by technical and pathophysiological features. CMR relaxometry, incorporating T1 mapping, has emerged as an accurate, reproducible, highly sensitive, and quantitative technique for the assessment of diffuse myocardial fibrosis in a number of disease states. We comprehensively review the physics behind CMR relaxometry, the evidence base, and the clinical applications of this emerging technique

    Wildfire, climate, and perceptions in northeast Oregon

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    Wildfire poses a rising threat in the western USA, fueled by synergies between historical fire suppression, changing land use, insects and disease, and shifts toward a drier, warmer climate. The rugged landscapes of northeast Oregon, with their historically forest- and resource-based economies, have been one of the areas affected. A 2011 survey found area residents highly concerned about fire and insect threats, but not about climate change. In 2014 we conducted a second survey that, to explore this apparent disconnect, included questions about past and future summertime (fire season) temperatures. Although regional temperatures have warmed in recent decades at twice the global rate, accompanied by increasing dryness and fire risks, the warming itself is recognized by only 40 % of our respondents. Awareness of recent warming proves unrelated to individual characteristics that might indicate experience on the land: old-timer versus newcomer status, year-round versus seasonal residence, and ownership of forested land. Perceptions of past warming and expectations of future warming are more common among younger respondents and less common among Tea Party supporters. The best-educated partisans stand farthest apart. Perceptions about local temperatures that are important for adaptation planning thus follow ideological patterns similar to beliefs about global climate change