5 research outputs found

    تأثیر روند ایجاد خستگی بر روی ثبات وضعیتی و در حین انجام حرکات تکراری تنه در دو گروه افراد سالم و بیماران کمردرد غیر اختصاصی

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    مقدمه: مطالعه حاضر یک مطالعه مورد شاهدی از نوع شبه تجربی بود که به بررسی تأثیر خستگی بر روی کنترل تعادل و ثبات وضعیتی در افراد کمردردی و گروه سالم پرداخت. مواد و روش‌ها: 14 فرد سالم و 13 بیمار کمردردی حرکات تکراری خم و راست شدن تنه را در سطح میدساژیتال تا سر حد خستگی انجام دادند. پارامترهای استخراجی از مرکز فشار که به عنوان شاخصی جهت ارزیابی تعادل و ثبات وضعیتی هستند و در این مطالعه مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند شامل انحراف معیار دامنه حرکت، انحراف معیار سرعت در جهت قدامی خلفی و طرفی، میانگین کلی سرعت و طول مسیر بودند. با استفاده از آزمون Independent t و Paired t تأثیر خستگی در دو گروه و مقایسه وضعیت تعادل در گروه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته‌ها: در گروه کمردردی، خستگی تأثیر معنی‌داری بر هیچ کدام از پارامترها نداشت، اما در گروه سالم خستگی باعث تغییر معنی‌دار در پارامترهای مشتق از مرکز فشار شد. همچنین قبل از خستگی، ثبات وضعیتی در بین دو گروه تفاوت معنی‌داری نداشت. نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج گویای این مطلب است که سیستم کنترل وضعیتی افراد کمردردی قابل تمییز از افراد سالم نمی‌باشد مگر اینکه در معرض اغتشاشی قرار گیرد. همچنین افراد سالم استراتژی‌های متفاوتی در مقایسه با افراد مبتلا به کمردرد در مقابله با خستگی از خود نشان می‌دهند. کلید واژه‌ها: کنترل وضعیتی، کنترل حرکت، خستگی، کمردرد مزم

    Face and Convergent Validity of Persian Version of Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) Checklist

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    Objective: The aim of this work was the translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Persian version of the Rapid Office Stress Assessment (ROSA) checklist. Material & Methods: This methodological study was conducted according of IQOLA method. 100 office worker were selected in order to carry out a psychometric evaluation of the ROSA checklist by performing validity (face and convergent) analyses. The convergent validity was evaluated using RULA checklist. Results: Upon major changes made to the ROSA checklist during the translation/cultural adaptation process, face validity of the Persian version was obtained. Spearman correlation coefficient between total score of ROSA check list and RULA checklist was significant (r=0.76, p<0.0001). Conclusion: The results indicated that the translated version of the ROSA checklist is acceptable in terms of face validity, convergent validity in target society, and hence provides a useful instrument for assessing Iranian office worker

    Data from: Does the performance of five back-associated exercises relate to the presence of low back pain? A cross-sectional observational investigation in regional Australian council workers

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    Objectives: investigate the relationships between the ability/inability to perform five physical test-exercises and the presence or absence of low back pain (LBP). Setting: regional Australian council training facility. Participants: consecutive participants recruited during 39 back education classes (8-26 participants per class) for workers in general office/administration, parks/gardens maintenance, roads maintenance, library, child-care and management. Total sample (n=539) was reduced through non-consent and insufficient demographic data to n=422. Age 38.6+/-15.3 years, range 18-64 years, 67.1% male. Methods: cross-sectional, exploratory, observational investigation. LBP presence was ascertained from a three-response option questionnaire: 0=none/rarely (NO) 1=sometimes (Some), 2=mostly/always (Most). Statistical correlation was performed with the number of the five test-exercises the individual successfully performed: 1) extension-in-lying, 3-seconds; 2) ‘toilet-squat’; feet flat, feet touched, 3-seconds; 3) full-squat then stand-up, 5-times; 4) supine sit-up, knees flexed, 10-times; and 5) leg-extension, supine bilateral, 10-times. Interventions: nil. Results: for the group ‘NO-Some’, 94.3% completed 4-5 test-exercises, for ‘With’, 95.7% completed 0-1 test-exercises. The relationship between LBP presence and number of exercises performed was highly significant (Χ2(10)=300.61, p<0.001). Further, multinomial logistic regression predicting LBP (0=NO, 1=Some, 2=Most) from the number of exercises completed, substantially improved the model fit (initial-2LL=348.246, final-2LL=73.620, Χ2(2)=274.626, p<0.001). As the number of exercises performed increased, the odds of reporting ‘Some-LBP’ or ‘Most-LBP’ dropped substantially (odds ratios of 0.34 and 0.17, respectively). Conclusion: the ability to complete/not-complete five test-exercises correlated statistically and significantly with a higher LBP presence/absence in a general working population. Training individuals to complete such exercises could facilitate reductions in LBP incidence however, causality cannot be inferred. Randomized trials are recommended to establish the potential efficacy of exercise-based approaches, considering these five selected exercises, for predicting and managing LBP

    Data File - Low back pain versus ability to perform 5 exercises

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    Excel file of data:A cross-sectional, exploratory, observational investigation was initiated over a period of 28 months in a population of employees with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council in Queensland, Australia. Workers from a convenience sample were consecutively recruited during 39 annual back educational programme classes of two hours duration. A total of 21 separate occupational categories were recorded and an additional ‘Other’ category for miscellaneous non-specified occupations. Class participant numbers ranged from 8-26, with a total sample of n=539. Only participants who consented were included. Data was excluded if there was insufficient demographic information. Consequently, the sample was reduced to a total of n=422, age 38.6±15.3 years, range 18-64 years, 67.3% male. Males were predominant in manual occupational roles including maintenance and construction, while females were predominant in carer and resource management including child-care, community services, library and records roles