7 research outputs found

    The Effect of The ELSIMIL Application on Adolescent Knowledge

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    In West Nusa Tenggara Province, especially West Lombok Regency, the number and presentation of women according to the age of first marriage, a fairly high percentage occurs at the age of 16 - 19 years. The aim of thus study is to determine the effect of the ELSIMIL application on adolescent knowledge. This research uses a pre-experimental research method with a pre-post control group design. The sample in this study totaled 60 with details of 30 control groups and 30 intervention groups.In the intervention group and control group, a pre-test was carried out, then different interventions were given. The intervention group was given the ELSIMIL Application, the control group used the booklet. There is the influence of ELSIMIL the effect of the ELSIMIL application on adolescent knowledge. Recommendation for the next research It is hoped that future research will be able to use this approach mixed research better so that an assessment can be obtained deeper meaning


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    The high amount of early marriage in Lombok was caused by several factors namely social and cultural factors, as well as economic factors. The Sasak tribe has a culture of “Merarik” or Eloping. Higher pregnancies and births in adolescence can be prevented by delaying early marriage until healthy reproductive age by optimizing the role of figures who are considered as role models, so that the potential in society needs to be mobilized. This type of research is quasi experiment, with a pretest posttest design. Sample size 60 adolescents grouped into 2 groups with purposive sampling technique. Increased knowledge of adolescents about the effects of early marriage and changes in adolescent attitudes towards a better delay in early marriage. Formed rules (awek-awek) when married adolescents <20 years pay a custom fine and set in the rules of local custom. There is one young woman who wants to delay her marriage up to age> 20 years. Need further research parent participation and involvement of education as reinforcement of adolescent understanding. The involvement of parents and the education sector is needed to strengthen adolescent understanding. Abstrak Tingginya menikah usia dini di Lombok disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu faktor sosial dan budaya, serta faktor ekonomi. Suku Sasak memiliki budaya “Merarik” atau Kawin Lari. Tingginya kehamilan dan kelahiran pada usia remaja bisa dicegah dengan menunda pernikahan usia dini sampai dengan usia reproduksi sehat dengan mengoptimalkan peran serta para tokoh yang dianggap sebagai panutan, sehingga potensi yang ada di masyarakat perlu digerakkan. Jenis penelitian ini quasi experiment, dengan rancangan pretest posttest design. Besar sampel 60 remaja dikelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok, memiliki pacar (Kelompok I) dan belum memiliki pacar (kelompok II) dengan teknik purposive sampling. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan remaja terhadap dampak pernikahan dini dan perubahan sikap remaja ke arah yang lebih baik terhadap penundaan pernikahan usia dini. Terbentuk aturan (awek-awek) apabila remaja menikah < 20 tahun membayar denda adat dan tertuang dalam aturan adat setempat. Terdapat satu remaja putri yang ingin menunda pernikahannya sampai dengan usia > 20 tahun. Perlu pelibatan peran serta orang tua dan pihak pendidikan sebagai penguat pemahaman remaja. &nbsp

    Studi Kasus : Asuhan Kebidanan Keluarga Berencana Pada Ny. A Akseptor KB MOW

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    ABSTRAK  Latar Belakang: Di provinsi NTB penggunaan alat kontrasepsi MOW 19,41%. Jumlah ibu yang menggunakan alat kontrasepsi MOW di provinsi NTB pada tahun 2021 yakni 8.452 kasus per 661.089 jumlah kelahiran hidup, sedangkan jumlah ibu yang menggunakan alat kontrasepsi MOW tahun 2020 sebanyak 10.722 kasus. Jadi, terdapat penurunan angka penggunaan kontrasepsi MOW pada tahun 2021 . TFR di NTB pada tahun 2018-2021 yaitu 2018 (2,8%), 2019 (2,5%) dan 2021 (2,5%).  Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui asuhan kebidanan keluarga berencana dengan Akseptor KB MOW. Metode: Metode deskriptif dengan jenis studi penelaahan kasus (case study) yang menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dari anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin, dan buku KIA. Subyek dalam studi kasus ini adalah Ny “A”, dengan Akseptor KB MOW. Hasil: Penanganan pada MOW dilakukan Tindakan SC.Setelah pemberian asuhan selama 4 hari, pada kunjungan akhir keadaan ibu membaik. Kesimpulan: Setelah dilakukan operasi tidak terjadi perdarahan dan dilakukan transfusi darah, diberikan therapy oral serta nutrisi yang dapat memulihkan luka operasi pada ibu. Sehingga tidak terjadi infeksi pada luka operasi. Background: In the province of NTB the use of MOW contraception was 19.41%. The number of mothers using MOW contraception in the province of NTB. In 2021, there were 8,452 cases per 661,089 live births, while the number of mothers using MOW contraception in 2020 was 10,722 cases. So, there is a decrease in the number of MOW contraceptive use in 2021. TFR in NTB in 2018-2021 namely 2018 (2.8%), 2019 (2.5%) and 2021 (2.5%). Objective: To find out about family planning midwifery care with MOW KB acceptors. Methods: Descriptive method with the type of case study using primary data and secondary data from anamnesis, physical examination, examination of hemoglobin levels, and the MCH handbook. The subject in this case study is Mrs "A", with MOW KB acceptor. Result: Treatment for MOW was carried out by SC action. After providing care for 4 days, at the final visit the mother's condition improved. Conclusion: After the operation there was no bleeding and a blood transfusion was performed, oral therapy and nutrition were given to restore the surgical wound to the mother. So that there is no infection in the surgical wound.  &nbsp

    Studi Kasus: Asuhan Kebidanan Pada Ny “H” Dengan Hiperplasia Endometrium

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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi NTB tahun 2018 ditemukan 897 jiwa menderita penyakit Reproduksi. kasus Hiperplasia Endometrium di NTB sebanyak 24%. Menurut hasil penelitian di RSUD Sumbawa menunjukkan jumlah wanita yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan Reproduksi pada tahun 2020 yaitu sebanyak 190 kasus dari jumlah tersebut ditemukan kasus hiperplasia endometrium sebanyak 21 kasus. pada tahun 2021 sebanyak  192 kasus gangguan kesehatan kespro  dari jumlah tersebut ditemukan kasus hiperplasia endometrium sebanyak 24 kasus. oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengambil studi kasus tentang “Asuhan Kebidanan Gangguan Reproduksi Pada Ny. H dengan Hiperplasia Endometrium di RSUD Sumbawa ” Tujuan Studi kasus : Untuk mengetahui Asuhan Kebidanan Gangguan Reproduksi Pada Ny. H dengan Hiperplasia Endometrium di RSUD Sumbawa secara komprehensif tahun 2021 Metode penelitian : jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dari anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik, hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium, hasil pemeriksaan USG, buku register dan rekam medik. Subyek dalam studi kasus ini adalah Ny.H dengan hiperplasia endometrium di RSUD Sumbawa. Hasil : pada awal kunjungan keluar darah banyak dari jalan lahir. kemudian dilakukan tindakan kuretase. Gejala  hiperplasia endometrium yaitu : siklus menstruasi tak teratur, tidak haid dalam jangka waktu lama (amenore) ataupun menstruasi terus-menerus dan banyak. evaluasi post kuret yaitu keadaan pasien membaik serta berkurangnya perdarahan pervaginam. asuhan kebidanan ibu post kuret yaitu observasi perdarahan serta menjaga personal hygine mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi dan istirahat. Kesimpulan : berkurangnya Perdarahan pasca kuretase Kata Kunci : Hiperplasia Endometrium, Kesehatan Reproduksi. &nbsp

    SITEPIS Contraception is an Extension Officer in Providing Information on Family Planning in Indonesia

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    This study addresses the vital role of information as a reproductive health right and emphasizes the responsibility of family planning officers, including health workers, to disseminate accurate information for ensuring public reproductive health. The research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of SITEPIS Contraception, an online information service designed to aid family planning officers in conveying contraceptive information. SITEPIS is a web application offering comprehensive information on contraception, medical eligibility criteria, and a live chat service. This study involves 28 family planning officers at sub-district and village levels in Bogor and West Lombok districts. Employing a descriptive research approach, the study includes socialization events introducing Sitepis Contraception, encouraging usage, and collecting officers' evaluations. Results indicate positive feedback from all officers, citing the website's appealing design, user-friendly accessibility, and essential features for effective information delivery. Despite challenges related to internet network support in certain areas, officers express willingness to use the SITEPIS website for their community information duties. Notably, while face-to-face interaction is preferred by most officers, SITEPIS contraception serves as a valuable tool for information dissemination. The study underscores the underutilization of online information as the primary method among family planning officers in Indonesia. Despite this, it recognizes the potential of online platforms, like SITEPIS, in reaching diverse societal levels. The findings emphasize the need for further examination of SITEPIS Contraception from the community's perspective, the primary target audience, to enhance its effectiveness. In conclusion, the study advocates for the integration of online information tools to empower family planning officers in fulfilling their crucial role as information providers

    Studi Kasus: Asuhan Kebidanan Kehamilan Pada Ny.A Dengan Mola Hidatidosa

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    Latar Belakang: Angka kematian ibu (AKI) masih sangat tinggi, sekitar 295.000 wanita meninggal selama dan setelah kehamilan dan persalinan. Menurut kemenkes RI Tahun 2020, jumlah kematian ibu pada tahun 2020 menunjukan 4.627 kematian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan penyebab, sebagian besar kematian ibu pada tahun 2020 disebabkan oleh pendarahan (termasuk mola hidatidosa). Prevalensi mola hidatidosa di Asia menunjukan 1:120 kehamilan. Di Inonesia sendiri didapatkan kejadian mola hidatidosa pada 1:85 kehamilan. Berdasarkan laporan tahunan RSUD PATUT PATUH PATJU Gerung tahun 2020 ditemukan kasus Mola Hidatidosa sebanyak 12 kasus. Pada tahun 2021 bulan Januari sampai dengan September tercatat sebanyak 7 kasus.Tujuan: Menerapkan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil dengan Mola Hidatidosa, menggunakan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan secara komprehensip. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dari anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium, dan rekam medik. Hasil: Pengeluaran jaringan Mola Hidatidosa dilakukan dengan Aspirasi Vaccum Manual. Kesimpulan: Pemberian penatalaksanaan sudah sesuai dengan teori dan prosedur   Background: The maternal mortality rate (MMR) is still very high, around 295,000 women die during and after pregnancy and childbirth. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2020, the number of maternal deaths in 2020 showed 4,627 deaths in Indonesia. Based on causes, the majority of maternal deaths in 2020 were caused by bleeding (including hydatidiform mole). The prevalence of hydatidiform mole in Asia is 1:120 pregnancies. In Indonesia, the incidence of hydatidiform mole is 1:85 pregnancy. Based on the annual report of the PATUT PATUH PATJU Gerung Hospital in 2020, 12 cases of Mola Hidatidosa were found. In 2021 from January to September there were 7 cases. Objective: Applying midwifery care to pregnant women with Mola Hidatidosa, using a comprehensive midwifery management approach. Method: The type of research used in this case study is descriptive research using primary and secondary data from anamnesi s, physical examination, laboratory examination, and medical records. Results: Hydatidiform mole tissue was removed by manual vacuum aspiration. Conclusion: Provision of management is in accordance with theory and procedures

    Peran Orang Tua untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja terhadap Pernikahan Usia Dini

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    Introduction: Factors causing early marriage in NTB include coercion from parents. For example, interviews with six young women who married early showed that two people married because of promiscuity, and two married because of coercion by their parents. One married because they liked each other, and one person had to get married, afraid of being a disgrace to the family and society because going home too late. Late night with his girlfriend. Objective: to analyze the effect of developing parental role models to increase adolescent knowledge and attitudes towards early marriage in West Lombok Regency. Method: quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest research design with Mann-Whitney test. The research location is in Sigerongan, West Lombok Regency, and carried out for three months with a population of male and female adolescents aged 15-19 years and a sample of 40 adolescents who were grouped into two groups. The sampling method used simple random sampling. Result: there is a significant difference in the value of knowledge between the intervention group and the control group. Conclusion: there is a significant difference between the intervention group and the control group, and there are differences in the post-test results of adolescent attitudes towards early marriage in the intervention group and the control group