90 research outputs found

    Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Keluarga Miskin Terintegrasi Dengan Wirausaha Produk Ikan

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    This study aims to: (1) ind economic and noneconomic issues that constrain poor families in the region Kretek Bantul, Yogyakarta; (2) ind a way to develop models of economic empowerment of poor families is integrated with entrepreneurial ish products so as to improve the entrepreneurial attitude and skills of families in Kretek Bantul; and (3) produce models of empowerment of poor families in the form of guide books and learning tools that are practical to implement. This study uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. Development of a model using the approach R & D from Borg & Gall summarized into 3 construct a model: a preliminary study,development models, and testing models, which are arranged in two stages. The irst stage, in economic and noneconomic issues that constrain poor ishing families, inding ways of economic empowerment of poor families, and result in the model of economic empowerment of poor families in the form of guide books and learning tools. The second phase in the form of implementation models and socialization models in a broader scop

    Effect of Clay as a Nanomaterial on Corrosion Potential of Steel Reinforcement Embedded in Ultra-High Performance Concrete

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    The effect of clay as nanomaterial or nanoclay (NC) on corrosion potential of steel reinforcement embedded in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) due to the early age properties of UHPC was investigated. In this present research, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was partially replaced by NC at 1, 3, and 5 % by weight of cement to produce the nanoclayed UHPC. It is well recognized that the corrosion of steel reinforcement would affect the service life of the reinforced concrete structure performance. To overcome this problem, UHPC was benefited due to its superior characteristic in term of density and durability as compared to OPC concrete itself. In this present research, half-cell potential (HCP) was used to monitor and measure the corrosion potential of steel reinforcement embedded in UHPC and nanoclayed UHPC. Meanwhile, weight loss of corroded steel reinforcement and pH values of hardened UHPC and nanoclayed UHPC were also conducted as follows to the specific procedures. All the samples were immersed in 3 % sodium chloride solution up to 91 days of exposure. The results revealed that the corrosion activity of steel reinforcement embedded in UHPC with 5 % NC recorded the lowest corrosion potential readings compare to those UHPC. It is also shows that the pH value of concrete and weight loss of corroded steel reinforcement in UHPC alone is highest compared to UHPC incorporating different levels of NC. As regards to the results, it is revealed that replacing NC as a replacement to cement significantly enhanced the chloride penetration of nanoclayed UHPC. It is also indicated that the corrosion potential decreased with the increase of NC and as a result delayed the corrosion initiation

    Pemberdayaan UMKM dan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah melalui Prinsip Bagi Hasil

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    This article describes the micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which has high ability to absorb labor market, as many as 97.3% from the total labor force working. However, the role of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the reality have difficulties in some factors, one of the factor is capital issues. This is where Syariah financial institution with the profit sharing principal to be expected become ideal solution, this because on the financing use the profit sharing principal. Observing phenomenon as above it is necessary to have assessment on few point area, first, implementation of financing on Syariah financial institution in the Malang City perceived become ideal solutions. Second, the factors which become the barrier on implementation of financing on Syariah financial institution in Malang City. Third; the right solution to overcome the barrier factors on the implementation at Shariah financial institution in Malang City concerning exact profit sharing principal. Artikel ini membahas tentang kemampuan USAha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dalam menyerap tenaga kerja di Indonesia yang cukup besar, yaitu sebanyak 97,3% dari total angkatan kerja yang bekerja. Namun peran tersebut dalam Kenyataannya terkendala oleh beberapa hal, diantaranya permasalahan modal. Disinilah peran Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah dengan pembiayaan berprinsip bagi hasil sangat diharapkan. Mengamati fenomena yang demikian maka perlu dikaji mengenai beberapa hal; pertama, pelaksanaan pembiayaan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah di kota Malang yang dirasa ideal bagi USAha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Kedua, faktor-faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pembiayaan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah di Kota Malang berkenaan dengan prinsip bagi hasil, dan ketiga, solusi untuk mengatasi faktor-faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pembiayaan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah di Kota Malang berkenaan dengan prinsip bagi hasil yang ideal tersebut

    Pеngaruh Kompеnsasi Finansial dan Kompеnsasi Non Finansial Tеrhadap Kеpuasan Kompеnsasi dan Kinеrja Karyawan (Studi pada Karyawan PT. Bank Brisyariah Kantor Cabang Malang)

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    Thе purposе of this rеsеarch is to know and еxplain a gеnеral dеscription of thе financial compеnsation (X1), non financial compеnsation, satisfaction, and Еmployее Pеrformancе; know and еxplains thе significant influеncе among thе financial compеnsation and non financial compеnsation on satisfaction; know and еxplains thе significant influеncе among financial compеnsation and non financial compеnsation on еmployее pеrformancе; know and еxplains thе significant influеncе among satisfaction on еmployее pеrformancе; know and еxplains if thеrе is a dirеct and an indirеct influеncе bеtwееn financial compеnsation and non financial compеnsation with satisfaction and еmployее pеrformancе or not. This rеsеarch was an еxplanatory rеsеarch using quantitativе approach. Thе numbеr of samplеs in thе study as many as 50 rеspondеnts who is an еmployее of PT. Bank BRISyariah Kantor Cabang Malang. Sampling tеchniquе usеd was saturation sampling. Mеthod of data collеction using thе quеstionnairе. Data analysis tеchniquеs usеd arе sеcriptivе statistics and path analysis with thе hеlp of thе program SPSS Statistics vеrsion 20.0 for windows. Kеywords : thе financial compеnsastion, non financial compеnsation, satisfaction, еmployее pеrformancе

    Pengaruh Persepsi Korupsi Pajak dan Kualitas Pelayanan Fiskus terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang Terdaftar di Kpp Pratama Batu)

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    Indonesia is one of the developing countries, that most of the financing of the state supported by the tax sector. Indonesia applied self-assessment system today , where the system requires taxpayers to meet the obligation gladly independently. The awareness and voluntary principles in pay taxs is the most important thing to achieve the successful implementation of the system. The purpose of this research to analyze and explain the influence together or partially, between the perception of corruption in tax and service quality tax officer towards compliance taxpayers. This research categorized of explanatory research, with 100 respondents personal people registered in the KPP Pratama Batu as a sample of research. Techniques for samples through sampling forcible entry. The analysis used is the analysis of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with multiple linear regression, as data analysis techniques. This research showed that the variables perception of corruption in tax and quality of service tax officer significant effect towards compliance taxpayers together. There is a significant influence partially between the corruption perception variable taxs towards compliance taxpayers partially, and the influence of partially between the service quality variable tax officer towards compliance taxpayers partially