3,256 research outputs found

    Effect of low-level, low-frequency electric fields on EEG and behavior in Macaca nemestrina

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    Effect of low level, low frequency electric fields on EEG and behavior of Macaca nemestrin

    A closer look at symmetry breaking in the collinear phase of the J1−J2J_1-J_2 Heisenberg Model

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    The large J2J_2 limit of the square-lattice J1−J2J_1-J_2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet is a classic example of order by disorder where quantum fluctuations select a collinear ground state. Here, we use series expansion methods and a meanfield spin-wave theory to study the excitation spectra in this phase and look for a finite temperature Ising-like transition, corresponding to a broken symmetry of the square-lattice, as first proposed by Chandra et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 88 (1990)). We find that the spectra reveal the symmetries of the ordered phase. However, we do not find any evidence for a finite temperature phase transition. Based on an effective field theory we argue that the Ising-like transition occurs only at zero temperature.Comment: 4 pages and 5 figure

    Critical Behaviour of Structure Factors at a Quantum Phase Transition

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    We review the theoretical behaviour of the total and one-particle structure factors at a quantum phase transition for temperature T=0. The predictions are compared with exact or numerical results for the transverse Ising model, the alternating Heisenberg chain, and the bilayer Heisenberg model. At the critical wavevector, the results are generally in accord with theoretical expectations. Away from the critical wavevector, however, different models display quite different behaviours for the one-particle residues and structure factors.Comment: 17 pp, 10 figure

    A Frustrated 3-Dimensional Antiferromagnet: Stacked J1−J2J_{1}-J_{2} Layers

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    We study a frustrated 3D antiferromagnet of stacked J1−J2J_1 - J_2 layers. The intermediate 'quantum spin liquid' phase, present in the 2D case, narrows with increasing interlayer coupling and vanishes at a triple point. Beyond this there is a direct first-order transition from N{\' e}el to columnar order. Possible applications to real materials are discussed.Comment: 11 pages,7 figure

    Realization of a large J_2 quasi-2D spin-half Heisenberg system: Li2VOSiO4

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    Exchange couplings are calculated for Li2VOSiO4 using LDA. While the sum of in-plane couplings J_1 + J_2 = 9.5 \pm 1.5 K and the inter-plane coupling J_{perp} \sim 0.2 - 0.3 K agree with recent experimental data, the ratio J_2/J_1 \sim 12 exceeds the reported value by an order of magnitude. Using geometrical considerations, high temperature expansions and perturbative mean field theory, we show that the LDA derived exchange constants lead to a remarkably accurate description of the properties of these materials including specific heat, susceptibility, Neel temperature and NMR spectra.Comment: 4 two-column pages, 4 embedded postscript figure

    Low energy states with different symmetries in the t-J model with two holes on a 32-site lattice

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    We study the low energy states of the t-J model with two holes on a 32-site lattice with periodic boundary conditions. In contrary to common belief, we find that the state with d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry is not always the ground state in the realistic parameter range 0.2\le J/t\le 0.4. There exist low-lying finite-momentum p-states whose energies are lower than the d_{x^2-y^2} state when J/t is small enough. We compare various properties of these low energy states at J/t=0.3 where they are almost degenerate, and find that those properties associated with the holes (such as the hole-hole correlation and the electron momentum distribution function) are very different between the d_{x^2-y^2} and p states, while their spin properties are very similar. Finally, we demonstrate that by adding ``realistic'' terms to the t-J model Hamiltonian, we can easily destroy the d_{x^2-y^2} ground state. This casts doubt on the robustness of the d_{x^2-y^2} state as the ground state in a microscopic model for the high temperature superconductors

    Single hole dynamics in the t-J model on a square lattice

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    We present quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for a single hole in a t-J model from J=0.4t to J=4t on square lattices with up to 24 x 24 sites. The lower edge of the spectrum is directly extracted from the imaginary time Green's function. In agreement with earlier calculations, we find flat bands around (0,±π)(0,\pm\pi), (±π,0)(\pm\pi,0) and the minimum of the dispersion at (±π/2,±π/2)(\pm\pi/2,\pm\pi/2). For small J both self-consistent Born approximation and series expansions give a bandwidth for the lower edge of the spectrum in agreement with the simulations, whereas for J/t > 1, only series expansions agree quantitatively with our QMC results. This band corresponds to a coherent quasiparticle. This is shown by a finite size scaling of the quasiparticle weight Z(k⃗)Z(\vec k) that leads to a finite result in the thermodynamic limit for the considered values of J/tJ/t. The spectral function A(k⃗,ω)A(\vec k, \omega) is obtained from the imaginary time Green's function via the maximum entropy method. Resonances above the lowest edge of the spectrum are identified, whose J-dependence is quantitatively described by string excitations up to J/t=2

    Finite-Size Scaling of the Ground State Parameters of the Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model

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    The ground state parameters of the two-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model are calculated using the Stochastic Series Expansion quantum Monte Carlo method for L*L lattices with L up to 16. The finite-size results for the energy E, the sublattice magnetization M, the long-wavelength susceptibility chi_perp(q=2*pi/L), and the spin stiffness rho_s, are extrapolated to the thermodynamic limit using fits to polynomials in 1/L, constrained by scaling forms previously obtained from renormalization group calculations for the nonlinear sigma model and chiral perturbation theory. The results are fully consistent with the predicted leading finite-size corrections and are of sufficient accuracy for extracting also subleading terms. The subleading energy correction (proportional to 1/L^4) agrees with chiral perturbation theory to within a statistical error of a few percent, thus providing the first numerical confirmation of the finite-size scaling forms to this order. The extrapolated ground state energy per spin, E=-0.669437(5), is the most accurate estimate reported to date. The most accurate Green's function Monte Carlo (GFMC) result is slightly higher than this value, most likely due to a small systematic error originating from ``population control'' bias in GFMC. The other extrapolated parameters are M=0.3070(3), rho_s = 0.175(2), chi_perp = 0.0625(9), and the spinwave velocity c=1.673(7). The statistical errors are comparable with those of the best previous estimates, obtained by fitting loop algorithm quantum Monte Carlo data to finite-temperature scaling forms. Both M and rho_s obtained from the finite-T data are, however, a few error bars higher than the present estimates. It is argued that the T=0 extrapolations performed here are less sensitive to effects of neglectedComment: 16 pages, RevTex, 9 PostScript figure

    Impurity in a Luttinger liquid away from half-filling: a numerical study

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    Conformal field theory gives quite detailed predictions for the low energy spectrum and scaling exponents of a massless Luttinger liquid at generic filling in the presence of an impurity. While these predictions were verified for half-filled systems, there was till now no analysis away from this particular filling. Here, we fill in this gap by numerically investigating a quarter-filled system using the density matrix renormalization group technique. Our results confirm conformal field theory predictions, and suggest that they are indeed valid for arbitrary fillings.Comment: 9 pages (include figures), one reference added in this new versio
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