64 research outputs found

    An illusion induced by an illusion -perceptual filling-in of coloured negative afterimages

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    Visual filling-in relates to a perceptual phenomenon in which a stimulus pattern apparently undergoes dynamic changes assuming an attribute such as colour, texture, or brightness from the surround. This perceptual completion effect has up to now been shown only for real images. Here, we present filling-in in negative afterimages, a phenomenon not yet reported. Using coloured disk-ring patterns for stimuli, we demonstrate that afterimage filling-in arises independently, and is not simply a replica of filling-in observed in real images. Such filling-in does not occur when the afterimage is elicited dichoptically, suggesting its emergence within the monocular visual pathway. In this way, our findings indicate that filling-in under certain conditions may derive from an active neural mechanism located at low levels of the visual pathway

    Odors in Cognitive Research: a commentary on \u27Scented Colours\u27 and an evaluation study on odor quality, with the example of human wayfinding

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    In his target article on “Scented Colours”, Charles Spence highlights the importance of crossmodal connections by focusing on the interaction between odors and colors. In this commentary and our presentation of own empirical work in this research context, we want to reach out further by emphasizing this importance not only on a perceptual and representational level, but also highlight it as an example for spatial cognition research. We provide an evaluation study on emotional effects of odors that could be used in future interdisciplinary research. While the meaning of odors in spatial wayfinding is, thus far, not well investigated, we want to briefly introduce the current research state, focus on new and valuable research strains in this area as an example for the importance of odors in cognitive research

    Cognitive landmark research beyond visual cues using GIScience

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    Urban sound mapping for wayfinding – a theoretical approach and an empirical study

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    Conventional navigation systems use visually perceptible landmarks to navigate their users from a starting point to a destination. However, sometimes visual information is not enough for route guidance. Visually-impaired or elderly people may not be able to navigate using the visual sense. Furthermore, there may exist no outstanding (i.e., salient) visual landmarks that could be used to navigate. In such a case auditory information may be a helpful guide. We performed two online studies and a focus-group interview to identify possible sound classes in an urban environment. Based on our results, we gathered sounds in Augsburg and classified them according to their source. The findings support our notion that auditory information can be useful for spatial orientation and guidance in addition to or even replacing visual information

    Implicit versus explicit processing of visual, olfactory, and multimodal landmark information in human wayfinding

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    Despite the predominant focus on visual perception in most studies, the role of humans’ sense of smell in navigation has often been neglected. Recent research, however, could show that humans are indeed able to use their sense of smell for orientation, particularly when processed implicitly. In this study, we investigate whether implicit perception of olfactory landmarks enhanced wayfinding performance compared to explicit perception. Fifty-two people completed a wayfinding and a recognition task in a virtual maze at two times of testing 1 month apart. Participants either received olfactory, visual, or both cues at the intersections. Wayfinding performance was better for olfactory landmarks, which were not correctly remembered in the recognition task. In contrast, wayfinding performance was better when visual landmarks were correctly remembered. In the multimodal condition, wayfinding performance was better with landmarks being remembered at t1 and remained the same at t2. Our results suggest distinct implicit processing mechanisms within the olfactory system and therefore hold important implications for the nature of spatial odor processing extending beyond explicit odor localization tasks. The study highlights the importance for future studies to develop and employ further experimental methods that capture implicit processing across all of our senses. This is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of consciousness, as olfaction strongly influences our behavior, but remains largely latent unless deliberately honed through practice

    The Illogicality of Stock-Brokers: Psychological Experiments on the Effects of Prior Knowledge and Belief Biases on Logical Reasoning in Stock Trading

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    BACKGROUND: Explanations for the current worldwide financial crisis are primarily provided by economists and politicians. However, in the present work we focus on the psychological-cognitive factors that most likely affect the thinking of people on the economic stage and thus might also have had an effect on the progression of the crises. One of these factors might be the effect of prior beliefs on reasoning and decision-making. So far, this question has been explored only to a limited extent. METHODS: We report two experiments on logical reasoning competences of nineteen stock-brokers with long-lasting vocational experiences at the stock market. The premises of reasoning problems concerned stock trading and the experiments varied whether or not their conclusions--a proposition which is reached after considering the premises--agreed with the brokers' prior beliefs. Half of the problems had a conclusion that was highly plausible for stock-brokers while the other half had a highly implausible conclusion. RESULTS: The data show a strong belief bias. Stock-brokers were strongly biased by their prior knowledge. Lowest performance was found for inferences in which the problems caused a conflict between logical validity and the experts' belief. In these cases, the stock-brokers tended to make logically invalid inferences rather than give up their existing beliefs. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the thesis that cognitive factors have an effect on the decision-making on the financial market. In the present study, stock-brokers were guided more by past experience and existing beliefs than by logical thinking and rational decision-making. They had difficulties to disengage themselves from vastly anchored thinking patterns. However, we believe, that it is wrong to accuse the brokers for their "malfunctions", because such hard-wired cognitive principles are difficult to suppress even if the person is aware of them
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