35 research outputs found

    Indifferentiable hashing from Elligator 2

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    Bernstein et al. recently introduced a system ``Elligator\u27\u27 for steganographic key distribution. At the heart of their construction are invertible maps between a finite field F\mathbb{F} and an elliptic curve E\mathcal{E} over F\mathbb{F}. There are two such maps, called ϕ\phi in the ``Elligator 1\u27\u27 system, and ψ\psi in the ``Elligator 2\u27\u27 system. Here we show two ways to construct hash functions from ψ\psi which are indifferentiable from a random oracle. Because ψ\psi is relatively simple, our analyses are also simple. One of our constructions uses a novel ``wallpapering\u27\u27 approach, whereas the other uses the hash-twice-and-add approach of Brier et al

    The STROBE protocol framework

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    The “Internet of Things” (IoT) promises ubiquitous, cheap, connected devices. Unfortunately, most of these devices are hastily developed and will never receive code updates. Part of the IoT’s security problem is cryptographic, but established cryptographic solutions seem too heavy or too inflexible to adapt to new use cases. Here we describe Strobe, a new lightweight framework for building both cryptographic primitives and network protocols. Strobe is a sponge construction in the same family as Markku Saarinen’s BLINKER framework. The Strobe framework is simple and extensible. It is suitable for use as a hash, authenticated cipher, pseudorandom generator, and as the symmetric component of a network protocol engine. With an elliptic curve or other group primitive, it also provides a flexible Schnorr signature variant. Strobe can be instantiated with different sponge functions for different purposes. We show how to instantiate Strobe as an instance of NIST’s draft cSHAKE algorithm. We also show a lightweight implementation which is especially suitable for 16- and 32- bit microcontrollers, and also for small but high-speed hardware

    Computing the Jacobi symbol using Bernstein-Yang

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    Number-theoretic algorithms often need to calculate one or both of two related quantities: modular inversion and Jacobi symbol. These two functions seem unrelated at first glance, but in fact the algorithms for calculating them are closely related: they can both be calculated either by variants of Euclid\u27s GCD algorithm, or when the modulus is prime, by exponentiation. As a result, an implementation of one algorithm can often be adapted to compute the other instead, or they can even be calculated together in a batch. The Bernstein-Yang right-to-left modular inversion algorithm is notable for taking constant, asymptotically subquadratic time. Right-to-left algorithms are tricky to adapt for the Jacobi symbol, because they do not consider the signs of the values being operated on. But the Jacobi symbol is defined only on positive integers, and the rules for computing it need corrections if negative integers are introduced. In this short paper, we show how to overcome this difficulty and produce a right-to-left Jacobi symbol algorithm based on Bernstein-Yang

    Cryptanalysis of 22 1/2 rounds of Gimli

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    Bernstein et al. have proposed a new permutation, Gimli, which aims to provide simple and performant implementations on a wide variety of platforms. One of the tricks used to make Gimli performant is that it processes data mostly in 96-bit columns, only occasionally swapping 32-bit words between them. Here we show that this trick is dangerous by presenting a distinguisher for reduced-round Gimli. Our distinguisher takes the form of an attack on a simple and practical PRF that should be nearly 192-bit secure. Gimli has 24 rounds. Against 15.5 of those rounds, our distinguisher uses two known plaintexts, takes about 2642^{64} time and uses enough memory for a set with 2642^{64} elements. Against 1912\frac12 rounds, the same attack uses three non-adaptively chosen plaintexts, and uses twice as much memory and about 21282^{128} time. Against 221222\frac12 rounds, it requires about 2138.52^{138.5} work, 21292^{129} bits of memory and 210.52^{10.5} non-adaptively chosen plaintexts. The same attack would apply to 2312\frac12 rounds if Gimli had more rounds. Our attack does not use the structure of the SP-box at all, other than that it is invertible, so there may be room for improvement. On the bright side, our toy PRF puts keys and data in different positions than a typical sponge mode would do, so the attack might not work against sponge constructions

    Decaf: Eliminating cofactors through point compression

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    We propose a new unified point compression format for Edwards, Twisted Edwards and Montgomery curves over large-characteristic fields, which effectively divides the curve\u27s cofactor by 4 at very little cost to performance. This allows cofactor-4 curves to efficiently implement prime-order groups

    Ed448-Goldilocks, a new elliptic curve

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    Many papers have proposed elliptic curves which are faster and easier to implement than the NIST prime-order curves. Most of these curves have had fields of size around 22562^256, and thus security estimates of around 128 bits. Recently there has been interest in a stronger curve, prompting designs such as Curve41417 and Microsoft’s pseudo-Mersenne-prime curves. Here I report on the design of another strong curve, called Ed448-Goldilocks. Implementations of this curve can perform very well for its security level on many architectures. As of this writing, this curve is favored by IRTF CFRG for inclusion in future versions of TLS along with Curve25519

    Fast and compact elliptic-curve cryptography

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Elliptic curve cryptosystems have improved greatly in speed over the past few years. In this paper we outline a new elliptic curve signature and key agreement implementation which achieves record speeds while remaining relatively compact. For example, on Intel Sandy Bridge, a curve with about 22502^{250} points produces a signature in just under 60k clock cycles, verifies in under 169k clock cycles, and computes a Diffie-Hellman shared secret in under 153k clock cycles. Our implementation has a small footprint: the library is under 55kB. We also post competitive timings on ARM processors, verifying a signature in under 626k Tegra-2 cycles. We introduce faster field arithmetic, a new point compression algorithm, an improved fixed-base scalar multiplication algorithm and a new way to verify signatures without inversions or coordinate recovery. Some of these improvements should be applicable to other systems

    Improvements to RSA key generation and CRT on embedded devices

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    RSA key generation requires devices to generate large prime numbers. The naïve approach is to generate candidates at random, and then test each one for (probable) primality. However, it is faster to use a sieve method, where the candidates are chosen so as not to be divisible by a list of small prime numbers {pi}\{p_i\}. Sieve methods can be somewhat complex and time-consuming, at least by the standards of embedded and hardware implementations, and they can be tricky to defend against side-channel analysis. Here we describe an improvement on Joye et al.\u27s sieve based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). We also describe a new sieve method using quadratic residuosity which is simpler and faster than previously known methods, and which can produce values in desired RSA parameter ranges such as (2n−1/2,2n)(2^{n-1/2}, 2^n) with minimal additional work. The same methods can be used to generate strong primes and DSA moduli. We also demonstrate a technique for RSA private key operations using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (RSA-CRT) without q−1q^{-1} mod pp. This technique also leads to inversion-free batch RSA and inversion-free RSA mod pkqp^k q. We demonstrate how an embedded device can use our key generation and RSA-CRT techniques to perform RSA efficiently without storing the private key itself: only a symmetric seed and one or two short hints are required

    Quantum security proofs using semi-classical oracles

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    We present an improved version of the one-way to hiding (O2H) Theorem by Unruh, J ACM 2015. Our new O2H Theorem gives higher flexibility (arbitrary joint distributions of oracles and inputs, multiple reprogrammed points) as well as tighter bounds (removing square-root factors, taking parallelism into account). The improved O2H Theorem makes use of a new variant of quantum oracles, semi-classical oracles, where queries are partially measured. The new O2H Theorem allows us to get better security bounds in several public-key encryption schemes

    A Side-Channel Assisted Cryptanalytic Attack Against QcBits

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    International audienceQcBits is a code-based public key algorithm based on a problem thought to be resistant to quantum computer attacks. It is a constant-time implementation for a quasi-cyclic moderate density parity check (QC-MDPC) Niederreiter encryption scheme, and has excellent performance and small key sizes. In this paper, we present a key recovery attack against QcBits. We first used differential power analysis (DPA) against the syndrome computation of the decoding algorithm to recover partial information about one half of the private key. We then used the recovered information to set up a system of noisy binary linear equations. Solving this system of equations gave us the entire key. Finally, we propose a simple but effective countermeasure against the power analysis used during the syndrome calculation