24 research outputs found

    The immunological relationship between filtrable agent, Salmonella and murine leukosis

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    Salmonella typhimurium was invariably isolated from our J strain murine leukosis. Immunization of D103 mice with either inactivated Salmonella typhimurium or the cell-free extract of leukosis inhibited the transplantation of leukosis. The adoptive immunization of D103 mice with spleen cells of Strong A mice immunized with either Salmonella or the cell-free extract of leukosis inhibited the transplantation of leukosis. The addition of either Salmonella or the cell-free extract of leukosis inhibited the migration of macrophages of leukosis spleen in tissue culture. Strong A mice is non-susceptible to J strain leukosis. However, inoculation of neonatal Strong A mice with the cell-free extract of leukosis produced a susceptibility to the transplantation of leukosis. These results suggest that both a filtrable agent and Salmonella typhimurium are present in cells of this leukosis and might be etiologically related to the leukosis.</p

    Uber die saurefesten Granula. 2. Mitteilung (Spezifische Bemerkungen).

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    Unter den histogenen Wanderzellen kann man wohl die Glanzzelle als eine hochst charakteritisehe Zelle betrachten, einmal ihrer Granulation wegen &#8213; die spezifische Granulation I, welche saurefest und nukleogen ist, die spezifische Granulation II, welche alkalifest und zytoplasmogen ist, die spezifische Granulation III, welche jodfest mercuraffin ist-und das andere mal in ihrer Herkunft aus dem glatten Muskelgewebe. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse mussen wir annehmen, da&#946; der glatte Muskel physiologisch sowie pathologisch eine besondere Wanderzelle &#8213; die Glanzzelle &#8213; bildet. Merkwurdigerweise ist der glatte Muskel bis jetzt noch niemals als eine Matrix fur irgendeine Wanderzelle angesprochen worden. Das kommt vermutlich daher, da&#946; das glatte Muskelgewebe ausschlie&#946;lich aus morphologisch und funktionell fertig differenzierten Muskelfasern besteht und nach der allgemeinen histologischen Regel eine zellbildende Tatigkeit kaum mehr beanspruchen durfte. Diese konventionelle Annahme glaube ich dadurch grundsatzlich korrigiert zu haben, da&#946; ich durch meine spezifische Arbeitsmethode die undifferenzierten Muskelzellen tatsachlich im normalen Muskelgewebe des Menschen sowie des Affen dargestellt habe und da&#946; ich bei ihnen den Form- sowie Granulaubergang zu den Glanzzellen eindeutig nachweisen konnte. Unter den oben beschriebenen Untersuchungsmethoden empfehle ich das KFJ-Verfahren (unter Umstanden mit Kernfarbung) mit Rucksicht auf die Handlichkeit. Wenn man aber eine strenge Differenzierung der Glanzzellen von den anderen Wanderzellen, insbesondere von den Mastzellen, erzielen will, so verla&#946;t man sich besser auf meine Isolationsmethode durch konzentrierte Kalilaugelosung. Zum Schlu&#946; mochte ich nochmals ausdrucklich betonen, da&#946; sich bei den Glanzzellen in den taglichen gebrauchlichen Farbungen die Wahrscheinlichkeitsdiagnose leicht stellen la&#946;t, wenn man ihre allgemeine Beschaffenheit einmal erkannt hat. Die Glanzzelle kommt keineswegs selten vor und es ist, glaube ich, unsere Pflicht, uns bei den taglichen histogischen Untersuchungen ihre biologische Bedeutung weiter klar zu machen.</p

    On the Inoculation of the HST (Hamazaki) Virus Isolated From Yoshida Tumor on Emb-ryonated Eggs

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    HST virus which was isolated in 1950 from the roshida ascites tumor by Hamazaki and his associates is a pantropic virus which creates a unique inflammatory granulation in mice. When virus of an acute infections disease was inoculated on embryonated eggs, not only the egg membrane but also the chick embryo were infected more or less, and when the number of virus increased the chick embryo died, terminating the development of the egg. However, the tumor inducing virus which represents the Rous virus does not cause heavy disturbances in the embryo and it is well known that chick hatched from this egg can long maintain health unless it is subjected to a provocative factor. HST virus is no exception to this example and though it is inoculated on an embryonated egg it does not cause any serious disturbance on the embryo. The tissue changes of the chorio allantois infected by the &#34;Virus were the focal proliferation and necrosis of ectodermal epithelium, the proliferation of the mesenchymal cells of the mesodermal layer adjacent to these foci, accompaning infiltration of lymphoid cells and leukocytes with edema, especially eosinophilic leukocytes. By these tissue changes a terrace-shaped thickening of the membrane was the result. In the viscera of the chick embryo a special change in the liver was seen, i. e., along the edge of the liver greyish white nodules submacroscopic to miliary in size appeared. The principal pathologic change of the foci is the coagulation necrosis of the liver parenchyma and only a slight infiltration about the periphery of the foci was observed. Moreover, proliferation of mesenchymal cells occurred next to the walls of the large blood vessels of the liver (principally, the portal veins) and with the added infiltration of a small number of lymphoid cells and leukocytes sharply defined nodular foci were formed. Though this was a rare instnace, similar pathologic changes were seen also in the walls of the blood vessels of the cerebrum stem of the embryo and along the periphery local gliosis was observed.</p

    A case of histoplasmosis Report 1. Cinical, mycological and pathological observations

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    In our country it has been believed that there is no histoplasmosis here in Japan. However, from the above clinical signs, radiological characteristics, laboratory tests, pathological and mycological examinations, and experimental findings, we believe this is the first case of histoplasmosis in Japan.</p

    Tumor induction in Swiss mice by filtrable agent and Salmonella typhimurium.

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    Combined inoculation of a cell-free extract of leukotic tissue of D103 mice and Salmonella typhimurium into adult Swiss mice induced leukosis and solid tumors. The induced solid tumors were histologically multifarious, and were transplantable in Swiss mice, but not in other strains of mice.</p

    On the histo-morphological changes of transplantable tumors.

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    1. When chicken sarcoma virus is serially inoculated on the mouse brain, it loses its carcinogenecity, but when it is inoculated on young chicken, granuloma develops in the liver and lung. When this granuloma is transplanted on adult chicken, a transplantable fibrosarcoma is obtained. 2. According to literature, the originaltumor of the Brown-Pearce cancer is a basal cell cancer, but that imported to Japan in 1953 presented a histological picture of carcinosarcoma. The metastasized tumor of the eye presents a purely cancer tissue, but when this is inoculated on the testis, carcinosarcoma is reproduced. It is therefore considered that the mother cell of the sarcoma is of host origin. 3. MY sarcoma is not a sarcoma, but is a spindle cell cancer. It might be a sarcoma which transformed into a cancer during serial transplantation, but perhaps it was originally a cancer but had been erroneously diagnosed as sarcoma. 4. The tumors we obtained by means of the feeding tests of Yoshida tumor all developed at organs other than those of the digestive tract. They are chiefly reticulo-sarcoma, but others which develop are malignant granuloma in the liver and lung, malignant adenoma in the kidney, papilloma of pelvis, and ependymoma in the cerebral ventricle. Since the discovery of the Yoshida tumor in 1943, serial transplantation has been conducted for 19 years with this tumor not only in Japan but also in foreign countries, but there has been no report to this date that a transformed strain has developed by cell transplantation. It therefore must be considered that the carcinogenesis observed in our feeding tests is a carcinogenesis due to a mechanism completely unlike that of cell transplantation. It has been confirmed by electron microscopy that in the early stage of transplantation of this tumor into the abdominal cavity there was an additional tumor growth due to the anaplastic proliferation of serous cells. 5. During the serial transplantation of viral tumors and/or virus dependent tumors, the tumor sometimes undergoes a morphological change. Though the cause of this is not yet sufficiently elucidated, it is suspected that there is some relationship with virus in the wide sense.</p

    Studies on the Origin of "Tâches laiteuses", in Addition: The Formation of the Net-meshes in Omentum

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    In the preceding paper on the milk-spots of omentum of rabbit, I concluded that in the mesothelial cell-layer of the milk-spots there exist the peculiar epithelioid cells (histiocytes) and apertures, and also affirmed that the majority of the epithelioid cells are penetrating the mesothelial cell-layer to regain their position in the milk-spots from the peritoneal cavity. From this fact, I cannot agree with the views of Renaut and Goldmann-"Diese Zelle (Histiozyt) wandert nicht aus der serösen Höhlen in das Netz, um hier tâches laiteuses aufzubauen, die Wanderung ist vielmehr eine umgekehrte". Elaborating upon my view, the mother cells which bring forth the milk-spots also may be considered to be the similar cells reappeared as above mentioned. To investigate the above subject, this study was experimentally done. In addition, the developmental process of the four groups of milk-spots (Follicular, adventitial, mixed and solitary form by the author) was also investigated. Concerning to the development of the omentum, there are two important questions hitherto discussed, namely: the one is the formation of the net-meshes in omentum: the other is Ranvier's cellules vasoformatives et sanguiformatives, and these matters were also some illustrated in this paper. However, the latter question, relating to the system of the blood-vessels was here limited to its objective observation only and its detail will be carried out in another paper. Conclusions:- 1. The mother cells of the milk-spots may probably be those cells which once emigrated from the peritoneum into the abdominal cavity and then deposit on the surface of the omentum. 2. The mother cells are grouped or disseminated on the surface of the omentum and form the milk-spots, having depositted deeper and deeper into the omental tissue. However, the adveventitial milk-spots may be built partly by the adventitia-cells which have existed embryonally in the omentum. 3. The milk-spots will be developped by means of mitotic cell-division of the mother cells and by the continuous deposition of the large mononuclear wandering cells from the abdominal cavity. 4. In the beginning of the development of milk-spots, all of them, excluding the adventitial form, belong to the solitary form, and after a little while some of the solitary form are supplied with blood-vessels and consequently they become the follicular form. The follicular form developed along the relatively large bloog-vessel will become a mixed form, combining with the adventitial form. 5. Considering the origin of the milk-spots, I cannot quite agree with Renaut's classification hitherto used. 6. The formation of the net-meshes in omentum of rat is originated from the necrosis or falling of the nuclei of the mesothelial cells and Auerbach's "Schaltplättchen"


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    中樞性糖尿ノMechanismusニ關シテハ大別スレバ三樣ノ説アリ. Bernard, Eck-hard, Pflüger氏等ハ糠中樞ヨリノ興奮ハ交感神經系ヲ經テ肝ニ直達スルモノナリト論ジ, Blum, Mayer氏等ハ交感神經ヲ經テ副腎ニ達シ其ノ分泌亢進ヲ惹起シ「アドレナリン」血症ヲ招來スルニ因ルモノナリトナシ, Nishi, Tammann氏等ハ副腎ト肝ハ神經ヲ以テ連絡スルモノナラント推論シ, Kahn, Trendelenburg氏等ハ肝直達説ト副腎介在説トノ折衷説ヲ唱ヘ, 各自々説ヲ高唱シテ互ニ讓ラズ. 著者ハ諸種ノ實驗的糖尿病ニ於ケル乳斑糖原質ノ消長ヲ檢セシ所, ソノ糖原量ハ中樞性糖尿症ニ於テハ著シク増加シ, 末梢性糖尿症ニ於テハ之ニ反シラ甚シキ消耗乃至消失ヲ來ス. 又「ヂウレチン」注射ニヨリテ増量セル糖原質ハ「アドレナリン」注射ニヨリテ著シク減少スルヲ確認セリ. 本實驗成績ハ中樞性糖尿ノ本態ヲ「アドレナリン」血症ニ歸セントスル説トハ相容レザル所, 從ツテ中樞性糖尿症ト末梢性糖尿症トハソノ本態ニ於テ同一ノモノト見做スヲ得ズ