8 research outputs found

    Grand Strategy and Peace Operations: the Brazilian Case

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    Le Brésil et sa généreuse diplomatie : un dragon amical ou un tigre de papier ?

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    Jouissant d’une démocratie stable et d’une croissance économique vertigineuse, le Brésil est en passe de devenir une puissance mondiale. Le pays s’attelle aujourd’hui à renforcer ses relations multilatérales et bilatérales en vue de promouvoir le commerce et de réduire sa vulnérabilité à l’étranger et au niveau national. Cet article montre comment le Brésil a progressivement aligné sa politique étrangère sur la coopération Sud-Sud (CSS) dans le but d’atteindre ces objectifs parallèles. Si les priorités politiques du Brésil en matière de commerce ont retenu l’attention, il en est tout autrement de ses politiques et de ses pratiques en matière d’aide au développement. En outre, il est surprenant de constater que le lien explicite entre ces deux piliers de la politique étrangère brésilienne que sont le commerce et l’aide ne suscite guère de débat. Le présent article cherche à démontrer que le nouveau programme d’aide du Brésil repose fondamentalement sur des considérations commerciales. Au cours des dix dernières années, le Brésil s’est en effet attaché à positionner son programme de politique étrangère de manière à remodeler les termes mondiaux de l’échange en sa faveur et à diminuer sa dépendance aux niveaux international et national. Les attributions relativement modestes de l’aide au développement du Brésil augmentent avec l’effort plus général de faire progresser le commerce, l’investissement étranger direct et le transfert technologique. En cherchant de nouveaux marchés pour ses produits, services et investissements, le Brésil escompte que sa position en faveur de la coopération pour le développement Sud-Sud (CDSS) l’aidera à renforcer son influence dans les organisations bilatérales et multilatérales, y compris au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) et du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU

    Brazil’s Generous Diplomacy: Friendly Dragon or Paper Tiger?

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    Featuring a stable democracy and dizzying economic growth, Brazil is fast on the way to acquiring global power status. The country is investing in enhanced multilateral and bilateral relationships as a means of leveraging trade and reducing vulnerability abroad and on the domestic front. This chapter demonstrates how Brazil has increasingly aligned its foreign policy with a ‘South–South Cooperation’ (SSC) agenda as a means of achieving these parallel objectives. But while Brazil’s trade activities have received attention, there has been comparatively less focus on the country’s aid policy and practice. Moreover, there is surprisingly little discussion of how the country’s foreign policy pillars – trade and aid – are explicitly linked. The chapter demonstrates how Brazil’s emerging aid agenda is fundamentally informed by trade considerations. Over the past decade Brazil has positioned its foreign policy agenda in such a way as to re-shape the global terms of trade in its favour and decrease its dependency both internationally and domestically. Brazil’s relatively modest development aid allocations are amplified by a wider effort to advance trade, foreign direct investment and technology transfer. Brazil seeks to expand to new markets for its products, services and investment, it anticipates that its South–South Development Cooperation (SSDC) stance will facilitate the extension of its influence in bilateral and multilateral arrangements, including the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Security Council

    A participação de civis em treinamentos conjuntos para operações de paz : O patamar alcançado pelo Brasil no Exercício Viking 2022

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    In Brazil, for at least 15 years, civilians have participated in a series of training sessions for UN peacekeeping operations, generally organized by military personnel. Most of the time, this participation has been secondary. In 2022, Brazil once again hosted a remote site of Exercise Viking: this is an international mega-training, assisted by computer, which aims to prepare civilians, police and soldiers to be deployed in missions by international organizations in unstable contexts, including peacekeeping operations. By describing the participation of civilians in this Exercise and comparing it with the previous edition, from 2018, the article aims to demonstrate that, in contrast to the participation of civilians in other trainings in Brazil, Viking 22 broke with the existing paradigm by offering a opportunity to insert civilians in joint training, thus becoming an important precedent for future exercises on peace operations.No Brasil, há pelo menos 15 anos, civis participam de uma série de treinamentos paraoperações de paz da ONU, geralmente organizados por militares. Na maioria das vezes,essa participação tem sido secundária. Em 2022, o Brasil sediou novamente um site remoto do Exercício Viking: trata-se de um mega-treinamento internacional, assistido porcomputador, que visa preparar civis, policiais e militares para serem desdobrados emmissões de organismos internacionais em contextos instáveis, aí incluídas as operaçõesde paz. Ao descrever a participação de civis neste Exercício e compará-la com a ediçãoanterior, de 2018, o artigo visa demonstrar que, em contraste com a participação de civisem outros treinamentos no Brasil, o Viking 22 rompeu com o paradigma existente aooferecer uma oportunidade de inserção de civis em treinamentos conjuntos, configurando-se, assim, como um importante precedente para futuros exercícios sobreoperações de paz

    A participação de civis em treinamentos conjuntos para operações de paz : O patamar alcançado pelo Brasil no Exercício Viking 2022

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    In Brazil, for at least 15 years, civilians have participated in a series of training sessions for UN peacekeeping operations, generally organized by military personnel. Most of the time, this participation has been secondary. In 2022, Brazil once again hosted a remote site of Exercise Viking: this is an international mega-training, assisted by computer, which aims to prepare civilians, police and soldiers to be deployed in missions by international organizations in unstable contexts, including peacekeeping operations. By describing the participation of civilians in this Exercise and comparing it with the previous edition, from 2018, the article aims to demonstrate that, in contrast to the participation of civilians in other trainings in Brazil, Viking 22 broke with the existing paradigm by offering a opportunity to insert civilians in joint training, thus becoming an important precedent for future exercises on peace operations.No Brasil, há pelo menos 15 anos, civis participam de uma série de treinamentos paraoperações de paz da ONU, geralmente organizados por militares. Na maioria das vezes,essa participação tem sido secundária. Em 2022, o Brasil sediou novamente um site remoto do Exercício Viking: trata-se de um mega-treinamento internacional, assistido porcomputador, que visa preparar civis, policiais e militares para serem desdobrados emmissões de organismos internacionais em contextos instáveis, aí incluídas as operaçõesde paz. Ao descrever a participação de civis neste Exercício e compará-la com a ediçãoanterior, de 2018, o artigo visa demonstrar que, em contraste com a participação de civisem outros treinamentos no Brasil, o Viking 22 rompeu com o paradigma existente aooferecer uma oportunidade de inserção de civis em treinamentos conjuntos, configurando-se, assim, como um importante precedente para futuros exercícios sobreoperações de paz

    Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies

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    International development cooperation is undergoing a revolution in order to cope with global challenges that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. Beyond the fight against poverty, development aid is called upon to address global public goods. While intergovernmental negotiations stall, bilateral and multilateral aid agencies boast to tackle climate change, food insecurity, water and energy scarcity, pandemics, armed conflicts and disasters in weak states, migrations, etc. The emergence of new aid actors radically alters the traditional aid architecture and approaches. The increasing number of poor living in middle-income countries makes poverty alleviation more of a political than a technical endeavour. The book examines how this profoundly affects international development cooperation. It questions how far bilateral and multilateral aid agencies succeed in mainstreaming global issues in their operations. It assesses how emerging and traditional donors address competing objectives, often with diverging rationales. Sixteen authors examine these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. A full colour 30-page section illustrates this with graphics and diagrams. Buy the English issue published by Palgrave Macmillan. La coopération internationale au développement est bousculée, tant par la perte de ses repères traditionnels Nord/Sud ou riches/pauvres que par la multiplication des problèmes globaux qu’elle est appelée à traiter. Aujourd’hui, la majorité des pauvres vivent dans des pays à revenu intermédiaire. La lutte contre la pauvreté devient alors plus politique que technique. Il s’agit de (re)penser la répartition des richesses au niveau national, bien au-delà des cadres d’intervention des agences d’aide. En même temps, le système de gouvernance mondiale piétine et les agences se voient confier des missions de plus en plus vastes : préserver les biens publics mondiaux et combattre le changement climatique, l’insécurité alimentaire, les pandémies, les conflits armés, etc. Les agences bilatérales et multilatérales sauront-elles intégrer ces enjeux globaux dans leurs cadres opérationnels ? Comment les acteurs émergents de l’aide - tels l’Afrique du Sud, le Brésil et la Chine - s’inscrivent-ilsdans une coopération internationale aux prises avec des objectifs multiples et des logiques souvent contradictoires ? Le dossier thématique l'"Aide bousculée" est suivi d'une revue annuelle des principales évolutions des politiques commerciale, financière et de coopération au développement et d'un cahier infographique éclairant les thèmes abordés. Achetez le livre papier (256 pages, infographies en couleur). Achetez le livre numérique (EPub et .Pdf sur immateriel), aussi disponible sur Apple Store