313 research outputs found

    Extension of the IEC 61000-4-20 Annex C to the Use of Arbitrary Transient Signals

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    Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides are predominantly used for emission and immunity tests. General requirements for TEM waveguides are given by the IEC 61000-4-20. Annex C of the IEC 61000-4-20 specifies immunity tests based on high-altitude electromagnetic pulses with a double exponential waveform. This waveform's shape is sufficiently defined by the rise time and the pulsewidth. The quality of its transmission within a waveguide can, thus, be expressed by the allowed variation of these parameters. However, other arbitrary signals cannot be reduced to just these characteristic parameters. In this paper, a method is described that offers the possibility to characterize the transmission quality of a TEM cell for arbitrary transient waveforms. It is based on the Pearson correlation coefficient of a so-called reference signal and the signals being measured within the test volume of a TEM cell. Both signals are measured simultaneously with identical field probes in order to be independent from the reproducibility of the signal generator. The signals are windowed and limited to include only the defining reflections and distortions. By means of this signal-dedicated validation procedure, the transmission quality of a TEM waveguide can be validated for an arbitrary transient waveform

    Arbeitskreis Mathematik und Bildung

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    Bericht des Arbeitskreises Mathematik und Bildung

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    Das erste Mal seit der Herbsttagung in Siegen 2019 konnte sich der Arbeitskreis „Mathematik und Bildung“ auf der diesjĂ€hrigen GDM-Tagung in Frankfurt wieder in PrĂ€senz treffen. Dabei stießen langjĂ€hrige Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises auf neue Interessierte, sodass von Anfang an ein spannender Austausch stattfand. Insbesondere fĂŒr diejenigen, denen der Arbeitskreis noch nicht vertraut war, berichteten die aktuellen Sprecher*innen ĂŒber die jĂŒngsten AktivitĂ€ten:2021 stand die eintĂ€gige Online-Herbsttagung unter dem Motto „Mathematik, Gesellschaft und Wahrheit“. In mehreren VortrĂ€gen wurde dieses Thema aus verschiedenen bildungstheoretischen und bildungskritischen Perspektiven, aber immer in Bezug auf den Mathematikunterricht bzw. die Mathematikdidaktik betrachtet. Aufgrund des frĂŒhen Todes des langjĂ€hrigen Arbeitskreissprechers Andreas Vohns wird vom 28. bis zum 30. Oktober 2022 an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen die Gedenktagung „Mathematische Bildung neu denken. Andreas Vohns erinnern und weiterdenken“ stattfinden. Entsprechend wird es keine Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises geben

    Genetic variation of TLR4 influences immunoendocrine stress response: an observational study in cardiac surgical patients

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    Introduction: Systemic inflammation (e.g. following surgery) involves Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling and leads to an endocrine stress response. This study aims to investigate a possible influence of TLR2 and TLR4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on perioperative adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol regulation in serum of cardiac surgical patients. To investigate the link to systemic inflammation in this context, we additionally measured 10 different cytokines in the serum. Methods: 338 patients admitted for elective cardiac surgery were included in this prospective observational clinical cohort study. Genomic DNA of patients was screened for TLR2 and TLR4 SNPs. Serum concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, interferon (IFN)-, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- and granulocyte macro-phage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) were determined before surgery, immediately post surgery and on the first postoperative day. Results: 13 patients were identified as TLR2 SNP carrier, 51 as TLR4 SNP carrier and 274 pa-tients as non-carrier. Basal levels of ACTH, cortisol and cytokines did not differ between groups. In all three groups a significant, transient perioperative rise of cortisol could be ob-served. However, only in the non-carrier group this was accompanied by a significant ACTH rise, TLR4 SNP carriers had significant lower ACTH levels compared to non-carriers ((mean[95% confidence intervals]) non-carriers: 201.9[187.7 to 216.1]pg/ml; TLR4 SNP car-riers: 149.9[118.4 to 181.5]pg/ml; TLR2 SNP carriers: 176.4[110.5 to 242.3]pg/ml). Compared to non-carriers, TLR4 SNP carriers showed significant lower serum IL-8, IL-10 and GM-CSF peaks ((mean[95% confidence intervals]): IL-8: non-carriers: 42.6[36.7 to 48.5]pg/ml, TLR4 SNP carriers: 23.7[10.7 to 36.8]pg/ml; IL-10: non-carriers: 83.8[70.3 to 97.4]pg/ml, TLR4 SNP carriers: 54.2[24.1 to 84.2]pg/ml; GM-CSF: non-carriers: 33.0[27.8 to 38.3]pg/ml, TLR4 SNP carriers: 20.2[8.6 to 31.8]pg/ml). No significant changes over time or between the groups were found for the other cytokines. Conclusions: Regulation of the immunoendocrine stress response during systemic inflamma-tion is influenced by the presence of a TLR4 SNP. Cardiac surgical patients carrying this ge-notype showed decreased serum concentrations of ACTH, IL-8, IL-10 and GM-CSF. This finding might have impact on interpreting previous and designing future trials on diagnosing and modulating immunoendocrine dysregulation (e.g. adrenal insufficiency) during systemic inflammation and sepsis

    Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents.

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    PURPOSE Research to date suggests that physical activity is associated with improved sleep, but studies have predominantly relied on self-report measures and have not accounted for school day/free day variability. To address these gaps in the literature, the aim of the present study was to (a) quantify physical activity in adolescents using long-term daily actigraphy measurement and (b) to examine the association between actigraphically assessed steps and sleep behavior in a sample of healthy adolescents. To be able to capture intra- and inter-individual differences in the daily physical activity of adolescents, we examined within as well as between subjects effects and its association with sleep. METHODS Fifty adolescents between 10 and 14 years of age were included in the present study. In total 5989 days of actigraphy measurement (average of 119 ± 40 days per participant; range = 39-195 days) were analyzed. We use multilevel modeling to disentangle the within and between subject effects of physical activity on sleep. In this way, we examine within an individual, the association between steps during the day and subsequent sleep on a day-to-day basis. On the other hand, our between subjects' analysis allows us to ascertain whether individuals with more overall physical activity have better sleep. RESULTS Within a subject more steps on school and free days were associated with later bed times on school and free days as well as later rise times on school days only. On the other hand, comparing between subjects' effects, more steps were associated with lower sleep efficiency on free and school days. No other significant associations were found for the other sleep variables. CONCLUSION Our results obtained through objective and long-term measurement of both sleep and number of steps suggest weak or non-significant associations between these measures for most sleep variables. We emphasize the importance of the methodology and the separation of within subject from between subject features when examining the relationship between physical activity and sleep

    Identification of Novel Fibrosis Modifiers by In Vivo siRNA Silencing.

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    Fibrotic diseases contribute to 45% of deaths in the industrialized world, and therefore a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying tissue fibrosis is sorely needed. We aimed to identify novel modifiers of tissue fibrosis expressed by myofibroblasts and their progenitors in their disease microenvironment through RNA silencing in vivo. We leveraged novel biology, targeting genes upregulated during liver and kidney fibrosis in this cell lineage, and employed small interfering RNA (siRNA)-formulated lipid nanoparticles technology to silence these genes in carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in mice. We identified five genes, Egr2, Atp1a2, Fkbp10, Fstl1, and Has2, which modified fibrogenesis based on their silencing, resulting in reduced Col1a1 mRNA levels and collagen accumulation in the liver. These genes fell into different groups based on the effects of their silencing on a transcriptional mini-array and histological outcomes. Silencing of Egr2 had the broadest effects in vivo and also reduced fibrogenic gene expression in a human fibroblast cell line. Prior to our study, Egr2, Atp1a2, and Fkbp10 had not been functionally validated in fibrosis in vivo. Thus, our results provide a major advance over the existing knowledge of fibrogenic pathways. Our study is the first example of a targeted siRNA assay to identify novel fibrosis modifiers in vivo

    Nucleosomes in serum of patients with early cerebral stroke

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    Background: Nucleosomes are cell death products that are elevated in serum of patients with diseases that are associated with massive cell destruction. We investigated the kinetics of circulating nucleosomes after cerebral stroke and their correlation with the clinical status. Methods: In total, we analyzed nucleosomes by ELISA in sera of 63 patients with early stroke daily during the first week after onset. For correlation with the clinical pathology, patients were grouped into those with medium to slight functional impairment (Barthel Index BI >= 50) and those with severe functional impairment (BI = 50 showed a continuous increase in nucleosomes until day 5 (median: 523 arbitrary units, AU) followed by a slow decline. In contrast, patients with BI = 50 (497 AU; p = 0.031). Concerning the infarction volume, nucleosomes showed significant correlations for the concentrations on day 3 (r = 0.43; p = 0.001) and for the area under the curve (r = 0.34; p = 0.016). Conclusion: Even if nucleosomes are nonspecific cell death markers, their release into serum after cerebral stroke correlates with the gross functional status as well as with the infarction volume and can be considered as biochemical correlative to the severity of stroke. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
