3,553 research outputs found

    Using BBN in cosmological parameter extraction from CMB: a forecast for Planck

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    Data from future high-precision Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurements will be sensitive to the primordial Helium abundance YpY_p. At the same time, this parameter can be predicted from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) as a function of the baryon and radiation densities, as well as a neutrino chemical potential. We suggest to use this information to impose a self-consistent BBN prior on YpY_p and determine its impact on parameter inference from simulated Planck data. We find that this approach can significantly improve bounds on cosmological parameters compared to an analysis which treats YpY_p as a free parameter, if the neutrino chemical potential is taken to vanish. We demonstrate that fixing the Helium fraction to an arbitrary value can seriously bias parameter estimates. Under the assumption of degenerate BBN (i.e., letting the neutrino chemical potential Îľ\xi vary), the BBN prior's constraining power is somewhat weakened, but nevertheless allows us to constrain Îľ\xi with an accuracy that rivals bounds inferred from present data on light element abundances.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor changes, matches published versio

    The Wolf-Rayet stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud: A comprehensive analysis of the WN class

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    Aims: Following our comprehensive studies of the WR stars in the Milky Way, we now present spectroscopic analyses of almost all known WN stars in the LMC. Methods: For the quantitative analysis of the wind-dominated emission-line spectra, we employ the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmosphere code. By fitting synthetic spectra to the observed spectral energy distribution and the available spectra (ultraviolet and optical), we obtain the physical properties of 107 stars. Results: We present the fundamental stellar and wind parameters for an almost complete sample of WN stars in the LMC. Among those stars that are putatively single, two different groups can be clearly distinguished. While 12% of our sample are more luminous than 10^6 Lsun and contain a significant amount of hydrogen, 88% of the WN stars, with little or no hydrogen, populate the luminosity range between log (L/Lsun) = 5.3...5.8. Conclusions: While the few extremely luminous stars (log (L/Lsun) > 6), if indeed single stars, descended directly from the main sequence at very high initial masses, the bulk of WN stars have gone through the red-supergiant phase. According to their luminosities in the range of log (L/Lsun) = 5.3...5.8, these stars originate from initial masses between 20 and 40 Msun. This mass range is similar to the one found in the Galaxy, i.e. the expected metallicity dependence of the evolution is not seen. Current stellar evolution tracks, even when accounting for rotationally induced mixing, still partly fail to reproduce the observed ranges of luminosities and initial masses. Moreover, stellar radii are generally larger and effective temperatures correspondingly lower than predicted from stellar evolution models, probably due to subphotospheric inflation.Comment: 17+46 pages; 10+54 figures; v2: typos corrected, space-saving layout for appendix C, published in A&

    The XMM-Newton EPIC X-ray Light Curve Analysis of WR 6

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    We obtained four pointings of over 100 ks each of the well-studied Wolf-Rayet star WR 6 with the XMM-Newton satellite. With a first paper emphasizing the results of spectral analysis, this follow-up highlights the X-ray variability clearly detected in all four pointings. However, phased light curves fail to confirm obvious cyclic behavior on the well-established 3.766 d period widely found at longer wavelengths. The data are of such quality that we were able to conduct a search for "event clustering" in the arrival times of X-ray photons. However, we fail to detect any such clustering. One possibility is that X-rays are generated in a stationary shock structure. In this context we favor a co-rotating interaction region (CIR) and present a phenomenological model for X-rays from a CIR structure. We show that a CIR has the potential to account simultaneously for the X-ray variability and constraints provided by the spectral analysis. Ultimately, the viability of the CIR model will require both intermittent long-term X-ray monitoring of WR 6 and better physical models of CIR X-ray production at large radii in stellar winds.Comment: to appear in Ap

    Stagnation and Infall of Dense Clumps in the Stellar Wind of tau Scorpii

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    Observations of the B0.2V star tau Scorpii have revealed unusual stellar wind characteristics: red-shifted absorption in the far-ultraviolet O VI resonance doublet up to +250 km/s, and extremely hard X-ray emission implying gas at temperatures in excess of 10^7 K. We describe a phenomenological model to explain these properties. We assume the wind of tau Sco consists of two components: ambient gas in which denser clumps are embedded. The clumps are optically thick in the UV resonance lines primarily responsible for accelerating the ambient wind. The reduced acceleration causes the clumps to slow and even infall, all the while being confined by the ram pressure of the outflowing ambient wind. We calculate detailed trajectories of the clumps in the ambient stellar wind, accounting for a line radiation driving force and the momentum deposited by the ambient wind in the form of drag. We show these clumps will fall back towards the star with velocities of several hundred km/sec for a broad range of initial conditions. The infalling clumps produce X-ray emitting plasmas with temperatures in excess of (1-6)x10^7 K in bow shocks at their leading edge. The infalling material explains the peculiar red-shifted absorption wings seen in the O VI doublet. The required mass loss in clumps is 3% - 30% ofthe total mass loss rate. The model developed here can be generally applied to line-driven outflows with clumps or density irregularities. (Abstract Abridged)Comment: To appear in the ApJ (1 May 2000). 24 pages, including 6 embedded figure

    Electronic depth profiles with atomic layer resolution from resonant soft x-ray reflectivity

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    The analysis of x-ray reflectivity data from artificial heterostructures usually relies on the homogeneity of optical properties of the constituent materials. However, when the x-ray energy is tuned to an absorption edge, this homogeneity no longer exists. Within the same material, spatial regions containing elements at resonance will have optical properties very different from regions without resonating sites. In this situation, models assuming homogeneous optical properties throughout the material can fail to describe the reflectivity adequately. As we show here, resonant soft x-ray reflectivity is sensitive to these variations, even though the wavelength is typically large as compared to the atomic distances over which the optical properties vary. We have therefore developed a scheme for analyzing resonant soft x-ray reflectivity data, which takes the atomic structure of a material into account by "slicing" it into atomic planes with characteristic optical properties. Using LaSrMnO4 as an example, we discuss both the theoretical and experimental implications of this approach. Our analysis not only allows to determine important structural information such as interface terminations and stacking of atomic layers, but also enables to extract depth-resolved spectroscopic information with atomic resolution, thus enhancing the capability of the technique to study emergent phenomena at surfaces and interfaces.Comment: Completely overhauled with respect to the previous version due to peer revie

    Theoretical Black Hole Mass Distributions

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    We derive the theoretical distribution function of black hole masses by studying the formation processes of black holes. We use the results of recent 2D simulations of core-collapse to obtain the relation between remnant and progenitor masses and fold it with an initial mass function for the progenitors. We examine how the calculated black-hole mass distributions are modified by (i) strong wind mass loss at different evolutionary stages of the progenitors, and (ii) the presence of close binary companions to the black-hole progenitors. Thus, we are able to derive the binary black hole mass distribution. The compact remnant distribution is dominated by neutron stars in the mass range 1.2-1.6Msun and falls off exponentially at higher remnant masses. Our results are most sensitive to mass loss from winds which is even more important in close binaries. Wind mass-loss causes the black hole distribution to become flatter and limits the maximum possible black-hole mass (<10-15Msun). We also study the effects of the uncertainties in the explosion and unbinding energies for different progenitors. The distributions are continuous and extend over a broad range. We find no evidence for a gap at low values (3-5Msun) or for a peak at higher values (~7Msun) of black hole masses, but we argue that our black hole mass distribution for binaries is consistent with the current sample of measured black-hole masses in X-ray transients. We discuss possible biases against the detection or formation of X-ray transients with low-mass black holes. We also comment on the possibility of black-hole kicks and their effect on binaries.Comment: 22 pages, submitted to Ap

    Blobs in Wolf-Rayet Winds: Random Photometric and Polarimetric Variability

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    Some isolated Wolf-Rayet stars present random variability in their optical flux and polarization. We make the assumption that such variability is caused by the presence of regions of enhanced density, i.e. blobs, in their envelopes. In order to find the physical characteristics of such regions we have modeled the stellar emission using a Monte Carlo code to treat the radiative transfer in an inhomogeneous electron scattering envelope. We are able to treat multiple scattering in the regions of enhanced density as well as in the envelope itself. The finite sizes of the source and structures in the wind are also taken into account. Most of the results presented here are based on a parameter study of models with a single blob. The effects due to multiple blobs in the envelope are considered to a more limited extent. Our simulations indicate that the density enhancements must have a large geometric cross section in order to produce the observed photopolarimetric variability. The sizes must be of the order of one stellar radius and the blobs must be located near the base of the envelope. These sizes are the same inferred from the widths of the sub-peaks in optical emission lines of Wolf-Rayet stars. Other early-type stars show random polarimetric fluctuations with characteristics similar to those observed in Wolf-Rayet stars, which may also be interpreted in terms of a clumpy wind. Although the origin of such structures is still unclear, the same mechanism may be working in different types of hot stars envelopes to produce such inhomogeneities.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 17 pages + 6 figure

    High-Field Pauli-Limiting Behavior and Strongly Enhanced Upper Critical Magnetic Fields near the Transition Temperature of an Arsenic-Deficient LaO_0.9F_0.1FeAs_(1-\delta) Superconductor

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    We report upper critical field B_c2(T) data for disordered (arsenic-deficient) LaO_0.9F_0.1FeAs_(1-delta) in a wide temperature and magnetic field range up to 47 T. Because of the large linear slope of Bc2 about -5.4 T/K to -6.6 T/K near Tc = 28.5 K the T-dependence of the in-plane Bc2(T) shows a flattening near 23 K above 30 T which points to Pauli-limited behavior with Bc2(0) about 63-68 T. Our results are discussed in terms of disorder effects within conventional and unconventional superconducting pairings.Comment: Change of the title as suggested by the Editors, one author added, typos corrected, references updated, final published versio

    Magnetic Blue Phase in the Chiral Itinerant Magnet MnSi

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    Chiral nematic liquid crystals sometimes form blue phases characterized by spirals twisting in different directions. By combining model calculations with neutron-scattering experiments, we show that the magnetic analogue of blue phases does form in the chiral itinerant magnet MnSi in a large part of the phase diagram. The properties of this blue phase explain a number of previously reported puzzling features of MnSi such as partial magnetic order and a two-component specific-heat and thermal-expansion anomaly at the magnetic transition
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