6 research outputs found

    Some Biochemical and Hematological Alterations Associated with Lead Exposure in Gasoline Station Workers in Gaza Strip

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    Although occupational lead exposure is one of the major public health problems, no previous published research was conducted on lead exposed gasoline station workers in Gaza Strip. This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with lead exposure and to determine biochemical and hematological parameters in leaded gasoline station workers in Gaza Strip. Method: A total 105 gasoline station workers from the Gaza Strip were asked to fill in a questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes, and practice towards lead, as well as associated toxicity symptoms. Out of the 105, seventy two workers gave blood sample for blood lead level and biochemical analysis and those were compared with 70 controls. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine Blood lead level. Liver and kidney function were determined by Biosystem reagent kits. Cell dyne was used to measure complete blood count and sphygmomanometer for blood pressure. SPSS version 11.0 was employed for data analysis. Results: More than half of workers work more than 5 years in the gasoline station. None of them were previously tested for lead. Although the majority of the workers know that lead is an environmental pollutant and has adverse health impact, small number of them follow the protective measures. The most common self reported symptoms among workers were headache, fatigue, irritability and concentration difficulties, sleep disturbance, hypertension, nausea, constipation and dyspepsia. Neither workers attended training courses nor had health professional visited them. The mean Blood lead level (BLL) of the followed up workers was 11.4µg/dl compared to 5.3µg/dl for the controls.Lower BLLwas found in highly educated workers. Positive association was found between BLLs of the workers and work duration. The BLLs in workers who used gloves, respiratory mask or drank milk frequently were significantly lower than those who did not (8.6±4.9, 5.6±1.6 and 9.3±5.2µg/dl versus 13.1±6.0, 12.4±5.9 and 13.3±5.2µg/dl, respectively). The BLLs were significantly higher in workers reported irritability, headache, sleep disturbance, concentration difficulties, hypertension (12.4±5.4. 12.2±5.8, 14.1±5.8, 12.9±5.8, 13.3±6.4 µg/dl, respectively) and those who had not report such symptoms (9.2±5.6, 9.0±5.9, 8.9±5.0, 9.4±5.6, 8.1±2.9µg/dl, respectively). A statistically significant increase were found in BLL, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Alanine Transaminase (ALT), Aspartate Transaminase (AST), Creatinine, systolic and diastolic blood pressure among workers (11.4±6.0µg/dl, 15.4±1.5g/dl, 86.7±5.1, 30.5±3.1, 35.2±2.7, 29.1±11.5U/L, 28.6±7.9U/L, 0.9±0.2mg/dl, 125.7±13.2mmHg and 84.6±9.9mmHg, respectively) compared to controls (5.3±1.0µg/dl, 14.5±0.8g/dl, 84.3±3.7, 28.6±1.6, 33.6±1.2, 23.9±9.7U/L, 24.7±3.6U/L, 0.7±0.1mg/dl, 120.4±3.8mmHg and 81.9±2.7mmHg, respectively). While a statistically significant decrease were found in red blood cells count, Platelets counts, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and urea in workers (4.9±0.4X106, 249.4±58.2X103cell/µl, 179.3±42.6U/L and 27.1±11.6mg/dl, respectively) compared to controls (5.1±0.23X106, 281.5±56.5 X103cell/µl, 193.6±31.8U/L, 31.3±6.3mg/dl, respectively)

    Epidemiology and Outcomes of Hospitalized Burn Patients in Gaza Strip: A Descriptive Study

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    BACKGROUNG: Burns are serious health problems and leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. This study aimed to overview the epidemiological profile and to present outcomes among hospitalized burn patients in AL Alamy burn center in Gaza.METHODS: This was a cross-sectional retrospective study of medical records of hospitalized patients from July 2013 to June 2014. Descriptive analysis for studied variables was applied and P . 0.05 considered statistically significant.RESULTS: One humdred eighty nime admissions, 60.8% were males and 63% were under 10 years old. Burn patients in the age range between 19-40 years represented 25.9%. Most common burn injuries were accidental (86.2%), located at home (88.9%), caused by scald (66.1%) and by fire flame (23.8%). On admission, the majority of cases presented with second degree burn (45.5%) or mixed burn (38.6%). The mean TBSA was 11.86 (SD } 10.78) ranging from 1% to 75% whereas, the mean hospital length of stay was 11.45 (SD } 12.60) ranging from 1 to 115 days. Total in hospital mortality rate was 2.1% and length of stay was significantly associated with TBSA (P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Young children below 10 years seem to be at a higher risk for burn injuries. A significant improvement in burn patients care is observed and practiced and in hospital mortality rate is better compared to neighbouring countries. Preventive programs focusing on safety measures, especially for mothers working in the home, should be implemented urgently to save our children.KEYWORDS: Burns, Hospitalized patients, Length of stay, Mortalit

    تعرض عمال محطات الوقود المحتوى على الرصاص في قطاع غزة: مدى الإدراك والأعراض المصاحبة.

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    Awareness and self reported symptoms among 105 gasoline station workers in the Gaza Strip were assessed. A cross section of workers was asked to fill in a questionnaire. Workers reported high level of knowledge on health effects of leaded gasoline 88 ( 83.8% and lead as an environmental pollutant 89 ( 84.8% . Protective measures were poorly used. Knowledge seems not to have much influence on practice. The most common self reported symptoms were neurological symptoms including headache 78 ( 74.3% , fatigue 74 ( 70.5% , irritability 66 ( 62.9% , concentration difficulties 65 ( 61.9% , and sleep disturbance 55 ( 52.4% . The prevalence of symptoms increased with increasing years of work ( X2 corrected=7.713, P=0.021 . Use of respiratory mask in particular can potentially limit such symptoms ( X2 corrected=8.325, P=0.004 .تناولت الدراسة تقييم مدى الإدراك والأعراض المصاحبة الناتجة عن التعرض للوقود المحتوى على الرصاص لدى 105 من عمال محطات الوقود في قطاع غزة. وقد إستخدم الباحثون الاستبانات للحصول على المعلومات. بينت النتائج وجود مستوى عال من المعرفة لدى العمال عن التأثيرات الصحية للوقود المحتوى على الرصاص 88 ( 83.8% وعن الرصاص كملوث للبيئة 89 ( 84.8% . و قد كان استخدام وسائل الحماية ضعيفا وكانت المعرفة لدى العمال ليس لها تأثير كبير على الممارسة، أي على استخدام أدوات الحماية في المحطة، ووجد أن الأعراض الصحية الأآثر شيوعا بين العمال هي الأعراض العصبية وتشمل الصداع 78 ( 74.3% وضعف العضلات 74 ( 70.5% والإثارة العصبية 66 ( 62.9% وصعوبات في التركيز 65 ( 61.9% واضطرابات في النوم 55 ( 52.4% ، وكان معدل انتشار الأعراض يزداد بزيادة سنوات العمل في المحطة ( X2 corrected=7.713, P=0.021 وقد تبين أن استعمال قناع التنفس يحد بكفاءة من هذه الأعراض ( X2 corrected=8.325, P=0.004

    تعرض عمال محطات الوقود المحتوى على الرصاص في قطاع غزة: مدى الإدراك والأعراض المصاحبة.

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    Awareness and self reported symptoms among 105 gasoline station workers in the Gaza Strip were assessed. A cross section of workers was asked to fill in a questionnaire. Workers reported high level of knowledge on health effects of leaded gasoline 88 (83.8%) and lead as an environmental pollutant 89 (84.8%). Protective measures were poorly used. Knowledge seems not to have much influence on practice. The most common self reported symptoms were neurological symptoms including headache 78 (74.3%), fatigue 74 (70.5%), irritability 66 (62.9%), concentration difficulties 65 (61.9%), and sleep disturbance 55 (52.4%). The prevalence of symptoms increased with increasing years of work (X2 corrected=7.713, P=0.021). Use of respiratory mask in particular can potentially limit such symptoms (X2 corrected=8.325, P=0.004).تناولت الدراسة تقييم مدى الإدراك والأعراض المصاحبة الناتجة عن التعرض للوقود المحتوى على الرصاص لدى 105 من عمال محطات الوقود في قطاع غزة. وقد إستخدم الباحثون الاستبانات للحصول على المعلومات. بينت النتائج وجود مستوى عال من المعرفة لدى العمال عن التأثيرات الصحية للوقود المحتوى على الرصاص 88 (83.8%) وعن الرصاص كملوث للبيئة 89 (84.8%). و قد كان استخدام وسائل الحماية ضعيفا وكانت المعرفة لدى العمال ليس لها تأثير كبير على الممارسة، أي على استخدام أدوات الحماية في المحطة، ووجد أن الأعراض الصحية الأآثر شيوعا بين العمال هي الأعراض العصبية وتشمل الصداع 78 (74.3%) وضعف العضلات 74 (70.5%) والإثارة العصبية 66 (62.9% ) وصعوبات في التركيز 65 ( 61.9%) واضطرابات في النوم 55 (52.4%) ، وكان معدل انتشار الأعراض يزداد بزيادة سنوات العمل في المحطة (X2 corrected=7.713, P=0.021) وقد تبين أن استعمال قناع التنفس يحد بكفاءة من هذه الأعراض (X2 corrected=8.325, P=0.004)