3,708 research outputs found

    Observations of time delayed all-optical routing in a slow light regime

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    We report an observation of a delayed all-optical routing/switching phenomenon based on ultraslow group velocity of light via nondegenerate four-wave mixing processes in a defected solid medium. Unlike previous demonstrations of enhanced four-wave mixing processes using the slow light effects, the present observation demonstrates a direct retrieval of the resonant Raman-pulse excited spin coherence into photon coherence through coherence conversion processes.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures include

    Exotic quark effects on the Higgs sector of the USSM at the LHC

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    The Higgs sector of the U(1)-extended supersymmetric model is studied with great detail. We calculate the masses of the Higgs bosons at the one-loop level. We also calculate at the one-loop level the gluon-involving processes for the productions and decays of the scalar Higgs bosons of the model at the energy of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where the radiative corrections due to the loops of top, bottom, and exotic quarks and their scalar partners are taken into account. We find that the exotic quark and exotic scalar quarks in the model may manifest themselves at the LHC, since the production of the heaviest scalar Higgs boson via gluon fusion processes is mediated virtually by the loops of exotic quark and exotic scalar quarks, for a reasonable parameter set of the model.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, JP

    Explicit CP violation in a MSSM with an extra U(1)U(1)'

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    We study that a minimal supersymmetric standard model with an extra U(1)U(1)' gauge symmetry may accommodate the explicit CP violation at the one-loop level through radiative corrections. This model is CP conserving at the tree level and cannot realize the spontaneous CP violation for a wide parameter space at the one-loop level. In explicit CP violation scenario, we calculate the Higgs boson masses and the magnitude of the scalar-pseudoscalar mixings in this model at the one-loop level by taking into account the contributions of top quarks, bottom quarks, exotic quarks, and their superpartners. In particular, we investigate how the exotic quarks and squarks would affect the scalar-pseudoscalar mixings. It is observed that the size of the mixing between the heaviest scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs bosons is changed up to 20 % by a complex phase originated from the exotic quark sector of this model.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Higgs bosons of a supersymmetric U(1)U(1)' model at the ILC

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    We study the scalar Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with an extra U(1), which has two Higgs doublets and a Higgs singlet, in the light leptophobic ZZ' scenario where the extra neutral gauge boson ZZ' does not couple to charged leptons. In this model, we find that the sum of the squared coupling coefficients of the three neutral scalar Higgs bosons to ZZZZ, normalized by the corresponding SM coupling coefficient is noticeably smaller than unity, due to the effect of the extra U(1), for a reasonable parameter space of the model, whereas it is unity in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. Thus, these two models may be distinguished if the coupling coefficients of neutral scalar Higgs bosons to ZZZZ are measured at the future International Linear Collider by producing them via the Higgs-strahlung, ZZZZ fusion, and WWWW fusion processes.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, PR

    Bessel function expansions of Coulomb wave functions

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    Orbital liquid in three dimensional Mott insulator: LaTiO3LaTiO_3

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    We present a theory of spin and orbital states in Mott insulator LaTiO3LaTiO_3. The spin-orbital superexchange interaction between d1(t2g)d^1(t_{2g}) ions in cubic crystal suffers from a pathological degeneracy of orbital states at classical level. Quantum effects remove this degeneracy and result in the formation of the coherent ground state, in which the orbital moment of t2gt_{2g} level is fully quenched. We find a finite gap for orbital excitations. Such a disordered state of local degrees of freedom on unfrustrated, simple cubic lattice is highly unusual. Orbital liquid state naturally explains observed anomalies of LaTiO3LaTiO_3.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    PIXE and ToF-SIMS analysis of streaker samplers filters

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    This paper presents methodological innovations introduced in the characterisation of urban aerosol collected in Italy in a recent campaign. Two complementary ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques were used to analyse Nuclepore filters used in continuous streaker samplers to collect airborne particles in four Italian towns. Na to Pb elemental concentrations were obtained by particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), while time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) produced, on the same samples, time trends for several elements and molecular fragments. In addition, light attenuation measurements were used as a tracer for black carbon. The data produced by these three techniques was merged into a unique data set to address the characterisation of particulate matter sources. Correlations between elemental concentration trends (PIXE) and relative trends for molecular fragments (ToF-SIMS) and black carbon (light attenuation) have been studied by cluster and principal component analysis

    Spontaneous Violation of the CP Symmetry in the Higgs Sector of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Model

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    The spontaneous violation of the CP symmetry in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard Model (NMSSM) is investigated. It is found that the spontaneous violation of the CP symmetry can occur in the Higgs sector of the NMSSM for a wide region of the parameter space of the model, at the 1-loop level where the radiative corrections due to the top quark and scalar-top quark loops are found to generate the scalar-pseudoscalar mixings between the two Higgs doublets of the NMSSM. In our model, we assume that the masses of the left-handed and the right-handed scalar-top quarks are not degenerate. And we investigate our model anaytically: We derive analytical formulae of the 1-loop mass matrix for the neutral Higgs bosons. We calculate the upper bound on the lightest neutral Higgs boson mass under the assumption. It is found to be about 140 GeV for our choice of parameter values in the presence of the spontaneous violation of the CP symmetry in the NMSSM. Thus, the possibility of the spontaneous violation of the CP symmetry is not completely ruled out in the Higgs sector of the NMSSM if the masses of the left-handed and the right-handed scalar-top quarks are not degenerate. Further, the phenomenology of the KK-Kˉ{\bar K} mixing within the context of our model is studied. The lower bound on CP violating phase in the KK-Kˉ{\bar K} mixing is found to increase if either tanβ\tan\beta decreases or AtA_t increases.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Charged Higgs boson in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with explicit CP violation

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    The phenomenology of the explicit CP violation in the Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) is investigated, with emphasis on the charged Higgs boson. The radiative corrections due to both quarks and scalar-quarks of the third generation are taken into account, and the negative result of the search for the Higgs bosons at CERN LEP2, with the discovery limit of 0.1 pb, is imposed as a constraint. It is found that there are parameter regions of the NMSSM where the lightest neutral Higgs boson may even be massless, without being detected at LEP2. This implies that the LEP2 data do not contradict the existence of a massless neutral Higgs boson in the NMSSM. For the charged Higgs boson, the radiative corrections to its mass may be negative in some parameter regions of the NMSSM. The phenomenological lower bound on the radiatively corrected mass of the charged Higgs boson is increased as the CP violation becomes maximal, i.e., as the CP violating phase becomes π/2\pi/2. At the maximal CP violation, its lower bound is about 110 GeV for 5 tanβ\leqslant \tan \beta \leqslant 40. The vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the neutral Higgs singlet is shown to be no smaller than 16 GeV for any parameter values of the NMSSM with explicit CP violation. This value of the lower limit is found to increase up to about 45 GeV as the ratio (tanβ\tan \beta) of the VEVs of the two Higgs doublets decreases to smaller values (\sim 2). The discovery limit of the Higgs boson search at LEP2 is found to cover about a half of the kinematically allowed part of the whole parameter space of the NMSSM, and the portion is roughly stable against the CP violating phase.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, 6 figure

    Neutral Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with explicit CP violation

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    The neutral Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) with explicit CP violation is investigated at the 1-loop level, using the effective potential method; not only the loops involving the third generation of quarks and scalar quarks, but also the loops involving WW boson, charged Higgs boson, and chargino are taken into account. It is found that for some parameter values of the NMSSM the contributions from the WW boson, charged Higgs boson, and chargino loops may modify the masses of the neutral Higgs bosons and the mixings among them significantly, depending on the CP phase. In e+ee^+e^- collisions, the prospects for discovering neutral Higgs bosons are investigated within the context of the NMSSM with explicit CP violation when the dominant component of the lightest neutral Higgs boson is the Higgs singlet field of the NMSSM.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, 6 figure