4 research outputs found

    The issue of public procurement contracts co-financed by the European Union budget

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    Diploma thesis, titled " Problems of procurement financed by the budget of the European Union" is concerned with the status of the task public procurement orders financed from the budger of the European Union legislation. Literature search contaons basic information related to the issue. In the next part is the identification, evaluation, the most common examples of misconduct and for a better understanding of the issue. In the context of specific operational programmes are listed misconduct when entering and their consequences

    Media education in the primary school teaching

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    In my diploma thesis I am dealing with media education in primary schools in Czech republic. In theoretical part I inform the readers with foundations of media education, which come from general media studies, I present main concepts of media literacy and the evolution of media education on examples of foreign theorists. In the same time I describe a place of media education in czech education system. Research part focus with help of questionnaire on describing main trends of understanding media education among primary school teachers and tries to clarify applicability of methods and using media in contemporary education

    Stabilnost oblika ploča iverica površine obrađene dekorativnim furnirima

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    This paper summarizes the results of research aimed at determining the shape stability, modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of components made of particle boards, covered on their front side with decorative veneer of American walnut (Juglans nigra), 0.6 mm thick, and on the underside with decorative veneers of other species (Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica), 0.6–1.5 mm thick, or by a countermove foil of 85–90 g/m2 surface weight. Subsequently, measurements were carried out of the shape stability (warping) of test specimens cut from various combinations of surface-finished boards. These test specimens were air conditioned in three different environments. At the same time, values were determined of bending strength and modulus of rupture with respect to the direction of fibres of sheathing materials. It has been found that the lowest warping values were achieved with combinations consisting of American walnut of a thickness of 0.6 mm on the tight side and alder (Alnus glutinosa), 0.6 mm thick, on the underside.U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja s ciljem utvrđivanja stabilnosti oblika, modula loma (MOR) i modula elastičnosti (MOE) komponenti proizvedenih od iverice, koje su na vanjskoj strani furnirane dekorativnim furnirom američkog oraha (Juglans nigra) debljine 0,6 mm, a na unutarnjoj strani dekorativnim furnirom drugih vrsta (Picea abies i Fagus sylvatica) debljine 0,6 - 1,5 mm ili folijom površinske mase 85 - 90 g/m2. Nakon toga provedena su mjerenja stabilnosti oblika (izvitoperenosti) uzoraka pripremljenih od ploča različitih kombinacija površinske obrade. Ispitni uzorci klimatizirani su u tri različita okruženja. U isto vrijeme utvrđene su i vrijednosti čvrstoće na savijanje te modula loma s obzirom na smjer vlakanaca materijala kojim su iverice obložene. Utvrđeno je da su najniže vrijednosti izvitoperenosti izmjerene u ploča obrađenih furnirom američkog oraha debljine 0,6 mm na vanjskoj strani i furnirom johe (Alnus glutinosa) debljine 0,6 mm na unutarnjoj strani