27 research outputs found

    How Leaders Invest Staffing Resources for Learning Improvement

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    Analyzes staffing challenges that guide school leaders' resource decisions in the context of a learning improvement agenda, staff resource investment strategies that improve learning outcomes equitably, and ways to win support for differential investment

    Overview of the spectrometer optical fiber feed for the Habitable-zone Planet Finder

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    The Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF) is a highly stabilized fiber fed precision radial velocity (RV) spectrograph working in the Near Infrared (NIR): 810 - 1280 nm . In this paper we present an overview of the preparation of the optical fibers for HPF. The entire fiber train from the telescope focus down to the cryostat is detailed. We also discuss the fiber polishing, splicing and its integration into the instrument using a fused silica puck. HPF was designed to be able to operate in two modes, High Resolution (HR- the only mode mode currently commissioned) and High Efficiency (HE). We discuss these fiber heads and the procedure we adopted to attach the slit on to the HR fibers.Comment: Presented at 2018 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Austin, Texas, USA. 18 pages, 25 figures, and 2 table

    Ghosts of NEID's Past

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    The NEID spectrograph is a R \sim 120,000 resolution fiber-fed and highly stabilized spectrograph for extreme radial velocity (RV) precision. It is being commissioned at the 3.5 m WIYN telescope in Kitt Peak National Observatory with a desired instrumental precision of better than 30 \cms{}. NEID's bandpass of 380 -- 930 nm enables the simultaneous wavelength coverage of activity indicators from the Ca HK lines in the blue to the Ca IR triplet in the IR. In this paper we will present our efforts to characterize and mitigate optical ghosts in the NEID spectrograph during assembly, integration and testing, and highlight several of the dominant optical element contributors such as the cross dispersion prism and input optics. We shall present simulations of the 2-D spectrum and discuss the predicted ghost features on the focal plane, and how they may impact the RV performance for NEID. We also present the mitigation strategy adopted for each ghost which may be applied to future instrument designs. This work will enable other instrument builders to potentially avoid some of these issues, as well as outline mitigation strategies.Comment: Conference Proceeding from SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2020): 12 page

    The NEID spectrometer: fibre injection system design

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    NEID is a high resolution echelle spectrograph designed to enable extremely precise Doppler radial velocity observations of stars in the 380-930nm wavelength range1. It has recently been installed at the 3.5m WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, and is currently being commissioned. The design is based on a white pupil layout with a monolithic parabolic primary mirror and a 195mm pupil size on the R4 Echelle grating. Here we describe the optical and mechanical design, assembly, and alignment of the fiber injection system which converts the native focal ratio of the sky, calibration, and science fibers to the focal ratio required to form the 195mm collimated beam

    Detection of p-mode Oscillations in HD 35833 with NEID and TESS

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    We report the results of observations of p-mode oscillations in the G0 subgiant star HD 35833 in both radial velocities and photometry with NEID and TESS, respectively. We achieve separate, robust detections of the oscillation signal with both instruments (radial velocity amplitude ARV=1.11±0.09A_{\rm RV}=1.11\pm0.09 m s1^{-1}, photometric amplitude Aphot=6.42±0.60A_{\rm phot}=6.42\pm0.60 ppm, frequency of maximum power νmax=595.71±17.28\nu_{\rm max} = 595.71\pm17.28 μ\muHz, and mode spacing Δν=36.65±0.96\Delta \nu = 36.65\pm0.96 μ\muHz) as well as a non-detection in a TESS sector concurrent with the NEID observations. These data shed light on our ability to mitigate the correlated noise impact of oscillations with radial velocities alone, and on the robustness of commonly used asteroseismic scaling relations. The NEID data are used to validate models for the attenuation of oscillation signals for exposure times t<νmax1t<\nu_{\rm max}^{-1}, and we compare our results to predictions from theoretical scaling relations and find that the observed amplitudes are weaker than expected by >4σ>4\sigma, hinting at gaps in the underlying physical models.Comment: 19 Pages, 14 Figures, Appendi

    Overview of the spectrometer optical fiber feed for the habitable-zone planet finder

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    The Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF) is a highly stabilized fiber fed precision radial velocity (RV) spec- trograph working in the Near Infrared (NIR): 810 – 1280 nm. In this paper we present an overview of the preparation of the optical fibers for HPF. The entire fiber train from the telescope focus down to the cryostat is detailed. We also discuss the fiber polishing, splicing and its integration into the instrument using a fused silica puck. HPF was designed to be able to operate in two modes, High Resolution (HR- the only mode mode currently commissioned) and High Efficiency (HE). We discuss these fiber heads and the procedure we adopted to attach the slit on to the HR fibers

    Ultra-Stable Environment Control for the NEID Spectrometer: Design and Performance Demonstration

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    Two key areas of emphasis in contemporary experimental exoplanet science are the detailed characterization of transiting terrestrial planets, and the search for Earth analog planets to be targeted by future imaging missions. Both of these pursuits are dependent on an order-of-magnitude improvement in the measurement of stellar radial velocities (RV), setting a requirement on single-measurement instrumental uncertainty of order 10 cm/s. Achieving such extraordinary precision on a high-resolution spectrometer requires thermo-mechanically stabilizing the instrument to unprecedented levels. Here, we describe the Environment Control System (ECS) of the NEID Spectrometer, which will be commissioned on the 3.5 m WIYN Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in 2019, and has a performance specification of on-sky RV precision < 50 cm/s. Because NEID's optical table and mounts are made from aluminum, which has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, sub-milliKelvin temperature control is especially critical. NEID inherits its ECS from that of the Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF), but with modifications for improved performance and operation near room temperature. Our full-system stability test shows the NEID system exceeds the already impressive performance of HPF, maintaining vacuum pressures below 10610^{-6} Torr and an RMS temperature stability better than 0.4 mK over 30 days. Our ECS design is fully open-source; the design of our temperature-controlled vacuum chamber has already been made public, and here we release the electrical schematics for our custom Temperature Monitoring and Control (TMC) system.Comment: Accepted for publication in JATI

    TOI-2015b: A Warm Neptune with Transit Timing Variations Orbiting an Active mid M Dwarf

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    We report the discovery of a close-in (Porb=3.349daysP_{\mathrm{orb}} = 3.349\:\mathrm{days}) warm Neptune with clear transit timing variations (TTVs) orbiting the nearby (d=47.3pcd=47.3\:\mathrm{pc}) active M4 star, TOI-2015. We characterize the planet's properties using TESS photometry, precise near-infrared radial velocities (RV) with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HP) Spectrograph, ground-based photometry, and high-contrast imaging. A joint photometry and RV fit yields a radius Rp = 3.370.20+0.15RR_p~=~3.37_{-0.20}^{+0.15} \:\mathrm{R_\oplus}, mass mp = 16.44.1+4.1Mm_p~=~16.4_{-4.1}^{+4.1}\:\mathrm{M_\oplus}, and density ρp = 2.320.37+0.38gcm3\rho_p~=~2.32_{-0.37}^{+0.38} \:\mathrm{g cm^{-3}} for TOI-2015b, suggesting a likely volatile-rich planet. The young, active host star has a rotation period of Prot = 8.7± 0.9 daysP_{\mathrm{rot}}~=~8.7 \pm~0.9~\mathrm{days} and associated rotation-based age estimate of 1.1 ± 0.1Gyr1.1~\pm~0.1\:\mathrm{Gyr}. Though no other transiting planets are seen in the TESS data, the system shows clear TTVs of super period Psup  430daysP_{\mathrm{sup}}~\approx~430\:\mathrm{days} and amplitude \sim100minutes100\:\mathrm{minutes}. After considering multiple likely period ratio models, we show an outer planet candidate near a 2:1 resonance can explain the observed TTVs while offering a dynamically stable solution. However, other possible two-planet solutions -- including 3:2 and 4:3 resonance -- cannot be conclusively excluded without further observations. Assuming a 2:1 resonance in the joint TTV-RV modeling suggests a mass of mb = 13.34.5+4.7Mm_b~=~13.3_{-4.5}^{+4.7}\:\mathrm{M_\oplus} for TOI-2015b and mc = 6.82.3+3.5Mm_c~=~6.8_{-2.3}^{+3.5}\:\mathrm{M_\oplus} for the outer candidate. Additional transit and RV observations will be beneficial to explicitly identify the resonance and further characterize the properties of the system.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables. As submitted to AAS Journal

    Stellar Spectroscopy in the Near-infrared with a Laser Frequency Comb

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    The discovery and characterization of exoplanets around nearby stars is driven by profound scientific questions about the uniqueness of Earth and our Solar System, and the conditions under which life could exist elsewhere in our Galaxy. Doppler spectroscopy, or the radial velocity (RV) technique, has been used extensively to identify hundreds of exoplanets, but with notable challenges in detecting terrestrial mass planets orbiting within habitable zones. We describe infrared RV spectroscopy at the 10 m Hobby-Eberly telescope that leverages a 30 GHz electro-optic laser frequency comb with nanophotonic supercontinuum to calibrate the Habitable Zone Planet Finder spectrograph. Demonstrated instrument precision <10 cm/s and stellar RVs approaching 1 m/s open the path to discovery and confirmation of habitable zone planets around M-dwarfs, the most ubiquitous type of stars in our Galaxy

    A warm Jupiter transiting an M dwarf: A TESS single transit event confirmed with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder

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    We confirm the planetary nature of a warm Jupiter transiting the early M dwarf TOI-1899, using a combination of available TESS photometry; high-precision, near-infrared spectroscopy with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder; and speckle and adaptive optics imaging. The data reveal a transiting companion on an 29\sim29-day orbit with a mass and radius of $0.66\pm0.07\ \mathrm{M_{J}}and and 1.15_{-0.05}^{+0.04}\ \mathrm{R_{J}},respectively.ThestarTOI1899isthelowestmassstarknowntohostatransitingwarmJupiter,andwediscussthefollowupopportunitiesaffordedbyawarm(, respectively. The star TOI-1899 is the lowest-mass star known to host a transiting warm Jupiter, and we discuss the follow-up opportunities afforded by a warm (\mathrm{T_{eq}}\sim362$ K) gas giant orbiting an M0 star. Our observations reveal that TOI-1899.01 is a puffy warm Jupiter, and we suggest additional transit observations to both refine the orbit and constrain the true dilution observed in TESS.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, published in A