33 research outputs found

    A de novo atypical ring sSMC(22) characterized by array CGH in a boy with cat-eye syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND: Microduplications 22q11 have been characterized as a genomic duplication syndrome mediated by nonallelic homologous recombination between region-specific low-copy repeats. Here we report on a 19 years old boy with intellectual disability having an unexpected structurally complex ring small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) originated from a larger trisomy and a smaller tetrasomy of proximal 22q11 harboring additional copies of cat eye syndrome critical regions genes. RESULTS: PRINCIPAL CLINICAL FEATURES WERE: anorectal and urogenital malformations, total anomalous pulmonary venous return with secundum ASD, hearing defect, preauricular pits, seizure and eczema. The proband also presented some rare or so far not reported clinical findings such as hyperinsulinaemia, severe immunodeficiency and grave cognitive deficits. Chromosome analysis revealed a mosaic karyotype with the presence of a small ring-like marker in 60% of cells. Array CGH detected approximately an 1,2 Mb single and a 0,2 Mb double copy gain of the proximal long arm of chromosome 22. The 1,3 Mb intervening region of chromosome 22 from centromere to the breakpoints showed no copy alteration. The karyotype of the patient was defined as 47,XY,+mar[60]/46,XY[40].ish idic r(22)(q11.1.q11.21) x 4.arr 22q11(17,435, 645-18,656,678) x 3,(17,598,642-17,799,783) x 4 dn. CONCLUSIONS: The present report is the first one with a detailed description of clinical presentation in a patient carrying an atypical size ring sSMC (22) analyzed by array CGH. The specialty of the finding is emphasized by the fact that although the patient had a mosaic sSMC and the amplified region was smaller than in typical cat eye syndrome cases, the clinical presentation was severe

    Nemi kromoszóma-rendellenességek vizsgálata gyermekkorban

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    INTRODUCTION: Early diagnosis of sex chromosome abnormalities is important because of prevention, family planning and optimal therapy. AIM: Investigation of the relationship between phenotype, age at time of diagnosis and therapeutic options in sex chromosome aberrations. METHOD: Processing data of 51 children with sex chromosome abnormalities who were diagnosed between 2009 and 2014 and examined at the 2nd. Department of Pediatrics, Semmelweis University, by the methods of anamnesis, family tree analysis, physical examination, karyotype analysis and fluorescent in situ hybridisation. RESULTS: 41% of the patients were diagnosed with Turner-, 18% with Klinefelter-, 10% with double-Y-, 6% with triple- and poly-X-syndrome, 19% with other gonadal dysgenesis and 6% with other abnormality. The average age at diagnosis: Turner- and Klinefelter-syndrome 10 years, other gonadal dysgenesis 9 years, 46,XX,t(X;10) 17 years, other abnormalities 1-2 years. CONCLUSIONS: Numerical aberrations of the sex chromosomes are more common than structural aberrations. Klinefelter-, triple- and poly-X-syndromes are underdiagnosed in childhood. Early diagnosis of Turner-syndrome and other gonadal dysgenesis is necessary to optimise therapy and prevent associated diseases. This can be achieved by modern prenatal diagnostic methods and targeted activity of family pediatricians. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(27): 1121-1128

    Williams–Beuren-szindróma (Williams-szindróma)

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    Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, that occurs equally in all ethnic groups and both sexes. The diagnosis might be missed during childhood in mild cases. However, establishing the diagnosis is important, not only to find the cause of intellectual disability but to look for cardiovascular, endocrine, psychiatry, urology and other conditions, which can occur at any age in the patients' lifetime. This case report presents the story of 47-year-old woman, who was admitted with haematemesis. During her stay on the ward, in the light of the distinctive facial features, mental retardation, and social behaviour patterns, the possibility of Williams syndrome emerged. Later, the diagnosis was confirmed by genetic analysis. This female is the oldest living patient with Williams syndrome in Hungary. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(47): 1883-1888

    Molecular cytogenetic analysis of Xq critical regions in premature ovarian failure.

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    BACKGROUND: One of the frequent reasons for unsuccessful conception is premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI) that is defined as the loss of functional follicles below the age of 40 years. Among the genetic causes the most common one involves the X chromosome, as in Turner syndrome, partial X deletion and X-autosome translocations. Here we report a case of a 27-year-old female patient referred to genetic counselling because of premature ovarian failure. The aim of this case study to perform molecular genetic and cytogenetic analyses in order to identify the exact genetic background of the pathogenic phenotype. RESULTS: For premature ovarian failure disease diagnostics we performed the Fragile mental retardation 1 gene analysis using Southern blot technique and Repeat Primed PCR in order to identify the relationship between the Fragile mental retardation 1 gene premutation status and the premature ovarion failure disease. At this early onset, the premature ovarian failure affected patient we detected one normal allele of Fragile mental retardation 1 gene and we couldn't verify the methylated allele, therefore we performed the cytogenetic analyses using G-banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization methods and a high resolution molecular cytogenetic method, the array comparative genomic hybridization technique. For this patient applying the G-banding, we identified a large deletion on the X chromosome at the critical region (ChrX q21.31-q28) which is associated with the premature ovarian failure phenotype. In order to detect the exact breakpoints, we used a special cytogenetic array ISCA plus CGH array and we verified a 67.355 Mb size loss at the critical region which include total 795 genes. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude for this case study that the karyotyping is definitely helpful in the evaluation of premature ovarian failure patients, to identify the non submicroscopic chromosomal rearrangement, and using the array CGH technique we can contribute to the most efficient detection and mapping of exact deletion breakpoints of the deleted Xq region

    9p triszómia és a klinikai sokszínűség

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    Absztrakt: A 9-es kromoszóma rövid karjának (9p) teljes vagy részleges triszómiáját a gyakoribb, élettel összeegyeztethető kromoszóma-rendellenességek között tartjuk számon. A szindróma valamennyi szervrendszert érintheti, az arc és a koponya fejlődési rendellenességeinek előfordulási gyakorisága a legmagasabb. Jellemző még a típusos arckarakter és az ujjakat, körmöket érintő elváltozások. Betegünk, egy 1 hónapos fiúcsecsemő kamrai sövényhiány (VSD), veleszületett csípőficam, sárgaság, elégtelen súlygyarapodás és diszmorfiás arcvonások miatt került felvételre. Megfigyelése alatt dekompenzációs tüneteket észleltünk. A kardiológiai konzílium jelentős VSD-t, aortaív-hypoplasiát, pulmonalis hypertoniát, dekompenzált keringési elégtelenséget és mérsékelt balkamra-diszfunkciót véleményezett. Rutin citogenetikai vizsgálat során egy szám feletti marker kromoszómát azonosítottunk. Fluoreszcens in situ hibridizációs (FISH-) vizsgálattal kimutattuk, hogy a marker a 9-es kromoszóma rövid karjával azonos. A gyermek karyotypusa: 47,XY,+der(9)dup(9)(p10p24)dn. Fokozódó állapotromlása és a magas műtéti kockázat miatt a beavatkozásra nem került sor; a kisgyermek rövid palliatív ellátást követően elhunyt. A gyermek klinikai képe, állapotának szokatlan súlyossága kiváló példája annak, hogy a genetikai anyag többletét okozó kromoszomális eltérések rendkívüli heterogén fenotípusokat okozhatnak. Ez a heterogenitás nem csupán a diagnosztikát nehezíti meg, hanem a terápia mértékének és jellegének, oki vagy palliatív voltának megítélését is, mely ezért minden esetben egyéni mérlegelést igényel. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(47): 1994–2000. | Abstract: Whole or partial trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 (9p) is considered to be one of the more frequent chromosome abnormalities compatible with life. The duplication may affect various organs, however the most common symptoms are certain specific facial dysmorphisms and abnormalities of the fingers, toes and nails. A one month old boy presented with failure to thrive, jaundice, ventricular septal defect (VSD) and dysmorphic face. He displayed symptoms of heart failure. The cardiologic examination revealed a significant VSD, hypoplasia of the aortic arch, pulmonary hypertension, decompensated circulatory failure and moderate left ventricle dysfunction. Routine cytogenetic analysis revealed a supernumerary marker chromosome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) identified this as the short arm of chromosome 9. The child’s karyotype was determined as 47,XY,+der(9)dup(9)(p10p24)dn. Due to his worsening condition and the high risk of the operation, it was decided to forego the procedure. After a short palliative care the child passed away. The child’s clinical presentation and the uncharacteristic severity of his condition show that chromosome abnormalities involving duplicated genetic material are extremely heterogeneous. Thus treatment of each child should be individualized and may also involve difficult ethical considerations. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(47): 1994–2000

    Elsődleges genetikai vizsgálat Prader–Willi-szindróma igazolására

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    INTRODUCTION: According to the international literature, DNA methylation analysis of the promoter region of SNRPN locus is the most efficient way to start genetic investigation in patients with suspected Prader-Willi syndrome. AIM: Our aim was to develop a simple, reliable first-tier diagnosis to confirm Prader-Willi syndrome, therefore to compare our self-designed simple, cost-efficient high-resolution melting analysis and the most commonly used methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification to confirm Prader-Willi syndrome. METHOD: We studied 17 clinically suspected Prader-Willi syndrome children and their DNA samples. With self-designed primers, bisulfite-sensitive polymerase chain reaction, high-resolution melting analysis and, as a control, methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification were performed. RESULTS: Prader-Willi syndrome was genetically confirmed in 6 out of 17 clinically suspected Prader-Willi syndrome patients. The results of high-resolution melting analysis and methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification were equivalent in each case. CONCLUSION: Using our self-designed primers and altered bisulfite-specific PCR conditions, high-resolution melting analysis appears to be a simple, fast, reliable and effective method for primarily proving or excluding clinically suspected Prade-Willi syndrome cases. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(2): 64-69

    An Ultra-Rare Manifestation of an X-Linked Recessive Disorder: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in a Female Patient

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common inherited muscle dystrophy. Patients are characterized by muscle weakness, gross motor delay, and elevated serum creatinine kinase (CK) levels. The disease is caused by mutations in the DMD gene located on the X chromosome. Due to the X-linked recessive inheritance pattern, DMD most commonly affects males, who are generally diagnosed between the age of 3–5 years. Here we present an ultra-rare manifestation of DMD in a female patient. Cytogenetic examination showed that she has a t(X;10)(p21.1;p12.1) translocation, which turned out to affect the DMD gene with one of the breakpoints located in exon 54 (detected by genome sequencing). The X-inactivation test revealed skewed X-inactivation (ratio 99:1). Muscle histology and dystrophin immunohistochemistry showed severe dystrophic changes and highly reduced dystrophin expression, respectively. These results, in accordance with the clinical picture and a highly elevated serum CK, led to the diagnosis of DMD. In conclusion, although in very rare cases, DMD can manifest in female patients as well. In this case, a balanced X-autosome reciprocal translocation disrupts the DMD gene and skewed X-inactivation leads to the manifestation of the DMD phenotype