73 research outputs found

    Made in America: The affects Cognitive Load Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin have on Consumer Purchasing Decisions

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    Previous research suggests that cognitive load affects decision-making tasks. As well, a consumer varies his or her purchasing decisions based off of his or her personal level of Consumer Ethnocentrism (CE) and the Country of Origin (COO) of the product or brand. Eighty individuals participated in the study. Some participants were put under cognitive load by having remembering an 8 digit number span. All subjects were randomly exposed to one of two product sets, where COO was manipulated. Each product set consisted of 5 advertisements followed by a series of 4 questions. These questions regarded their willingness to purchase the product in the advertisement, their familiarity with the product, and a quality rating of the product. All participants then answered the CETSCALE questionnaire in order to measure their CE. It was hypothesized that participants with high CE regardless of cognitive load will tend to favor purchasing American products over products with a foreign COO. In addition, participants with low CE under cognitive load will be indifferent when making purchasing decisions on domestic versus foreign products

    Grief and Loss Issues and Women\u27s Drinking Patterns

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    This exploratory, qualitative study was undertaken to explore the relationship of grief and loss and women\u27s drinking patterns. The literature review focused on major contributors of grief work, theoretical frameworks of the grieving process, and an overview of alcoholism in women. Ten women who were recovering from alcoholism in a half-way house were interviewed using open-ended, semi-structured questions. The interviews focused on the respondents\u27 drinking patterns, their grief and loss issues, and the treatment of those issues in their chemical dependency treatment program. Implications for social work practice is included. Results indicate the importance of prevention, intervention, and education of women regarding the relationship of grief and loss and women\u27s alcoholism and illustrate the theme of circularity that emerged in this study


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    Review: Environmental mycobacteria as a cause of human infection

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    Pulmonary infections with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are recognized as a problem in immunodeficient individuals and are increasingly common in older people with no known immune defects. NTM are found in soil and water, but factors influencing transmission from the environment to humans are mostly unknown. Studies of the epidemiology of NTM disease have matched some clinical isolates of NTM with isolates from the patient's local environment. Definitive matching requires strain level differentiation based on molecular analyses, including partial sequencing, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR, repetitive element (rep-) PCR and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of large restriction fragments. These approaches have identified hospital and residential showers and faucets, hot-tubs and garden soil as sources of transmissible pathogenic NTM. However, gaps exist in the literature, with many clinical isolates remaining unidentified within environments that have been tested, and few studies investigating NTM transmission in developing countries. To understand the environmental reservoirs and transmission routes of pathogenic NTM, different environments, countries and climates must be investigated

    Dynamic Mesh CFD Simulations of Orion Parachute Pendulum Motion During Atmospheric Entry

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    This paper demonstrates the usage of computational fluid dynamics to study the effects of pendulum motion dynamics of the NASAs Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle parachute system on the stability of the vehicles atmospheric entry and decent. Significant computational fluid dynamics testing has already been performed at NASAs Johnson Space Center, but this study sought to investigate the effect of bulk motion of the parachute, such as pitching, on the induced aerodynamic forces. Simulations were performed with a moving grid geometry oscillating according to the parameters observed in flight tests. As with the previous simulations, OVERFLOW computational fluid dynamics tool is used with the assumption of rigid, non-permeable geometry. Comparison to parachute wind tunnel tests is included for a preliminary validation of the dynamic mesh model. Results show qualitative differences in the flow fields of the static and dynamic simulations and quantitative differences in the induced aerodynamic forces, suggesting that dynamic mesh modeling of the parachute pendulum motion may uncover additional dynamic effects

    CD161 expression defines new human γδ T cell subsets

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    γδ T cells are a highly versatile immune lineage involved in host defense and homeostasis, but questions remain around their heterogeneity, precise function and role during health and disease. We used multi−parametric flow cytometry, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised clustering, and self-organizing maps (SOM) to identify novel γδ T cell naïve/memory subsets chiefly defined by CD161 expression levels, a surface membrane receptor that can be activating or suppressive. We used middle-to-old age individuals given immune blockade is commonly used in this population. Whilst most Vδ1+subset cells exhibited a terminal differentiation phenotype, Vδ1− subset cells showed an early memory phenotype. Dimensionality reduction revealed eight γδ T cell clusters chiefly diverging through CD161 expression with CD4 and CD8 expression limited to specific subpopulations. Comparison of matched healthy elderly individuals to bronchiectasis patients revealed elevated Vδ1+ terminally differentiated effector memory cells in patients potentially linking this population with chronic proinflammatory disease

    Susceptibility to non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease is influenced by rs1518111 in IL10

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    Although exposure to potentially pathogenic nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) via soil and domestic water supplies is common, pulmonary infection and disease are confined to a small proportion of older individuals. Previously, alleles of a polymorphism in IL10 (rs1800896) were associated with NTM disease and we demonstrated elevated production of IL-10 by blood leukocytes from patients with pulmonary NTM. Here seven additional polymorphisms in IL10 were investigated in a larger cohort of Caucasian controls and patients with pulmonary NTM disease. This demonstrated a significant association between pulmonary NTM disease and one polymorphism (rs1518111) in strong linkage disequilibrium with rs1800896