430 research outputs found

    Computer program calculates and plots surface area and pore size distribution data

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    Computer program calculates surface area and pore size distribution of powders, metals, ceramics, and catalysts, and prints and plots the desired data directly. Surface area calculations are based on the gas adsorption technique of Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller, and pore size distribution calculations are based on the gas adsorption technique of Pierce

    Screening method improves performance of nickel-cadmium batteries

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    Weight of single plate in batch is used as criterion for selecting those plates with uniform, high ampere hour capacity. When substrate and plaque weights are uniform, observed current capacity differences are dependent on quantity of active material in plaque

    Electrolyte concentration changes during operation of the nickel cadmium cell

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    The concentration and distribution of aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte in a sealed nickel cadmium cell is considered. The reactions at both electrodes during charge and discharge involve the production or utilization of hydroxyl ion (OH) or water (H2O) which directly affects concentration. Changes in electrolyte concentration relative to the individual electrode reactions is discussed. Quantitative values are provided for the changes in concentration for 6, 12, and 20 ah cells with accepted quantities of precharge and accepted initial quantity of 31% aqueous KOH. Consideration is given to a more correct equation which includes net changes in hydroxyl concentration in addition to water. Also, expected concentrations of electrolyte in cells in the fully charged, 75% charged, 50% charged, 25% charged and discharged condition are calculated. The expected concentration changes for cells in the accelerated tests are also tabulated and compared with measured values. All calculations are made on the assumption that there are no side reactions. Various properties which depend on KOH concentration are listed. The variables include O2, H2, and Cd(OH)2 solubilities in addition to viscosity and conductivity

    Life test results of the NASA standard 20 ampere hour cells

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    The data collected from life cycle tests results of a 20-ampere cells are discussed. A total of 50 cells were evaluated

    Lithium/sulfur dioxide cell and battery safety

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    The new high-energy lithium/sulfur dioxide primary electrochemical cell, having a number of advantages, has received considerable attention as a power source in the past few years. With greater experience and improved design by the manufacturers, this system can be used in a safe manner provided the guidelines for use and safety precautions described herein are followed. In addition to a description of cell design and appropriate definitions, there is a safety precautions checklist provided to guide the user. Specific safety procedures for marking, handling, transportation, and disposal are also given, as is a suggested series of tests, to assure manufacturer conformance to requirements

    Safety of Li-SOCl2 cells

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    The safety of lithium thionyl chloride cells has been a concern of JPL for some time in the development of these cells for NASA's use. Because the safety problems are complex and several issues are interrelated it was decided that it would be best to put together an organized review of the safety issues, which are reviewed here. Hazards are classified in three categories: (1) cell leakage, a problem dealing with construction or materials; (2) venting of toxic gases through seals and welds, considered a mild hazard in which electrolyte and gas is released; and (3) violent rupture or controlled rupture of cells with the possibility of explosion of the materials inside. These hazards and their effects are detailed along with possible ways of dealing with them

    The effect of cell design and test criteria on the series/parallel performance of nickel cadmium cells and batteries

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    Three batteries were operated in parallel from a common bus during charge and discharge. SMM utilized NASA Standard 20AH cells and batteries, and LANDSAT-D NASA 50AH cells and batteries of a similar design. Each battery consisted of 22 series connected cells providing the nominal 28V bus. The three batteries were charged in parallel using the voltage limit/current taper mode wherein the voltage limit was temperature compensated. Discharge occurred on the demand of the spacecraft instruments and electronics. Both flights were planned for three to five year missions. The series/parallel configuration of cells and batteries for the 3-5 yr mission required a well controlled product with built-in reliability and uniformity. Examples of how component, cell and battery selection methods affect the uniformity of the series/parallel operation of the batteries both in testing and in flight are given

    Heat dissipation of high rate Li-SOCl sub 2 primary cells

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    The heat dissipation problem occurring in the lithium thionyl chloride cells discharged at relatively high rates under normal discharge conditions is examined. Four heat flow paths were identified, and the thermal resistances of the relating cell components along each flow path were accordingly calculated. From the thermal resistance network analysis, it was demonstrated that about 90 percent of the total heat produced within the cell should be dissipated along the radial direction in a spirally wound cell. In addition, the threshold value of the heat generation rate at which cell internal temperature could be maintained below 100 C, was calculated from total thermal resistance and found to be 2.9 W. However, these calculations were made only at the cell components' level, and the transient nature of the heat accumulation and dissipation was not considered. A simple transient model based on the lumped-heat-capacity concept was developed to predict the time-dependent cell temperature at different discharge rates. The overall objective was to examine the influence of cell design variable from the heat removal point of view under normal discharge conditions and to make recommendations to build more efficient lithium cells

    Procedure for analysis of nickel-cadmium cell materials

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    Quality control procedures include analyses on electrolyte, active materials, and separators for nickel cadmium cell materials. Tests range from the visual/mechanical inspection of cells to gas sampling, electrolyte extract, electrochemical tests, and physical measurements

    Use of the Charge/Discharge (C/D) ratio to aument voltage limit (V sub T) charge control in the ERBS spacecraft

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    A 50-ampere hour nickel cadmium cell test pack was operated in a power profile simulating the orbit of the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS). The objective was to determine the ability of the temperature compensated voltage limit (V sub T) charge control system to maintain energy balance in the half sine wave-type current profile expected of this mission. The four-cell pack (50 E) was tested at the Naval Weapons Support Center (NWSC) at Crane, Indiana. The ERBS evaluation test consisted of two distinct operating sequences, each having a specific purpose. The first phase was a parametric test involving the effect of V sub T level, temperature, and Beta angle on the charge/discharge (C/D) ratio, an indicator of the amount of overcharge. The second phase of testing made use of the C/D ratio limit to augment the V sub T charge limit control. When the C/D limit was reached, the current was switched from the taper mode to a C/67 (0.75 A) trickle charge. The use of an ampere hour integrator limiting the overcharge to a C/67 rate provided a fine tuning of the charge control technique which eliminated the sensitivity problems noted in the initial operating sequence