10,173 research outputs found
Performance and materials aspects of Ge:Be photoconductors
Ge:Be photoconductors were developed for low photon background applications in the 30 to 50 MM wavelength region. These detectors provide higher responsivity and lower noise equivalent power (NEP) than the Ge:Ga detectors currently operating in this wavelength range. Beryllium doped single crystals were grown by the Czochralski method from a carbon susceptor under a vacuum of approx. one million torr. An optimum detective quantum efficiency of 46% at a background flux of 1.5 x 10 to the 8th power photons/second (7 x 10 to the 13th power W) was reported. Ge:Be detector performance is strongly influenced by the absolute concentrations and the concentration ratio of residual shallow donors and shallow acceptors
Quark confinement and color transparency in a gauge-invariant formulation of QCD
We examine a nonlocal interaction that results from expressing the QCD
Hamiltonian entirely in terms of gauge-invariant quark and gluon fields. The
interaction couples one quark color-charge density to another, much as electric
charge densities are coupled to each other by the Coulomb interaction in QED.
In QCD, this nonlocal interaction also couples quark color-charge densities to
gluonic color. We show how the leading part of the interaction between quark
color-charge densities vanishes when the participating quarks are in a color
singlet configuration, and that, for singlet configurations, the residual
interaction weakens as the size of a packet of quarks shrinks. Because of this
effect, color-singlet packets of quarks should experience final state
interactions that increase in strength as these packets expand in size. For the
case of an SU(2) model of QCD based on the {\em ansatz} that the
gauge-invariant gauge field is a hedgehog configuration, we show how the
infinite series that represents the nonlocal interaction between quark
color-charge densities can be evaluated nonperturbatively, without expanding it
term-by-term. We discuss the implications of this model for QCD with SU(3)
color and a gauge-invariant gauge field determined by QCD dynamics.Comment: Revtex, 23 pages; contains additional references with brief comments
on sam
Quantum Gauge Equivalence in QED
We discuss gauge transformations in QED coupled to a charged spinor field,
and examine whether we can gauge-transform the entire formulation of the theory
from one gauge to another, so that not only the gauge and spinor fields, but
also the forms of the operator-valued Hamiltonians are transformed. The
discussion includes the covariant gauge, in which the gauge condition and
Gauss's law are not primary constraints on operator-valued quantities; it also
includes the Coulomb gauge, and the spatial axial gauge, in which the
constraints are imposed on operator-valued fields by applying the
Dirac-Bergmann procedure. We show how to transform the covariant, Coulomb and
spatial axial gauges to what we call
``common form,'' in which all particle excitation modes have identical
properties. We also show that, once that common form has been reached, QED in
different gauges has a common time-evolution operator that defines
time-translation for states that represent systems of electrons and photons.
By combining gauge transformations with changes of representation from
standard to common form, the entire apparatus of a gauge theory can be
transformed from one gauge to another.Comment: Contribution for a special issue of Foundations of Physics honoring
Fritz Rohrlich; edited by Larry P. Horwitz, Tel-Aviv University, and Alwyn
van der Merwe, University of Denver (Plenum Publishing, New York); 40 pages,
REVTEX, Preprint UCONN-93-3, 1 figure available upon request from author
Germanium:gallium photoconductors for far infrared heterodyne detection
Highly compensated Ge:Ga photoconductors have been fabricated and evaluated for high bandwidth heterodyne detection. Bandwidths up to 60 MHz have been obtained with corresponding current responsivity of 0.01 A/W
Using Eco-schemes in the new CAP: a guide for managing authorities
This guide has been developed primarily for policy makers and Member State officials involved in the national and regional programming processes of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). This process might involve different administrative levels (national, regional, local), different political fields (agriculture, environmental, food and health ministries), different public bodies (paying agencies, environmental agencies, rural development offices) depending on the administrative setting of each MS.
In addition, the guide provides support to other stakeholders and practitioners from the public and private sectors and civil society (including agricultural, environmental, food, health and consumer NGOs), with a direct or indirect involvement in the programming and evaluation process of the CSPs. Since these new plans will have a strong impact on MS environments, agricultural sectors, rural areas, etc., the engagement of all stakeholders will be an important asset for supporting an effective implementation of the CSP objectives.
There are many others with potential interests in the contents of this guide. EU citizens have demonstrated their increasing interest in the contents of the CAP objectives and policy framework, as demonstrated both by civil society initiatives and consumption decisions. The contents of this guide may therefore also be of interest to other societal actors with interests in agricultural and environmental policies, such as researchers, journalists, trade unions, and civil society organizations. However, the guide is intentionally more focused on the technical needs of those involved in CSP development and implementation
Gauge-invariant fields in the temporal gauge, Coulomb-gauge fields, and the Gribov ambiguity
We examine the relation between Coulomb-gauge fields and the gauge-invariant
fields constructed in the temporal gauge for two-color QCD by comparing a
variety of properties, including their equal-time commutation rules and those
of their conjugate chromoelectric fields. We also express the temporal-gauge
Hamiltonian in terms of gauge-invariant fields and show that it can be
interpreted as a sum of the Coulomb-gauge Hamiltonian and another part that is
important for determining the equations of motion of temporal-gauge fields, but
that can never affect the time evolution of ``physical'' state vectors. We also
discuss multiplicities of gauge-invariant temporal-gauge fields that belong to
different topological sectors and that, in previous work, were shown to be
based on the same underlying gauge-dependent temporal-gauge fields. We argue
that these multiplicities of gauge-invariant fields are manifestations of the
Gribov ambiguity. We show that the differential equation that bases the
multiplicities of gauge-invariant fields on their underlying gauge-dependent
temporal-gauge fields has nonlinearities identical to those of the ``Gribov''
equation, which demonstrates the non-uniqueness of Coulomb-gauge fields. These
multiplicities of gauge-invariant fields --- and, hence, Gribov copies ---
appear in the temporal gauge, but only with the imposition of Gauss's law and
the implementation of gauge invariance; they do not arise when the theory is
represented in terms of gauge-dependent fields and Gauss's law is left
unimplemented.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; text has been revised and references adde
Parabolic resonances and instabilities in near-integrable two degrees of freedom Hamiltonian flows
When an integrable two-degrees-of-freedom Hamiltonian system possessing a
circle of parabolic fixed points is perturbed, a parabolic resonance occurs. It
is proved that its occurrence is generic for one parameter families
(co-dimension one phenomenon) of near-integrable, t.d.o. systems. Numerical
experiments indicate that the motion near a parabolic resonance exhibits new
type of chaotic behavior which includes instabilities in some directions and
long trapping times in others. Moreover, in a degenerate case, near a {\it flat
parabolic resonance}, large scale instabilities appear. A model arising from an
atmospherical study is shown to exhibit flat parabolic resonance. This supplies
a simple mechanism for the transport of particles with {\it small} (i.e.
atmospherically relevant) initial velocities from the vicinity of the equator
to high latitudes. A modification of the model which allows the development of
atmospherical jets unfolds the degeneracy, yet traces of the flat instabilities
are clearly observed
Topology of the gauge-invariant gauge field in two-color QCD
We investigate solutions to a nonlinear integral equation which has a central
role in implementing the non-Abelian Gauss's Law and in constructing
gauge-invariant quark and gluon fields. Here we concern ourselves with
solutions to this same equation that are not operator-valued, but are functions
of spatial variables and carry spatial and SU(2) indices. We obtain an
expression for the gauge-invariant gauge field in two-color QCD, define an
index that we will refer to as the ``winding number'' that characterizes it,
and show that this winding number is invariant to a small gauge transformation
of the gauge field on which our construction of the gauge-invariant gauge field
is based. We discuss the role of this gauge field in determining the winding
number of the gauge-invariant gauge field. We also show that when the winding
number of the gauge field is an integer , the gauge-invariant
gauge field manifests winding numbers that are not integers, and are
half-integers only when .Comment: 26 pages including 6 encapsulated postscript figures. Numerical
errors have been correcte
Stressed detector arrays for airborne astronomy
The development of stressed Ge:Ga detector arrays for far-infrared astronomy from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) is discussed. Researchers successfully constructed and used a three channel detector array on five flights from the KAO, and have conducted laboratory tests of a two-dimensional, 25 elements (5x5) detector array. Each element of the three element array performs as well as the researchers' best single channel detector, as do the tested elements of the 25 channel system. Some of the exciting new science possible with far-infrared detector arrays is also discussed
Inducing Transport in a Dissipation-Free Lattice with Super Bloch Oscillations
Particles in a perfect lattice potential perform Bloch oscillations when
subject to a constant force, leading to localization and preventing
conductivity. For a weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of Cs
atoms, we observe giant center-of-mass oscillations in position space with a
displacement across hundreds of lattice sites when we add a periodic modulation
to the force near the Bloch frequency. We study the dependence of these "super"
Bloch oscillations on lattice depth, modulation amplitude, and modulation
frequency and show that they provide a means to induce linear transport in a
dissipation-free lattice. Surprisingly, we find that, for an interacting
quantum system, super Bloch oscillations strongly suppress the appearance of
dynamical instabilities and, for our parameters, increase the phase-coherence
time by more than a factor of hundred.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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