3 research outputs found

    Caffeine exposure from beverages and its association with self-reported sleep duration and quality in a large sample of Icelandic adolescents

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by funding from the Icelandic Ministry of Industries and Innovation. The Ministry had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or reporting. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsPrevious risk assessments have concluded that adolescent's caffeine exposure from energy drinks (ED) are of limited concern. Recent surveys have, however, shown substantial increase in consumption. This cross-sectional survey conducted in 2020 estimated caffeine exposure from beverages among ∼80% of all 13-15-year-old adolescents (n = 10358) relative to the European Food Safety Authority's level of no safety concern of (3.0 mg/kg bw) and level for effects on sleep (1.4 mg/kg bw). Associations with self-reported sleep duration and quality were also explored. ED consumers were more likely to exceed the limit of no safety concern (prevelance: 12–14%) compared to non-ED-consumers (1–2%). Exceeding the limit for effects on sleep was also higher among ED consumers (31–38%) than non-ED-consumers (5–8%). Across categories of low (3.0 mg/kg bw) caffeine intake, the prevalence of participants sleeping <6 h increased from 3% to 24%, respectively. The corresponding adjusted Prevalence Ratio was 4.5 (95% CI: 3.6, 5.7) and mean decrease in duration of sleep was 0.74 h (95% CI: 0.65, 0.84). In conclusion, caffeine intake from beverages above the limit of no safety concern was largely confined to ED consumers. Consistent with effects from intervention studies in adults, caffeine intake was strongly associated with self-reported sleep duration in this representative population.Peer reviewe

    Stjórnsýsla smærri en víðfeðmra sveitarfélaga

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    Þegar sveitarfélög breytast mikið eins og gerist í sameiningu er að mörgu að huga. Eitt af því er stjórnsýsla þeirra. Það er fremur ólíklegt að skipulag stjórnsýslu sem hentaði 100 manna dreifbýlissveitarfélagi henti 4000 manna sveitarfélagi sem er mjög víðfeðmt og hefur þéttbýli. Af sama skapi er ekki sjálfgefið að skipulag sem hentaði 2000 manna þorpi gangi upp þegar sveitarfélagið er orðið stærra og fjölmennara. Þetta er spurning sem þarf að svara til þess að þessi nýju sveitarfélög fái notið sömu gæða í stjórnsýslu og önnur sveitarfélög sem ekki þurfa að takast á við sameiningu. Helstu niðurstöður þeirrar athugunnar er að hentugast sé að hafa skipulagið einfalt í sniðum. Forustunni er ætlað stórt hlutverk í ákvarðanatöku og hafa góða yfirsýn yfir alla skipulagsheildina. Ekki má vanmeta kosti þess að nýta sér stoðdeildir sem standa utan við hið eiginlega skipulag

    Polygyny, Concubinage, and the Social Lives of Women in Viking-Age Scandinavia

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