134 research outputs found

    Errors in fracture diagnoses in the emergency department – characteristics of patients and diurnal variation

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    BACKGROUND: Evaluation of the circumstances related to errors in diagnosis of fractures at an Emergency Department may suggest ways to reduce the incidence of such errors. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of all cases during a two year period (2002–2004) where a fracture had been overlooked or an injury had been erroneously diagnosed as a fracture (n = 61). 100 random selected patients with correctly diagnosed fractures served as control group. RESULTS: In the two year period 5879 patients visited the ED with injuries. 1% of all visits to the ED resulted in an error in fracture diagnosis and 3.1% of all fractures were not diagnosed at the initial visit to the ED. 86% of such errors had consequences for treatment. No patient characteristics could be identified as risk factors for a misdiagnosis of a fracture. There was a peak in errors in fracture diagnoses between 8 pm and 2 am (47% against 20% in controls, p < 0.005). CONCLUSION: A considerable number of fractures were not correctly diagnosed at the initial ED visit. There was a diurnal variation in the rate of misdiagnosis of fractures with a significant peak from 8 pm to 2 am. Where there was an error in fracture diagnosis, the patients did not appear to have a characteristic profile as regarding e.g. age, sex or capability to communicate with the ED staff. Increased consultancy service in radiology may reduce the frequency of errors in diagnosis, particularly in the evenings between 8 pm and 2 am

    Microfinance as a method of facilitating research in emergency medicine

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    Microgrants are a novel concept where small grants are used to facilitate research. The concept might have a place in developing emergency medicine research, especially in countries where emergency medicine is not established or in new areas of research. Two examples of the beneficial effects of microgrants in emergency medicine research are described. Emergency medicine interest groups and foundations should consider setting up microgrant schemes

    Current use of intraosseous infusion in Danish emergency departments: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intraosseous infusion (IOI) is recommended when intravenous access cannot be readily established in both pediatric and adult resuscitation. We evaluated the current use of IOI in Danish emergency departments (EDs).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An online questionnaire was e-mailed to the Heads of Department of the twenty EDs currently established in Denmark. The questionnaire focused on the use of IOI in the EDs and included questions on frequency of use, training, equipment and attitudes towards IOI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We received a total of 19 responses (response rate of 95%). Of the responding 19 Danish EDs 74% (n = 14) reported having intraosseous devices available. The median number of IOI procedures performed in these departments over the preceding 12 months was 5.0 (range: 0-45). In 47% (n = 9) of the departments, prior training sessions in the use of intraosseous devices had not been provided, and 42% (n = 8) did not have local guidelines on IOI. The indication for IOI use was often not clearly defined and only 11% (n = 2) consistently used IOI on relevant indication. This is surprising as 95% (n = 18) of responders were aware that IOI can be utilized in both pediatric and adult resuscitation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study shows considerable variations in IOI usage in Danish EDs despite the fact that IOI devices were available in the majority of EDs. In addition, in many EDs there were no local guidelines on IOI and no training in the procedure. We recommend more extensive training of medical staff in IOI techniques in Danish EDs.</p

    Brug af innovationsteknikken ”de seks hatte” i udvikling af en lokal, klinisk guideline

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    Vi beskriver en case hvor udviklingen og implementeringen af en lokal guideline i akutafdelingen bliver hjulpet pĂĄ vej af en kendt innovationsteknik. Casen kan mĂĄske inspirere andre til lignende tiltag
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