2,819 research outputs found

    Learned Changes in Stimulus Representations (A Personal History)

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    Hace casi 40 años, empecé lo que con el tiempo se convirtió en un programa de investigación sobre la forma en que la experiencia puede cambiar la efectividad de los eventos empleados como estímulos en procedimientos típicos de aprendizaje asociativo. En esta historia personal, describiré mis primeros (fallidos) intentos de demostrar la distintividad adquirida de las claves, y mi conclusión de que la experiencia tiende a reducir, en vez de a facilitar, la asociabilidad de los estímulos. Después paso a describir mis intentos de hacer compatible esta conclusión con el innegable hecho empírico de que, en algunas circunstancias, el pre-entrenamiento con (o la pre-exposición a) los estímulos puede facilitar la posterior discriminación entre ellos. Describo los experimentos (llevados a cabo con ratas como sujetos) que muestran cómo algunos de estos efectos pueden explicarse en términos asociativos. Sin embargo, otros parecen exigir una explicación en términos de un nuevo proceso de aprendizaje que modula la saliencia efectiva de los estímulos. Paso a describir los intentos de especificar la naturaleza de este proceso y (llegando al momento actual) a describir los experimentos recientes que investigan los efectos de modulación de la saliencia en el aprendizaje perceptual humano.Almost 40 years ago I began what turned out to be a programme of research on the way in which experience can change the effectiveness of the events used as stimuli in standard associative learning procedures. In this personal history I will describe my early (failed) attempts to find evidence for the acquired istinctiveness of cues, and my conclusion that experience tends to reduce, not enhance the associability of stimuli. I then go on to describe my attempts to square this conclusion with the stubborn empirical fact that, in some circumstances, pretraining with (or preexposure to) stimuli, can facilitate subsequent discrimination between them. I describe experiments (conducted mostly with rats as the subjects) showing how some of these effects can be explained in associative terms. Others, however, seemed to demand an explanation in terms of a new learning process that modulates the effective salience of stimuli. I go on to describe attempts to specify the nature of this process, and (bringing the story up to date) to describe recent experiments investigating the effects of salience modulation in human perceptual learning

    Experiment versus analogy in the search for animal sentience

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    Deciding between rival accounts of an instance of an animal’s behavior can frequently be achieved by experimental tests of different predictions made by the alternatives. When, however, one (or both) of the alternatives is expressed in terms of the mental state of the animal, an experimental test to distinguish them can be hard to find. Although it is unsatisfactory in many ways, it may be necessary to fall back on argument from analogy with human behavior and experience

    Structuring Spreadsheets with the “Lish” Data Model

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    A spreadsheet is remarkably flexible in representing various forms of structured data, but the individual cells have no knowledge of the larger structures of which they may form a part. This can hamper comprehension and increase formula replication, increasing the risk of error on both scores. We explore a novel data model (called the “lish”) that could form an alternative to the traditional grid in a spreadsheet-like environment. Its aim is to capture some of these higher structures while preserving the simplicity that makes a spreadsheet so attractive. It is based on cells organised into nested lists, in each of which the user may optionally employ a template to prototype repeating structures. These template elements can be likened to the marginal “cells” in the borders of a traditional worksheet, but are proper members of the sheet and may themselves contain internal structure. A small demonstration application shows the “lish” in operation

    A logic boosting approach to inducing multiclass alternating decision trees

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    The alternating decision tree (ADTree) is a successful classification technique that combine decision trees with the predictive accuracy of boosting into a ser to interpretable classification rules. The original formulation of the tree induction algorithm restricted attention to binary classification problems. This paper empirically evaluates several methods for extending the algorithm to the multiclass case by splitting the problem into several two-class LogitBoost procedure to induce alternating decision trees directly. Experimental results confirm that this procedure is comparable with methods that are based on the original ADTree formulation in accuracy, while inducing much smaller trees

    Data mining in bioinformatics using Weka

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    The Weka machine learning workbench provides a general purpose environment for automatic classification, regression, clustering and feature selection-common data mining problems in bioinformatics research. It contains an extensive collection of machine learning algorithms and data exploration and the experimental comparison of different machine learning techniques on the same problem. Weka can process data given in the form of a single relational table. Its main objectives are to (a) assist users in extracting useful information from data and (b) enable them to easily identify a suitable algorithm for generating an accurate predictive model from it

    Benchmarking attribute selection techniques for discrete class data mining

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    Data engineering is generally considered to be a central issue in the development of data mining applications. The success of many learning schemes, in their attempts to construct models of data, hinges on the reliable identification of a small set of highly predictive attributes. The inclusion of irrelevant, redundant and noisy attributes in the model building process phase can result in poor predictive performance and increased computation. Attribute selection generally involves a combination of search and attribute utility estimation plus evaluation with respect to specific learning schemes. This leads to a large number of possible permutation and has led to a situation where very few benchmark studies have been conducted. This paper presents a benchmark comparison of several attribute selection methods for supervised classification. All the methods produce an attribute ranking, a useful devise for isolating the individual merit of an attribute. Attribute selection is achieved by cross-validating the attribute rankings with respect to a classification learner to find the best attributes. Results are reported for a selection of standard data sets and two diverse learning schemes C4.5 and naïve Bayes