7 research outputs found

    Déterminants clés de la pratique optimale de l’allaitement exclusif au niveau de la communauté urbaine de Niamey, Niger

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    L’allaitement maternel exclusif (AME), mode d’alimentation de prĂ©dilection pour les nourrissons, demeure insuffisamment pratiquĂ©.  ’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de contribuer Ă  la pratique optimale de l’AME au niveau de la communautĂ© urbaine de Niamey. Cette Ă©tude transversale, d’une durĂ©e de 3 mois a portĂ© sur un Ă©chantillon de 400 mères d’enfants de 0-6 mois choisi, par commoditĂ© au cours de leurs consultations nourrisson au niveau des centres de santĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que l’initiation prĂ©coce Ă  l’allaitement maternel a concernĂ© 48% d’enfants ayant Ă©tĂ© mis au sein dans l’heure qui suit la naissance, et que seulement 33, 5% des mères ont pratiquĂ© l’AME. Cependant, l’analyse statistique traduit une association entre l’allaitement maternel exclusif et certains des facteurs testĂ©s. Ces facteurs clĂ©s permettant d’optimiser la pratique de l’AME demeurent: la connaissance de la durĂ©e et de la dĂ©finition de l’AME, la connaissance des avantages de l’AME pour la mère tels que : retarde la fertilitĂ© et renforce le lien mère/enfant ; la connaissance des avantages pour l’enfant notamment: enfant grossit bien ou l’enfant est toujours en bonne santĂ© et enfin le caractère Ă©conomique de l’AME. Ces donnĂ©es permettent une meilleure orientation des interventions axĂ©es sur la pratique optimale de l’allaitement maternel Ă  Niamey.   English title: Key determinants of exclusive breastfeeding optimal practice in the urban community of Niamey, Niger Exclusive breastfeeding, the preferred feeding mode for infants, remains insufficiently practised. The overall objective of this study was to contribute to the optimal practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Niamey urban community. This cross-sectional study included a sample of 400 mothers of children aged 0-6 months chosen for convenience during their infant consultations at the health centre level. The results showed that 48% of children who were breast-fed within one hour of birth were introduced early to breastfeeding, and only 33.5% of mothers practiced exclusive breastfeeding. However, the statistical analysis shows an association between exclusive breastfeeding and some of the factors tested. These key factors for optimizing the practice of exclusive breastfeeding remain: knowledge of the duration and definition of breastfeeding, knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother such as: delays fertility and strengthens the mother/child bond; knowledge of the benefits for the child in particular: child grows well or the child is always healthy and finally the economic character of the breastfeeding. These data allow a better orientation of interventions focused on the optimal practice of breastfeeding in Niamey. &nbsp

    Contribution to improve dried meat (Kilishi) quality using an adapted hygrometer

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    It is a most for each actor in Niger’s food production and distribution chain bears responsibility to take the necessary steps to ensure that the products placed on the market do not pose a risk to the health of consumers. Traditional kilishi products in Niger have evolved from natural drying. This study was aimed to determine the relative humidity of the kilishi in contribution to improve its quality. Three varieties of kilishi (ja, fari and rumuzu) samples were analyzed, using an adapted hygrometer at ambient temperature. The results revealed that from the reading of adapted hygrometer 78±1.42% of relative humidity for the kilishi ja; 62±1.83% for kilishi rumuzu and 53±0.67% for kilishi fari. The kilishi ja level of humidity (78%) found was higher than the normal which is 60 to 65%. The relative humidity results indicated that the evaluation on the kilishi varieties was an indicator of degree of dryness leading to improve its quality. It is therefore recommended that strict aseptic measures and proper drying should be observed during the production of kilishi in order to reduce the microbial load to an acceptable level

    Statut nutritionnel des femmes enceintes et répercussion sur le poids de naissance des nouveaunés : cas du CSI Madina –Niamey

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    Objectif: La grossesse est une période d’augmentation des besoins métaboliques liés aux changements physiologiques de la femme enceinte et aux besoins du foetus. L’objectif de l’étude est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du faible poids de naissance.Méthodologie et résultats: La collecte a concerné 182 femmes enceintes sur des questions d’alimentation, d’anthropométrie et de revue des carnets de santé. Les résultats traduisent que 45,6% ont un IMC normal (entre 18,5 et 25), 35,7% ont un excès de poids (entre 25 et 30), et 18,7% d’obèses (entre 30 et 35). Concernant l’alimentation, 68% des femmes enceintes connaissent les aliments favorisant le développement des bébés. Cependant ces femmes ont un score de consommation alimentaire acceptable à 68,10%. Par ailleurs, la proportion de faible poids de naissance (<2500g) s’établit à 4,50% et l’apport alimentaire paraît satisfaisant en référence au poids de naissance moyen du nouveau-né (3345,40 g pour les garçons et 3200,49 g pour les filles).Conclusion et application des résultats: La relation entre l’état nutritionnel de la femme enceinte et le poids du nouveau-né, révèle une issue satisfaisante de la grossesse dans la population considérée. Cependant, l’association entre la variation de poids avant la grossesse et la croissance foetale ou le poids de naissance n’est pas encore bien documenté au Niger, C’est pourquoi, la détermination de la prévalence de petits poids de naissance doit faire des facteurs explicatifs une priorité, puisse que la période périconceptionnelle demeure un moment particulièrement indiqué pour optimiser la santé maternelle et agir ainsi en faveur de la génération future. Ces résultats constituent une contribution scientifique qui guidera la prise de décision en matière de santé et de nutrition maternelle.Mots clés: statut nutritionnel, faible poids de naissance, femmes, CSI Madina, NiameyEnglish Title: Nutritional status of pregnant women and the impact on the birth weight of newborns: case of the CSI Madina – NiameyEnglish AbstractObjective: Pregnancy is a period of increasing metabolic needs related to the physiological changes of the pregnant woman and the needs of the fetus. The objective of the study is to contribute to a better understanding of low birth weight.Methods and results: Collection involved 182 pregnant women on diet, anthropometry and journals. The results show that 45.6% have normal BMI (between 18.5 to 25) 35.7% have excess weight (between 25 to 30), and 18.7% are obese (between 30 to 35). In terms of nutrition, 68% of pregnant women are aware of foods that promote the development of babies. However, these women have an acceptable food consumption score of 68.10%. On the other hand, the proportion of low birth weight is 4.50% and dietary intake appears to be satisfactory with reference to the average birth weight of the newborn(<2500g) (3345.40 g for boys and 3200.49 g for girls).Conclusion and application of results: The relationship between the nutritional status of the pregnant woman and the weight of the newborn reveals a satisfactory outcome of pregnancy in the population under consideration. However, the association between pre-pregnancy weight change and fetal growth or birthweight is not well documented in Niger yet, so determining the prevalence of low birthweight should make predicting factors a priority, so that the periconceptional period remains a particularly appropriate time to optimize maternal health and thus act in favour of the future generation. These results are a scientific contribution  that will guide decision-making on maternal health and nutrition.Keywords: nutritional status, low birth weight, Women, CSI Madina, Niame

    Evaluation de l’état nutritionnel des enfants malnutris dans deux centres de santé de Tessaoua (Niger) après des aliments thérapeutiques: Assessment of the nutritional status of malnourished children in two health centers of Tessaoua (Niger) who received therapeutic foods

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    Context & objective. The therapeutic foods with high nutritional value are usually used in nutritional recovery in malnourished children, the effect of this food is not well known. This present study aimed to determine the impact of these foods in improving the nutritional status of malnourished children. Methods. In a cohort prospective study, 300 mother-child couples (aged from 0 to 59 months) of two health centers of the urban municipality of Tessaoua; were enrolled from June and September 2019. F75, F100, Plumpy Nut and CSB Plus flour were used and the weight gain assessed. Results. Children (extremes: 6 -23 months; 78.7%) from vulnerable parents (low education: 72.5 %; housewives: 58%) were mainly malnourished.The average weight gain by Kg/day was of 18.43 g, 6.58 g, and 3.72 g in children at CRENI, CRENAS, and CRENAM, respectively. We found a strong correlation between the weight gain and the type of food used. Almost all of the children of CRENI gained ≥ 11g / Kg /day. Conclusion. There was significant correlation between weight gain and therapeutic foods used for nutritional rehabilitation. Contexte & objectif. Les aliments thĂ©rapeutiques Ă  haute valeur nutritionnelle sont utilisĂ©s dans la rĂ©cupĂ©ration nutritionnelle chez les patients malnutris, mais l’effet de ces aliments n’est pas très bien connu. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer l’effet de ces aliments dans l’amĂ©lioration de l’état nutritionnel des enfants malnutris. MĂ©thodes. C’était une Ă©tude de cohorte prospective menĂ©e au niveau des deux centres santĂ© de la commune urbaine de Tessaoua auprès de 300 copules mères-enfants (âgĂ©s de 0 Ă  59 mois), entre juin et septembre 2019. Les aliments thĂ©rapeutiques utilisĂ©s sont le F75, F100, Plumpy-Nut et la farine CSB-Plus. Le critère de jugement Ă©tait essentiellement un gain pondĂ©ral. RĂ©sultats. La malnutrition touchait surtout les enfants de 6 Ă  23 mois (78,7 %), provenant des familles pour la plupart des parents vulnĂ©rables ayant un niveau d’instruction bas (72,5 %) et des mères mĂ©nagères (58%). Les enfants qui Ă©taient au CRENI, sous rĂ©gime F75-F100-PPN ont un gain de poids moyen de 18,43g/Kg/Jr, tandis que ceux du CRENAS et du CRENAM avaient respectivement gagnĂ© ; 6,58g/Kg/Jr et 3,72g/Kg/Jr. Une forte corrĂ©lation a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e entre le gain pondĂ©ral et les aliments utilisĂ©s, puisque 91,95% des gains de poids ≥ 11g/Kg/Jr ont Ă©tĂ© atteints par les enfants du CRENI. Conclusion. La corrĂ©lation est très significative entre le gain pondĂ©ral et les aliments thĂ©rapeutiques utilisĂ©s

    Risques climatiques et sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Niger : cartographie des impacts et des besoins de résilience

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    Depuis les grandes sécheresses des années 70 et aujourd’hui encore, les risques climatiques sont le défi majeur auquel font face les principales activités agricoles et pastorales au Sahel et particulièrement au Niger. Cet article fait la cartographie des impacts des menaces climatiques sur la sécurité alimentaire dans trois régions du Niger et propose des solutions de résilience. L’approche d’analyse de la vulnérabilité décrivant les relations de cause à effet entre les changements climatiques et leurs impacts sur les populations, les secteurs de l’économie et les systèmes socio-écologiques, associée à la notion des chaînes d’impacts inspirée du modèle ClimProspect, est utilisée pour caractériser l’exposition, la sensibilité et les impacts potentiels. L’analyse montre que la sécheresse constitue le principal risque qui affecte les productions agrosylvopastorales à travers des baisses de productions vivrières, du nombre d’animaux et de leur productivité, des revenus agricoles, de la disparition de certaines espèces d’arbres de valeur, avec pour conséquence l’insécurité alimentaire, voire des crises alimentaires et nutritionnelles, et la pauvreté qui s’enracine. Les facteurs qui expliquent la vulnérabilité des ménages ruraux aux crises alimentaires sont : la dégradation et l’insuffisance des terres, la pauvreté, le dysfonctionnement des mécanismes et dispositifs de prévention et de gestion des crises, et surtout le caractère pluvial et rudimentaire des activités agropastorales. Ils sont regroupés en quatre groupes - V1, V2, V3 et V4 - servant de référentiels ou d’outils d’aide à la décision pour des réponses efficientes et performantes, établies sous forme de classes de besoins de résilience aux risques climatiques.Since the great droughts of the 1970s and even today, climate risks have been the major challenge facing by the main agricultural and pastoral activities in the Sahel and particularly in Niger. This article maps the impacts of climate threats on food security in three regions of Niger and suggests resilience solutions. The vulnerability analysis approach describing the cause-and-effect relationships between climate change and its impacts on populations, economic sectors, and socio-ecological systems, associated with the notion of impact chains inspired from the ClimProspect model, is used to characterize exposure, sensitivity, and potential impacts. The analysis shows that drought constitutes the main risk which affects agro-silvopastoral production through reductions in food production, the number of animals and their productivity, agricultural income, the disappearance of certain valuable tree species with the consequence of food insecurity and even food and nutrition crises and entrenched poverty. The factors that explain the vulnerability of rural households to food crises are land degradation and insufficiency, poverty, dysfunction of mechanisms and devices for crisis prevention and management and especially the rainfed and rudimentary nature of agro-pastoral activities. They are grouped into four groups - V1, V2, V3 and V4 - serving as benchmarks or decision support tools for efficient and effective responses established in the form of classes of climate risk resilience needs

    Risques climatiques et sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Niger : cartographie des impacts et des besoins de résilience

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    Since the great droughts of the 1970s and even today, climate risks have been the major challenge facing by the main agricultural and pastoral activities in the Sahel and particularly in Niger. This article maps the impacts of climate threats on food security in three regions of Niger and suggests resilience solutions. The vulnerability analysis approach describing the cause-and-effect relationships between climate change and its impacts on populations, economic sectors, and socio-ecological systems, associated with the notion of impact chains inspired from the ClimProspect model, is used to characterize exposure, sensitivity, and potential impacts. The analysis shows that drought constitutes the main risk which affects agro-silvopastoral production through reductions in food production, the number of animals and their productivity, agricultural income, the disappearance of certain valuable tree species with the consequence of food insecurity and even food and nutrition crises and entrenched poverty. The factors that explain the vulnerability of rural households to food crises are land degradation and insufficiency, poverty, dysfunction of mechanisms and devices for crisis prevention and management and especially the rainfed and rudimentary nature of agro-pastoral activities. They are grouped into four groups - V1, V2, V3 and V4 - serving as benchmarks or decision support tools for efficient and effective responses established in the form of classes of climate risk resilience needs

    Risques climatiques et sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Niger : cartographie des impacts et des besoins de résilience

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    Since the great droughts of the 1970s and even today, climate risks have been the major challenge facing by the main agricultural and pastoral activities in the Sahel and particularly in Niger. This article maps the impacts of climate threats on food security in three regions of Niger and suggests resilience solutions. The vulnerability analysis approach describing the cause-and-effect relationships between climate change and its impacts on populations, economic sectors, and socio-ecological systems, associated with the notion of impact chains inspired from the ClimProspect model, is used to characterize exposure, sensitivity, and potential impacts. The analysis shows that drought constitutes the main risk which affects agro-silvopastoral production through reductions in food production, the number of animals and their productivity, agricultural income, the disappearance of certain valuable tree species with the consequence of food insecurity and even food and nutrition crises and entrenched poverty. The factors that explain the vulnerability of rural households to food crises are land degradation and insufficiency, poverty, dysfunction of mechanisms and devices for crisis prevention and management and especially the rainfed and rudimentary nature of agro-pastoral activities. They are grouped into four groups - V1, V2, V3 and V4 - serving as benchmarks or decision support tools for efficient and effective responses established in the form of classes of climate risk resilience needs