12 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Robot Kri 2012

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    Designing Robot KRI 2012 is applied in the industrial world that serves as a means of shifting materials. At KRI 2012 the game that took the motto "Peng on Dai Gat" and the theme "In Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity". Robot designed KRI 2012 which is the type of manual robot that has some tasks that take up, lift, and insert tokens into the token box, lift the basket, also the collector robot design will discuss base design such as determined DC motors, lifting, minimum pressure on the gripper token, the determine of PWM DC motor, slope and deflection that occurs on the rod lifter. So in designing this robot should also be able to support the weight of the operator who will be driving this robot. The method used is to use a simple calculation of the literature used to obtain data on the results of the design and use test with tachometer to get the motor and calculate the mileage time of the robot at 6 m. Then the data will be used as input to obtain design models robot KRI 2012 on Autodesk Inventor 2012

    Pengendalian Modul Rotary Handling Station Bebasis Sequential Function Chart (Sfc)

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    The system used in this day and age has made progress in its operations. In industry itself many use automated systems that only require a small operator to run a tool because it saves time, and safety is guaranteed. In this time the tool discussed Handling Station Rotary pneumatic system uses motion to move this tool. So that the tool can be moved according to plan also required the "brains" to run this tool. Where the brain is a Program Logic Controller (PLC) to save a program that has been created in order to move the tool. Program created in this thesis using Sequential Function Chart (SFC) using Zelio Soft application. For components that are needed in this form of censorship tool as a reader, selonoid as air regulator to move from such a device

    Pengendalian Modul Processing Bebasis Sequential Function Chart (Sfc)

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    Automation is a technology that can be used to implement an instructional process or an automatic procedures. In this framework that has been using an instructional program that combined with a control system to process an instruction or commands. This processing module is a part of the automation engine which checking a process simulation of hollow and not hollow objects, then a PLC is to be needed to control all of the working processing modules systems which system works as you want. To control a working system, a programming language that easily to be understood is needed such as functional block diagram (FBD) which functional block diagram (FBD) is a method that can describe a function between input and output variable, in FBD there is a Sequential Function Chart method (SFC) which control the program sequential activity. So this research discusses the control of processing module which using FBD programming language by using the SFC method

    The Influence of Financial Knowledge, Financial Confidence, and Income on Financial Behavior Among the Workforce in Jakarta

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    . The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of financial knowledge,financial confidence and income, on financial behavior. This research is based onTPB Model and Behavioral Finance Theory, and it was carried out based on thephenomenon that occur at present whereas the community is more focused on shorttermrather than on long-term. The Theory of Planned Behavior that rates theknowledge, self-confidence, and income becomes the basis of financial behavior ofindividuals, which become the topic of this research. The subjects in this study are thepeople of Jakarta Special Region, which includes the group of workforce who havealready had the job and fixed income every month. The results of this research showthat Financial Knowledge and Financial Confidence do affect Financial Behavior,whereas Income does not appear in the same way

    Komunitas Makrozoobentos di Perairan Estuaria Rawa Gambut Tripa Provinsi Aceh

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    The Tripa Peat Swamp forest is located in Nagan Raya and Aceh Barat Daya districts. The forest has been deforested and converted to agricultural lands. Hence, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the community structure of macrozoobenthos in Tripa peat swamp. Five sampling locations were determinated using purposive random sampling which was focussed in the main river mouths of Tripa, Suak Tripa, Seuneam, Batee and Taduu Rivers. The sediment was collected in three plots (1m x 1m) at every sampling location. The results showed that, there were 34 species of macrozoobenthos recorded during the sampling, it is belonging to 4 classes; Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Crustacea and Insecta. The species richness were ranged between 1.12 to 1.58, indicates low category. The diversity and evenness indices were ranged between 0.62 to 2.44 and 0.19 to 0.73, respectively; indicates low to moderate values. It was concluded that the macrozoobenthos community of Rawa Tripa was in unstabile condition. Rawa Gambut Tripa terletak di Kabupaten Nagan Raya dan Aceh Barat Daya Provinsi Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunitas makrozoobentos di kawasan Rawa Gambut Tripa. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni dan Juli 2013. Penentuan area dan titik sampling menggunakan metode purposive random sampling berdasarkan pertimbangan topografi kondisi lingkungan, yaitu pada 4 muara sungai utama di kawasan ini. Sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan skop dengan plot (1m x 1m) sebanyak 3 plot pada setiap stasiun, kemudian disaring dan disortir menggunakan tangan (hand sorting). Makrozoobentos yang tertangkap diawetkan dengan formalin 10%, selanjutnya diidentifikasi di Laboratorium Biologi Laut Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 34 spesies makrozoobentos yang tergolong dalam 4 kelas makrozoobenthos yaitu Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Krustacea dan Insekta. Spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Faunus ater dari kelas Gastropoda. Nilai indeks kekayaan jenis berkisar 1,12- 1,58 tergolong rendah. Nilai Keragaman (H') makrozoobentos di semua stasiun berkisar antara 0,62-2,44 dan tergolong rendah sampai sedang. Nilai indeks keseragaman berkisar antara 0,19-0,73 tergolong rendah sampai dengan sedang, dan indek similaritas makrozoobentos disetiap wilayah tergolong rendah. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan komunitas makrozoobentos di kawasan ini dalam kondisi labil

    Rekontruksi konsep atom pada calon guru dengan metode grafik tiga dimensi (3D)

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    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Supplier pada PT AMSI dengan Metode Promethee

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    The selection of the supplier is a very important because it can affect performance in fulfilling the raw materials. Supplier selection process at PT Makmur Sentosa Alindo International (AMSI) is done only by checking the prices of goods at the cheapest per supplier and the availability of goods, so that the quality of raw materials and the accuracy of the number of orders that are not purchased in accordance with the desired. PT AMSI should be more careful in their purchases of raw materials. PT AMSI require additional criteria such as the accuracy of the number of orders and the quality of raw materials in the raw material supplier selection thus obtained as expected. PT AMSI requires a decision support system that generates suggestions or recommendations based on the results of supplier selection criteria condition or expected. Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) is a method of decision-making by many criteria. With the supplier selection decision support system capable of generating suggestions or recommendations based on the results of supplier selection criteria desired condition