254 research outputs found

    Mangani-pargasite, NaCa2(Mg4Mn3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2, a new mineral species of the amphibole supergroup

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    Mangani-pargasite, ideally NaCa2(Mg4Mn3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2, is a new mineral species of the calcium amphibole subgroup of the amphibole supergroup. The type specimen was found on the mine dump of the Långban Fe-Mn-(Ba-As-Pb-Sb) deposit in Värmland, Sweden. Crystal chemical analyses resulted in the empirical chemical formula: A(Na0.90Pb0.07K0.03)Σ1.00B(Ca1.93Mn2+0.07)Σ2.00C(Mg4.25Mn3+0.39Al0.26 Fe3+0.10)Σ5.00T(Si6.35Al1.65)Σ8.00O22W(OH)2. In order to complete the description of this newly approved (IMA 2018-151) mineral we report here additional data to those published in papers by Jonsson and Hålenius (2010) and Hålenius and Bosi (2012). Mangani-pargasite is biaxial positive, with a=1.635(5), b=1.645(5), g=1.660(5) and the measured optic angle 2V is 85(5)°. The dispersion is weak (r>v), and the optic orientation is: Y||b; Z^c=25(3)°. Mangani-pargasite is red to brownish red with weak pleochroism; X=pale reddish brown, Y=pale reddish brown and Z=pale brownish red; X≈Y>Z. The unit-cell parameters are a=9.9448(5), b=18.0171(9), c=5.2829(3) Å, b=105.445(3)°, V=912.39(9) Å3, Z=2, space group C2/m. The ten strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d-values in Å, I, (h k l)] are: 8.420, 29, (110); 3.368, 17, (131), 3.279, 49, (240); 3.141, 100, (310); 2.817, 44, (33 0); 2.698, 21, (151); 2.389, 18, (350); 1.904, 29, (510); 1.650, 22, (461) and 1.448, 46, (661)

    Crystal chemistry of sulfates from the apuan alps (Tuscany, Italy). V. Scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67 0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11: A new metavoltine-related mineral

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    The new mineral species scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67 0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11, was discovered in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as pseudo-hexagonal tabular crystals, yellowish to brownish in color, up to 0.5 mm in size. Cleavage is perfect on 0001. It is associated with giacovazzoite, krausite, gypsum, jarosite, alum-(K), and magnanelliite. Electron microprobe analyses give (wt %): SO3 47.31, Al2O3 0.66, Fe2O3 24.68, FeO 0.69, Na2O 0.52, K2O 17.36, H2Ocalc 15.06, total 106.28. The partitioning of Fe between Fe2+ and Fe3+ was based on Mössbauer spectroscopy. On the basis of 67 O atoms per formula unit, the empirical chemical formula is (K7.50Na0.34)Σ7.84(Fe3+6.29Al0.26Fe2+0.20)Σ6.75S12.02O50·17H2O. The ideal end-member formula can be written as K8(Fe3+0.67 0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11. Scordariite is trigonal, space group R-3, with (hexagonal setting) a = 9.7583(12), c = 53.687(7) Å, V = 4427.4(12) Å3, Z = 3. The main diffraction lines of the observed X-ray powder pattern are [d(in Å), estimated visual intensity]: 8.3, strong; 6.6, medium; 3.777, medium; 3.299, medium; 3.189, medium; 2.884, strong. The crystal structure of scordariite has been refined using X-ray single-crystal data to a final R1 = 0.057 on the basis of 1980 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 165 refined parameters. It can be described as a layered structure formed by three kinds of layers. As with other metavoltine-related minerals, scordariite is characterized by the occurrence of the [Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]5- heteropolyhedral cluster

    Heliophyllite: A discredited mineral species identical to ecdemite

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    The type material for heliophyllite, preserved in the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, was re-investigated through a combined EPMA (electron probe X-ray microanalysis), Raman, and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and single-crystal study. EPMA chemical data, together with Raman and single-crystal structural studies, point to heliophyllite being identical to ecdemite. XRPD synchrotron data highlight the presence of a minor quantity of finely admixed finnemanite in the analyzed material, explaining the presence of some additional diffraction peaks, not indexable with the ecdemite unit cell, reported in the literature. The discreditation of heliophyllite has been approved by the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (proposal 19-H, 2019)

    Pedagogical use of pictorial material in day care center

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the pedagogical use of illustrative material in early childhood education. While pictorial material is widely used in early childhood education, there is little research on the topic. The application of pictorial material in supporting communication and structuring everyday function is gaining recognition in early childhood education. The aim of this study was to investigate the pictorial environment of day care centers and the experience of using pictorial material in interactions with children from the kindergarten teachers perspective. Furthermore, the study examines how kindergarten teachers use pictorial material in early childhood education and how they plan the pictorial environment. The research design was qualitative. The research material was collected by theme interviews and photographic documentation. The data included 15 interviews of kindergarten teachers and 613 photographs of their classes. The research material collected end of 2010 in a city in southern Finland. The method used in analyzing both the interviews and the photograph material was theory-guided content analysis. The pictures displayed in the day care environments particularly emphasized everyday functions such as day or week schedules, dressing, eating and play in day care groups. In addition, children's artwork was on display in every classroom. The study suggests that the kindergarten teachers find the pictorial material essential particularly when teaching children with special needs and children who speak Finnish as a second language. However, the teachers noted that they considered the pictorial material beneficial to all children. Kindergarten teachers used pictorial material in everyday life, principally to structure function, guide children's play and support language development. Especially within integrated special groups the communication and participation through pictorial material was seen essential. Kindergarten teachers highlighted that the pictorial environment planning is based on child oriented, function oriented or aesthetic perspectives. The key emphasis in planning the environment is the needs of a particular child or group of children.Kuvallista materiaalia on aina käytetty osana varhaiskasvatuksen menetelmiä, mutta sitä on tutkittu hyvin vähän. Perinteisen opetuksellisen käytön rinnalla on yleistymässä kuvan käyttäminen toiminnan ohjauksen ja kommunikaation tukena. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella kuvallisen materiaalin pedagogista käyttöä päiväkodin varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, minkälainen päiväkodin kuvallinen ympäristö on sekä minkälaisia kokemuksia lastentarhanopettajilla on kuvallisen materiaalin käytöstä toiminnassa lasten kanssa ja miten he suunnittelevat kuvallista ympäristöä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullisia menetelmiä. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin teemahaastatteluilla ja valokuvadokumentoinnilla. Aineisto koostui 15 lastentarhanopettajan haastattelusta ja 613 valokuvasta, jotka oli otettu tutkimukseen osallistuneiden lapsiryhmien tiloista. Aineisto kerättiin marras- ja joulukuussa 2010 eräästä eteläsuomalaisesta kunnasta. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen teoriasidonnaista sisällönanalyysiä. Päiväkodin kuvallisessa ympäristössä hyvin näkyvällä sijalla olivat toimintaan liittyvät kuvat: päivä- ja viikko-ohjelmat, leikinvalintakuvat sekä kuvalliset toimintaohjeet. Myös lasten töitä oli esillä jokaisessa lapsiryhmässä. Tutkimus osoitti, että lastentarhanopettajat olivat kokeneet kuvallisen materiaalin erityisen tärkeäksi erityistä tukea tarvitsevien ja suomea toisena kielenä puhuvien lasten kehityksen tukemisessa. Lastentarhanopettajat kertoivat kuitenkin kuvallisen materiaalin käytön hyödyistä kaikkien lasten kanssa ja monenlaisessa toiminnassa. Kuvallista materiaalia käytettiin varsinkin toiminnan jäsentämiseen, leikin ohjaamiseen sekä kielellisen kehityksen tukemiseen. Etenkin integroiduissa erityisryhmissä korostui kuvallisen materiaalin merkitys kommunikaation ja osallistumisen vahvistamisessa. Lastentarhanopettajat esittivät lapsilähtöisiä, toimintalähtöisiä ja esteettisiä perusteita kuvallisen ympäristön suunnittelulle. Keskeisimpänä suunnittelun lähtökohtana olivat yksittäisten lasten tai lapsiryhmän tarpeet

    Muutoksen hallinta CRM-tietojärjestelmän käyttöönotossa

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Nickel-and Fe3+-rich oxy-dravite from the Artana Mn prospect, Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy)

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    Nickel-and Fe3+-rich oxy-dravite was identified on a specimen collected in the Artana Mn prospect, Carrara, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. Oxy-dravite occurs as brownish-orange prismatic crystals, up to 0.3 mm in length, associated with quartz, carbonates, and hematite. Electron microprobe analysis gave (in wt. % – average of 7 spot analyses): SiO2 35.81, TiO2 0.41, B2 O3(calc) 10.38, Al2 O3 29.36, V2 O3 0.78, Cr2 O3 0.09, Fe2 O3 3.32, FeO 0.33, MgO 8.04, CaO 0.39, MnO 0.34, NiO 3.46, ZnO 0.40, Na2 O 2.84, F 0.29, H2 O(calc) 3.00, O = F –0.12, total 99.12. The Fe3+/Fetot ratio was calculated based on optical absorption spectroscopy. The empirical ordered formula of the studied sample is (with rounding errors)X(Na0.92 Ca0.07 □0.01)Σ1.00 Y (Mg2.01 Ni2+0.47Fe3+ Ti0.33 0.05Mn2+0.05Fe2+ Zn)Z (Al 0.05 0.05 Σ3.005.80 V0.10 Cr0.01 Fe3+) Si O (BO)V (OH) 0.09 Σ6.00 6 18 3 33W [O0.50 (OH)0.35 F0.15 ]Σ1.00 . This is an intermediate member of the dravite–oxy-dravite series. In naming it, the prefix oxy-was preferred sinceWO is very close to being larger than 0.5 atoms per formula unit. Infrared spectroscopy revealed the occurrence of significant amounts ofW(OH), and allowed to propose a specific short-range arrangements around the O(1) and O(3) sites. Unit-cell parameters are a = 15.9349(11), c = 7.2038(5) Å, V = 1584.1(2) Å3, space group R3m. The crystal structure was refined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction data to R1 = 0.0146 on the basis of 1138 unique reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 94 refined parameters. The optimized crystal-chemical formula isX(Na0.92 Ca0.07 □0.01)Σ1.00Y (Mg1.21 Al0.80 Ni2+0.47Fe3+0.26 Ti0.05 Mn2+ Zn V Cr)Z (Al 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.01 Σ3.005.00 Mg0.80 Fe3+ 0.16Fe2+) Si O (BO) O(3) O(1) (OH) 0.05 Σ6.00 6 18 3 33 [O0.50 (OH)0.35 F0.15 ]Σ1.00 . Nickel is ordered at the Y site, in agreement with results obtained on synthetic tourmalines. Oxy-dravite is likely the result of the metamorphic recrystallization of Mn-rich layers at the top of the Liassic carbonates belonging to the Marble Formation of the Apuan Alps Metamorphic Complex

    NK cell activation through the NKG2D ligand MULT-1 is selectively prevented by the glycoprotein encoded by mouse cytomegalovirus gene m145

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    The NK cell–activating receptor NKG2D interacts with three different cellular ligands, all of which are regulated by mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV). We set out to define the viral gene product regulating murine UL16-binding protein-like transcript (MULT)-1, a newly described NKG2D ligand. We show that MCMV infection strongly induces MULT-1 gene expression, but surface expression of this glycoprotein is nevertheless completely abolished by the virus. Screening a panel of MCMV deletion mutants defined the gene m145 as the viral regulator of MULT-1. The MCMV m145-encoded glycoprotein turned out to be necessary and sufficient to regulate MULT-1 by preventing plasma membrane residence of MULT-1. The importance of MULT-1 in NK cell regulation in vivo was confirmed by the attenuating effect of the m145 deletion that was lifted after NK cell depletion. Our findings underline the significance of escaping MULT-1/NKG2D signaling for viral survival and maintenance
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