17 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Associated Features of Anxiety Disorder Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Study

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    Objective: Bipolar disorder is highly comorbid with anxiety disorders, however current and lifetime comorbidity patterns of each anxiety disorder and their associated features are not well studied. Here, we aimed to conduct a meta-analysis and meta-regression study of current evidence.Method: We searched PubMed to access relevant articles published until September 2015, using the keywords “Bipolar disorder” or “Affective Psychosis” or “manic depressive” separately with “generalized anxiety,” “panic disorder,” “social phobia,” “obsessive compulsive,” and “anxiety.” Variables for associated features and prevalence of anxiety disorders were carefully extracted.Results: Lifetime any anxiety disorder comorbidity in BD was 40.5%; panic disorder (PD) 18.1%, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 13.3%, social anxiety disorder (SAD) 13.5% and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 9.7%. Current any anxiety disorder comorbidity in BD is 38.2%; GAD is 15.2%, PD 13.3%, SAD 11.7%, and OCD 9.9%. When studies reporting data about comorbidities in BDI or BDII were analyzed separately, lifetime any anxiety disorder comorbidity in BDI and BDII were 38% and 34%, PD was 15% and 15%, GAD was 14% and 16.6%, SAD was 8% and 13%, OCD was 8% and 10%, respectively. Current any DSM anxiety disorder comorbidity in BDI or BDII were 31% and 37%, PD was 9% and 13%, GAD was 8% and 12%, SAD was 7% and 11%, and OCD was 8% and 7%, respectively. The percentage of manic patients and age of onset of BD tended to have a significant impact on anxiety disorders. Percentage of BD I patients significantly decreased the prevalence of panic disorder and social anxiety disorder. A higher rate of substance use disorder was associated with greater BD–SAD comorbidity. History of psychotic features significantly affected current PD and GAD.Conclusions: Anxiety disorder comorbidity is high in BD with somewhat lower rates in BDI vs BDII. Age of onset, substance use disorders, and percentage of patients in a manic episode or with psychotic features influences anxiety disorder comorbidity

    Pan-European landscape of research into neurodevelopmental copy number variants: a survey by the MINDDS consortium

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    Background Several rare copy number variants have been identified to confer risk for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD-CNVs), and increasingly NDD-CNVs are being identified in patients. There is a clinical need to understand the phenotypes of NDD-CNVs. However due to rarity of NDD-CNVs in the population, within individual countries there is a limited number of NDD-CNV carriers who can participate in research. The pan-european MINDDS (Maximizing Impact of Research in Neurodevelopmental Disorders) consortium was established in part to address this issue. Methodology A survey was developed to scope out the current landscape of NDD-CNV research across member countries of the MINDDS consortium, and to identify clinical cohorts with potential for future research. Results 36 centres from across 16 countries completed the survey. We provide a list of centres who can be contacted for future collaborations. 3844 NDD-CNV carriers were identified across clinical and research centres spanning a range of medical specialties, including psychiatry, paediatrics, medical genetics. A broad range of phenotypic data was available; including medical history, developmental history, family history and anthropometric data. In 12/16 countries, over 75% of NDD-CNV carriers could be recontacted for future studies. Conclusion This survey has highlighted the potential within Europe for large multi-centre studies of NDD-CNV carriers, to improve knowledge of the complex relationship between NDD-CNV and clinical phenotype. The MINNDS consortium is in a position to facilitate collaboration, data-sharing and knowledge exchange on NDD-CNV phenotypes across Europe

    Association of excessive daytime sleepiness with the zung self-rated depression subscales in adults with coronary artery disease and obstructive sleep apnea

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    Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a factor associated with both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and depressive symptoms. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment may decrease EDS in adults with OSA; however, the modulatory role of depressive symptoms on the improvement of EDS is not known. We aimed to explore the association between subscales of the Zung Self-rated Depression Scale (SDS) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) over a 2-year period in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with OSA. This was a post-hoc analysis of the RICCADSA cohort, in which 399 adults with CAD (155 sleepy OSA [apnea–hypopnea index ≥ 15/h] and ESS score ≥ 10, who were offered CPAP; and 244 nonsleepy OSA [ESS < 10]), randomized to CPAP [n = 122] or no-CPAP [n = 122]) were included. Three factors were extracted from the Zung SDS, based on the principal component analysis: F1, cognitive symptoms and anhedonia; F2, negative mood; and F3, appetite. In a mixed model, the ESS score decreased by 3.4 points (p < 0.001) among the sleepy OSA phenotype, which was predicted by the decline in the F2, but not in the F1 and F3 scores. The fixed effects of time were not significant in the nonsleepy OSA groups, and thus, further analyses were not applicable. Additional within-group analyses showed a significant decrease in all subscales over time both in the sleepy and nonsleepy OSA patients on CPAP whereas there was a significant increase in the nonsleepy OSA group randomized to no-CPAP. We conclude that the improvement in negative mood symptoms of depression, but not changes in cognitive symptoms and anhedonia as well as appetite, was a significant predictor of decline in the ESS scores over a 2-year period in this CAD cohort with sleepy OSA on CPAP treatment

    Depression and Parkinson disease: prevalence, temporal relationship, and determinants

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    Background/aim: Comorbidity of depression in Parkinson disease (PD) is a major factor that changes patients' quality of life. However, the neurobiological and sociodemographic risk factors for this comorbidity are not well studied. In this study, we aimed to define the prevalence, temporal relationship, and psychosocial and clinical determinants of depression comorbid with PD. Materials and methods: Fifty-five PD patients were evaluated with SCID, a data form that assessed sociodemographic and PD-related variables, UPDRS III, HAM-D, HAM-A, MMSE, and the Apathy Evaluation Scale. Results: Depression (lifetime: 45.5\%, last month: 25.5\%, before PD: 20\%) was the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis. The major determinants of depression in the last month and depression before PD were early onset of PD and young age. Patients on pramipexole treatment were less likely to be diagnosed with depression in the last month. Other sociodemographic and PD-related variables were not significantly different for lifetime, last month, and pre-PD depression diagnosis compared to their counterparts. Conclusion: Depression is prevalent both before and after patient gets a PD diagnosis. Depression is not only the result of PD-related life changes but it is also a preceding factor that may decrease the age of PD onset

    Clinical impact of Glucagon like peptide-1 receptor analogs on the complications of obesity

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    Background: Obesity is a chronic disease associated with increased morbidity and mortality due to its complications. The aims of obesity treatment are primarily to accomplish weight loss, and prevention or treatment of its complications. Lifestyle changes along with behavioral therapy constitute the first line treatment of obesity followed by pharmacotherapy. Glucagon-like peptide receptor analogs (GLP-1 RA’s) are among the approved pharmacotherapy options. Their central effect on suppressing appetite results in considerable weight loss. However their effect on the complications of obesity have not been very well recognized. This review aims to analyze the effects of GLP-RA’s on the complications of obesity, as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cardiovascular diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central nervous system problems. Summary: Data from preclinical studies and clinical trials have been thoroughly evaluated. Effects regarding the complications as far as the scope of this review has covered can be summarized as blood glucose lowering, blood pressure lowering, resolution of NASH, improving major cardiovascular events, improving fertility and sex hormone levels, improvement in OSA symptoms and in cognitive scores. Although the mechanisms are not fully elucidated, it is clear that the effects are not solely due to weight loss, but some pleiotropic effects like decreased inflammation, oxidative stress and fibrosis also play role in some of the complications. Key messages: Treating obesity is not only enabling weight loss but ameliorating complications related with obesity. Thus any anti-obesity medication has to have some favorable effects on the complications. As far as the GLP-RA’s analogs are concerned, there seem to be improvement in many of the complications regardless of the weight loss effect of these medications

    A combined VBM and DTI study of schizophrenia: bilateral decreased insula volume and cerebral white matter disintegrity corresponding to subinsular white matter projections unlinked to clinical symptomatology

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    PURPOSE Grey matter and white matter changes within the brain are well defined in schizophrenia. However, most studies focused on either grey matter changes or white matter integrity separately; only in limited number of studies these changes were interpreted in the same frame. In addition, the relationship of these findings with clinical variables is not clearly established. Here, we aimed to investigate the grey matter and white matter changes in schizophrenia patients and exhibit the relation of these imaging findings with clinical variables. METHODS A total of 20 schizophrenia patients and 16 matched healthy controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the grey matter and white matter alterations that occur in schizophrenia patients using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and whole brain voxel-wise analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters with SPM8, respectively. While the preprocessing steps of VBM were performed with the default parameters of VBM8 toolbox, the preprocessing steps of DTI were carried out using FSL. Additionally, VBM results were correlated with clinical variables. RESULTS Bilateral insula showed decreased grey matter volume in schizophrenia patients compared with healthy controls (P < 0.01). The opposite contrast did not show a significant difference. Psychiatric scores, duration of illness, and age were not correlated with the decreased grey matter volume of insula in schizophrenia patients. DTI analysis revealed a significant increase in mean, radial, and axial diffusivity, mainly of the fibers of bilateral anterior thalamic radiation and superior longitudinal fasciculus with left predominance, which intersected with bilateral subinsular white matter (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION Our findings suggest that insula may be the main affected brain region in schizophrenia, which is also well supported by the literature. Our results were independent of disease duration and schizophrenia symptoms. White matter alterations were observed within bilateral anterior thalamic radiation and superior longitudinal fasciculus that intersects with subinsular white matter. Studies with larger sample sizes and more detailed clinical assessments are required to understand the function of insula in the neurobiology of schizophrenia