3,205 research outputs found

    A Model for the Delivery of Evidence-Based PSHE (Personal Wellbeing) in Secondary Schools

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    Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a non-statutory school subject designed to facilitate the delivery of a number of key competencies relevant to health, safety and wellbeing. As well as contributing to learning objectives in regards to these topics PSHE education has been ascribed with weighty expectations for outcomes well beyond the classroom relating to physical, mental, sexual and emotional health and safety. This paper reviews a programme of research aimed at providing guidance for the evidence-based provision of PSHE education, including a summary of the major impediments and facilitators of evidence-based programming, as well as a model curriculum for the delivery of evidence-based PSHE. An extensive literature review was conducted along with a series of interviews with programme developers, researchers, teachers and other school practitioners with the aim of developing a cohesive rationale for PSHE education and identifying evidence-based programmes which could be implemented to contribute to PSHE aims. The proposed model curriculum is comprised of evidence-based programmes which are PSHE-relevant and applicable or adaptable to the PSHE-education implementation context. While the provision of evidence-based PSHE presents a number of challenges and is limited by a lack of resources and evidence of effectiveness, with appropriate guidance PSHE education can be improved so that a comprehensive syllabus of evidence-based programmes is enacted in secondary schools. This will increase the likelihood that PSHE has the intended effect on adolescent mental and physical health and wellbeing.Health education, social-emotional learning, life-skills, prevention

    Critical and comparitive evaluation of Shakespeare's use of his sources in some of the early and middle comedies

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    Hitherto the study of Shakespeare's literary sources has mainly sought to establish their identity rather than to evaluate his use of them—not least for the comedies up to and including TwQilAfo The present source-study, however, is critically oriented. It attempts a systematic comparison of the texts of these comedies with their sources, wherever there exists a reason¬ able measure of agreement as to their identity, in the hope of providing a firmer basis for critical interpretation proper

    Master of Science

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    thesisThe University of Utah Seismograph Stations recorded 293 earthquakes (3.0 < M < 5.9) between April 17, 2007 and June 30, 2012. During this time, four-element infrasound data were collected from three permanent (NOQ, BGU, and EPU; installed 2006 - 2007) and six temporary (BRP, WMU, HWU, FSU, LCM, and PSU; installed summer of 2010) seismo-acoustic arrays. Unique epicentral infrasound observations from nine earthquakes with M 3.6 - 5.9 are identified and characterized. The detections were recorded from normal, oblique normal, and strike-slip faulting earthquakes at distances of 156 - 695 km and depths of 5 - 12 km. We use ray-tracing through ground-to- space atmospheric models from the epicenters to each array to determine the atmospheric turning altitude and associated wind velocities. Distance and wind corrected amplitudes match previously determined scaling relations. However, the duration observations from smaller magnitude earthquakes suggest the possibility of an additional scaling relation for events M < 4.6. This possible change in duration scaling relation is inconsistent with the hypothesis that infrasound duration scales with the areal extent of the epicentral region subjected to a threshold peak ground acceleration. The predicted ground motions show that the area subject to the threshold increases more rapidly with increased magnitudes. Overall, the small percentage of infrasound detections from the total possible suggests that infrasound is not a robust method of detecting and characterizing small earthquake sources


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    It has been argued that the practice of siege warfare is at the very limit of legality under the terms of International Humanitarian Law.[1] The question addressed in this essay might be rephrased: how do the laws of armed conflict permitsieges to become humanitarian disasters? More precisely, can military doctrine regarding the efficacy of siege warfare operations to induce surrender of besieged forces comply in real world terms with the laws of armed conflict? Since February, 2022 it is alleged that Russian armed forces perpetrated a number of crimes against humanity in Ukraine during sieges of cities such as Mariupol. These alleged crimes include indiscriminate targeting of civilian habitation and attacks on evacuation corridors.[2] In the 1990s, siege warfare in the former Yugoslavia provoked international censure and criminal prosecution of perpetrators. Nevertheless, siege operations in Syria and Kashmir today show no sign of respecting the rights of civilian populations despite international censure. The core legal issue regarding sieges is the principle of distinction between combatants and non-combatant civilians and thus decisions regarding targeting and proportionality. The essay will show that distinction is a recent innovation in International Humanitarian Law and uncertainly embodied in military doctrine. The first part reviews evolving IHL norms pertinent to modern sieges. In the second, the essay examines modern jurisprudence regarding the conduct of siege warfare derived from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) prosecution of Major General Stanislav Galić and Major General Dragomir Milosević.[3]&nbsp; &nbsp; [1] Riordan, K., ‘Shelling, Sniping and Starvation: the Law of Armed Conflict and the Lessons of the Siege of Sarajevo’, Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 41 (2), p.150; Watts, S., Under Siege: International Humanitarian Law and Security Council Practice Concerning Urban Siege Operations’, Research and Policy Paper, CHE Project, May 2014. [2] https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2022/03/17/armed-conflict-in-ukraine-a-recap-of-basic-ihl-rules/ [3] https://www.icty.org/case/gali

    Good Will As Property

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    Concurrent processing simulation of the space station

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    The development of a new capability for the time-domain simulation of multibody dynamic systems and its application to the study of a large angle rotational maneuvers of the Space Station is described. The effort was divided into three sequential tasks, which required significant advancements of the state-of-the art to accomplish. These were: (1) the development of an explicit mathematical model via symbol manipulation of a flexible, multibody dynamic system; (2) the development of a methodology for balancing the computational load of an explicit mathematical model for concurrent processing; and (3) the implementation and successful simulation of the above on a prototype Custom Architectured Parallel Processing System (CAPPS) containing eight processors. The throughput rate achieved by the CAPPS operating at only 70 percent efficiency, was 3.9 times greater than that obtained sequentially by the IBM 3090 supercomputer simulating the same problem. More significantly, analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the relative cost effectiveness of concurrent vs. sequential digital computation will grow substantially as the computational load is increased. This is a welcomed development in an era when very complex and cumbersome mathematical models of large space vehicles must be used as substitutes for full scale testing which has become impractical

    John Hale letter acknowledging a request to speak at the Mercantile Library Association, September 14, 1845.

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    Hale writes that he has been so harrassed with business that he has had but little time to attend to any thing else, or even to think of aught beside. I have had to continue almost alone against the whole pack of profligate & venal newspaper Editors set upon me.https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/littlejohnmss/1283/thumbnail.jp
