6,959 research outputs found

    Many-body effects on the capacitance of multilayers made from strongly correlated materials

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    Recent work by Kopp and Mannhart on novel electronic systems formed at oxide interfaces has shown interesting effects on the capacitances of these devices. We employ inhomogeneous dynamical mean-field theory to calculate the capacitance of multilayered nanostructures. These multilayered nanostructures are composed of semi-infinite metallic leads coupled via a strongly correlated dielectric barrier region. The barrier region can be adjusted from a metallic regime to a Mott insulator through adjusting the interaction strength. We examine the effects of varying the barrier width, temperature, potential difference, screening length, and chemical potential. We find that the interaction strength has a relatively strong effect on the capacitance, while the potential and temperature show weaker dependence.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, REVTe

    Stuttering Min oscillations within E. coli bacteria: A stochastic polymerization model

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    We have developed a 3D off-lattice stochastic polymerization model to study subcellular oscillation of Min proteins in the bacteria Escherichia coli, and used it to investigate the experimental phenomenon of Min oscillation stuttering. Stuttering was affected by the rate of immediate rebinding of MinE released from depolymerizing filament tips (processivity), protection of depolymerizing filament tips from MinD binding, and fragmentation of MinD filaments due to MinE. Each of processivity, protection, and fragmentation reduces stuttering, speeds oscillations, and reduces MinD filament lengths. Neither processivity or tip-protection were, on their own, sufficient to produce fast stutter-free oscillations. While filament fragmentation could, on its own, lead to fast oscillations with infrequent stuttering; high levels of fragmentation degraded oscillations. The infrequent stuttering observed in standard Min oscillations are consistent with short filaments of MinD, while we expect that mutants that exhibit higher stuttering frequencies will exhibit longer MinD filaments. Increased stuttering rate may be a useful diagnostic to find observable MinD polymerization in experimental conditions.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, missing unit for k_f inserte

    Magnetic Helicity Conservation and Astrophysical Dynamos

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    We construct a magnetic helicity conserving dynamo theory which incorporates a calculated magnetic helicity current. In this model the fluid helicity plays a small role in large scale magnetic field generation. Instead, the dynamo process is dominated by a new quantity, derived from asymmetries in the second derivative of the velocity correlation function, closely related to the `twist and fold' dynamo model. The turbulent damping term is, as expected, almost unchanged. Numerical simulations with a spatially constant fluid helicity and vanishing resistivity are not expected to generate large scale fields in equipartition with the turbulent energy density. The prospects for driving a fast dynamo under these circumstances are uncertain, but if it is possible, then the field must be largely force-free. On the other hand, there is an efficient analog to the αΩ\alpha-\Omega dynamo. Systems whose turbulence is driven by some anisotropic local instability in a shearing flow, like real stars and accretion disks, and some computer simulations, may successfully drive the generation of strong large scale magnetic fields, provided that rΩ>0\partial_r\Omega>0. We show that this criterion is usually satisfied. Such dynamos will include a persistent, spatially coherent vertical magnetic helicity current with the same sign as rΩ-\partial_r\Omega, that is, positive for an accretion disk and negative for the Sun. We comment on the role of random magnetic helicity currents in storing turbulent energy in a disordered magnetic field, which will generate an equipartition, disordered field in a turbulent medium, and also a declining long wavelength tail to the power spectrum. As a result, calculations of the galactic `seed' field are largely irrelevant.Comment: 28 pages, accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Are You on My Wavelength? Interpersonal Coordination in Dyadic Conversations

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    Conversation between two people involves subtle nonverbal coordination in addition to speech. However, the precise parameters and timing of this coordination remain unclear, which limits our ability to theorize about the neural and cognitive mechanisms of social coordination. In particular, it is unclear if conversation is dominated by synchronization (with no time lag), rapid and reactive mimicry (with lags under 1 s) or traditionally observed mimicry (with several seconds lag), each of which demands a different neural mechanism. Here we describe data from high-resolution motion capture of the head movements of pairs of participants (n = 31 dyads) engaged in structured conversations. In a pre-registered analysis pathway, we calculated the wavelet coherence of head motion within dyads as a measure of their nonverbal coordination and report two novel results. First, low-frequency coherence (0.2–1.1 Hz) is consistent with traditional observations of mimicry, and modeling shows this behavior is generated by a mechanism with a constant 600 ms lag between leader and follower. This is in line with rapid reactive (rather than predictive or memory-driven) models of mimicry behavior, and could be implemented in mirror neuron systems. Second, we find an unexpected pattern of lower-than-chance coherence between participants, or hypo-coherence, at high frequencies (2.6–6.5 Hz). Exploratory analyses show that this systematic decoupling is driven by fast nodding from the listening member of the dyad, and may be a newly identified social signal. These results provide a step towards the quantification of real-world human behavior in high resolution and provide new insights into the mechanisms of social coordination

    Reasons for placement and replacement of crowns in general dental practice

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the reasons for placement and replacement of crowns in general dental practice. Methods Forty general dental practitioners recorded the principal reason for the provision of new (initial) and replacement crowns for a maximum of up to 20 patients over a 20-week period. Results A total of 664 patients received 783 crowns during the period of this study. Of these, 69% (n = 542) were new (initial) placements and 31% (n = 241) were replacements. Overall, tooth fracture (45%, n = 241) was the most frequently reported reason for new/ initial crown placements. Aesthetics (21%, n = 53) and secondary/recurrent caries (20%; n = 47) were the most frequent reasons for crown replacement. Maxillary premolars (27%, n = 145) and mandibular molars (25%, n = 137) were the teeth that received most initial crown placements. In contrast, maxillary incisors (50%, n = 115) were the most common teeth to receive a replacement crown. Dentists were more likely to replace a crown if they had not placed the original crown: 74% of replacement crowns (n = 178) were placed by a different dentist. Most patients had only one crown placed or replaced per course of treatment (n = 611; 90%). Conclusions The results of this study reveal the prescribing habits of dentists in relation to provision of initial and replacement crowns. The vast majority of patients had only one crown provided per course of treatment, which is probably a reflection of funding schemes and changing patterns of oral health. This sample reported fewer replacement crowns than previous studies. In keeping with existing literature, crowns were more frequently replaced when the treating dentist had not placed the initial crown. However, against this, more replacements were provided for more long-standing patients (5+ years attendance) compared to those with shorter attendance history (<5 years). In an area where high quality evidence is lacking, further consensus on the need for placement and replacement crowns is needed. Such information would assist dentists to provide high-quality care and commissioners in developing an evidence-based service

    Evolution of helicity in NOAA 10923 over three consecutive solar rotations

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    We have studied the evolution of magnetic helicity and chirality in an active region over three consecutive solar rotations. The region when it first appeared was named NOAA10923 and in subsequent rotations it was numbered NOAA 10930, 10935 and 10941. We compare the chirality of these regions at photospheric, chromospheric and coronal heights. The observations used for photospheric and chromospheric heights are taken from Solar Vector Magnetograph (SVM) and H_alpha imaging telescope of Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO), respectively. We discuss the chirality of the sunspots and associated H_alpha filaments in these regions. We find that the twistedness of superpenumbral filaments is maintained in the photospheric transverse field vectors also. We also compare the chirality at photospheric and chromospheric heights with the chirality of the associated coronal loops, as observed from the HINODE X-Ray Telescope.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A Socio-Spatial Approach to Enable Inclusive Well-Being in Cities: A Case Study of Birmingham, UK

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    This article examines density and deprivation, the two important parameters that define health and well-being in cities. Discussions are drawn from a case study conducted in Birmingham in four neighborhoods characterized by their different population density and deprivation levels. Data were collected through questionnaires developed from a set of subjective well-being measures and built environment audits, based on the Irvine Minnesota Inventory that evaluates the quality of streets and walkability in neighborhoods. The inferences from the study support the need for linking health, planning, policy and design research and decision-making to the socio-spatial practices of people, impacting well-being at the everyday level. The findings provide a holistic approach health and well-being research and suggests a conceptual framework for inclusive well-being in cities, which signifies the role of social and spatial parameters in determining peoples’ health and well-being. The study also highlights the lack of interdisciplinary research in understanding the association between well-being and social and behavioral practices in diverse communities

    Near and mid-IR sub-arcsecond structure of the dusty symbiotic star R Aqr

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    The results of a high-resolution interferometric campaign targeting the symbiotic long-period variable (LPV) R~Aqr are reported. With both near-infrared measurements on baselines out to 10m and mid-infrared data extending to 32m, we have been able to measure the characteristic sizes of regions from the photosphere of the LPV and its extended molecular atmosphere, out to the cooler circumstellar dust shell. The near-infrared data were taken using aperture masking interferometry on the Keck-I telescope and show R~Aqr to be partially resolved for wavelengths out to 2.2 microns but with a marked enlargement, possibly due to molecular opacity, at 3.1 microns. Mid-infrared interferometric measurements were obtained with the U.C. Berkeley Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI) operating at 11.15 microns from 1992 to 1999. Although this dataset is somewhat heterogeneous with incomplete coverage of the Fourier plane and sampling of the pulsation cycle, clear changes in the mid-infrared brightness distribution were observed, both as a function of position angle on the sky and as a function of pulsation phase. Spherically symmetric radiative transfer calculations of uniform-outflow dust shell models produce brightness distributions and spectra which partially explain the data, however limitations to this approximation are noted. Evidence for significant deviation from circular symmetry was found in the mid-infrared and more tentatively at 3.08 microns in the near-infrared, however no clear detection of binarity or of non-LPV elements in the symbiotic system is reported.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal. To appear in volume 534. 14 pages; 3 postscript figure

    Generalized Hermite-Gauss decomposition of the two-photon state produced by spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    We provide a general decomposition of the two-photon state produced by spontaneous parametric down-conversion in Hermite-Gaussian modes, in the case that the pump beam is described by a Hermite-Gaussian beam of any order. We show that the spatial correlations depend explicitly on the order of the pump beam, as well as other experimental parameters. We use the decomposition to demonstrate a few interesting cases. Our results are applicable to the engineering of two-photon spatial entanglement, in particular for non-Gaussian states.Comment: 14 page draft, 5 figure