24 research outputs found

    Array-conditioned deconvolution of multiple component teleseismic recordings

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    We investigate the applicability of an array-conditioned deconvolution technique, developed for analyzing borehole seismic exploration data, to teleseismic receiver functions and data preprocessing steps for scattered wavefield imaging. This multichannel deconvolution technique constructs an approximate inverse filter to the estimated source signature by solving an overdetermined set of deconvolution equations, using an array of receivers detecting a common source. We find that this technique improves the efficiency and automation of receiverfunction calculation and data preprocessing workflow. We apply this technique to synthetic experiments and to teleseismic data recorded in a dense array in northern Canada. Our results show that this optimal deconvolution automatically determines and subsequently attenuates the noise from data, enhancing P-to-S converted phases in seismograms with various noise levels. In this context, the array-conditioned deconvolution presents a new, effective and automatic means for processing large amounts of array data, as it does not require any ad-hoc regularization; the regularization is achieved naturally by using the noise present in the array itself

    What Facilitates Return to Work? Patients Experiences 3 Years After Occupational Rehabilitation

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    Objective We have limited knowledge about the specific elements in an occupational rehabilitation programme that facilitate the process leading to return to work (RTW) as perceived by the patients. The aim of the study was to explore individual experiences regarding contributing factors to a successful RTW, 3 years after a resident occupational rehabilitation programme. Methods The study is based on interviews of 20 individuals who attended an occupational rehabilitation programme 3 years earlier. Ten informants had returned to work (RTW) and ten were receiving disability pension (DP). Data were analysed by systematic text condensation inspired by Giorgi’s phenomenological analysis. Results The core categories describing a successful RTW process included positive encounters, increased self-understanding and support from the surroundings. While the informants on DP emphasized being seen, heard and taken seriously by the professionals, the RTW group highlighted being challenged to increase self-understanding that promoted new acting in every-day life. Being challenged on self-understanding implied increased awareness of own identity, values and resources. Support from the surroundings included support from peer participants, employer and social welfare system. Conclusion Successful RTW processes seem to comprise positive encounters, opportunities for increased self-understanding and support from significant others. An explicit focus on topics like identity, own values and resources might improve the outcome of the rehabilitation process

    Central pathways causing fatigue in neuro-inflammatory and autoimmune illnesses

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    High-resolution adaptive beamforming for borehole acoustic reflection imaging

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    Multichannel Wiener deconvolution of vertical seismic profiles

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    ABSTRACT We describe a technique for performing optimal, least-squares deconvolution of vertical seismic profile (VSP) data. The method is a two-step process that involves (1) estimating the source signature and (2) applying a least-squares optimum deconvolution operator that minimizes the noise not coherent with the source signature estimate. The optimum inverse problem, formulated in the frequency domain, gives as a solution an operator that can be interpreted as a simple inverse to the estimated aligned signature multiplied by semblance across the array. An application to a zero-offset VSP acquired with a dynamite source shows the effectiveness of the operator in attaining the two conflicting goals of adaptively spiking the effective source signature and minimizing the noise. Signature design for seismic surveys could benefit from observing that the optimum deconvolution operator gives a flat signal spectrum if and only if the seismic source has the same amplitude spectrum as the noise