1,295 research outputs found

    Flat Thomas-Fermi artificial atoms

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    We consider two-dimensional (2D) "artificial atoms" confined by an axially symmetric potential V(ρ)V(\rho). Such configurations arise in circular quantum dots and other systems effectively restricted to a 2D layer. Using the semiclassical method, we present the first fully self-consistent and analytic solution yielding equations describing the density distribution, energy, and other quantities for any form of V(ρ)V(\rho) and an arbitrary number of confined particles. An essential and nontrivial aspect of the problem is that the 2D density of states must be properly combined with 3D electrostatics. The solution turns out to have a universal form, with scaling parameters ρ2/R2\rho^2/R^2 and R/aBR/a_B^* (RR is the dot radius and aBa_B^* is the effective Bohr radius)

    Facile high-throughput forward chemical genetic screening by in situ monitoring of glucuronidase-based reporter gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The use of biologically active small molecules to perturb biological functions holds enormous potential for investigating complex signaling networks. However, in contrast to animal systems, the search for and application of chemical tools for basic discovery in the plant sciences, generally referred to as ‘chemical genetics’, has only recently gained momentum. In addition to cultured cells, the well-characterized, small-sized model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is suitable for cultivation in microplates, which allows employing diverse cell- or phenotype-based chemical screens. In such screens, a chemical’s bioactivity is typically assessed either through scoring its impact on morphological traits or quantifying molecular attributes such as enzyme or reporter activities. Here, we describe a facile forward chemical screening methodology for intact Arabidopsis seedlings harboring the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter by directly quantifying GUS activity in situ with 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-D-glucuronide (4-MUG) as substrate. The quantitative nature of this screening assay has an obvious advantage over the also convenient histochemical GUS staining method, as it allows application of statistical procedures and unbiased hit selection based on threshold values as well as distinction between compounds with strong or weak bioactivity. At the same time, the in situ bioassay is very convenient requiring less effort and time for sample handling in comparison to the conventional quantitative in vitro GUS assay using 4-MUG, as validated with several Arabidopsis lines harboring different GUS reporter constructs. To demonstrate that the developed assays is particularly suitable for large-scale screening projects, we performed a pilot screen for chemical activators or inhibitors of salicylic acid-mediated defense signaling using the Arabidopsis PR1p::GUS line. Importantly, the screening methodology provided here can be adopted for any inducible GUS reporter line

    Dual Exponential Coupled Cluster Theory: Unitary Adaptation, Implementation in the Variational Quantum Eigensolver Framework and Pilot Applications

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    In this paper, we have developed a unitary variant of a double exponential coupled cluster theory, which is capable of mimicking the effects of connected excitations of arbitrarily high rank, using only rank-one and rank-two parametrization of the wavefunction ansatz. While its implementation in a classical computer necessitates the construction of an effective Hamiltonian which involves infinite number of terms with arbitrarily high many-body rank, the same can easily be implemented in the hybrid quantum-classical variational quantum eigensolver framework with a reasonably shallow quantum circuit. The method relies upon the nontrivial action of a unitary, containing a set of rank-two scattering operators, on entangled states generated via cluster operators. We have further introduced a number of variants of the ansatz with different degrees of expressibility by judiciously approximating the scattering operators. With a number of applications on strongly correlated molecules, we have shown that all our schemes can perform uniformly well throughout the molecular potential energy surface without significant additional implementation cost and quantum complexity over the unitary coupled cluster approach with single and double excitations

    Integrated optical source of polarization entangled photons at 1310 nm

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    We report the realization of a new polarization entangled photon-pair source based on a titanium-indiffused waveguide integrated on periodically poled lithium niobate pumped by a CW laser at 655nm655 nm. The paired photons are emitted at the telecom wavelength of 1310nm1310 nm within a bandwidth of 0.7nm0.7 nm. The quantum properties of the pairs are measured using a two-photon coalescence experiment showing a visibility of 85%. The evaluated source brightness, on the order of 10510^5 pairs s1GHz1mW1s^{-1} GHz^{-1} mW^{-1}, associated with its compactness and reliability, demonstrates the source's high potential for long-distance quantum communication.Comment: There is a typing mistake in the previous version in the visibility equation. This mistake doesn't change the result


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    Amlapitta may be a clinical entity manifesting within the Annavaha Srotas. Kashyapa and Madhava have described this disease thoroughly. Amlapitta has become quite common because of the change within the food and life styles, sophistication and a stressful life. It is characterized by Avipaka, Klama, Tiktodhgara, Amlodhgara, Gaurava, Hritkanthadaha and Aruchi indicating the Vikruthi of Pachakapitta, Kledakakapha and Samanavata. The etiological factors and therefore the symptomatology manifested relate Amlapitta to diseases mentioned under Acid Peptic Disorders. Nistushayadi Kwatha and Phalatrikadi kwatha were selected. The main objectives of the study are to study and compare the effect of Nistushayadi Kwatha and effect of Phalatrikadi kwatha in the management of Amlapitta. A total of 40 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected, and randomly assigned into two groups i.e., Group A and Group B, comprising of 20 patients each. Group A and Group B were administered Nistushayadi kwatha and Phalatrikadi Kwatha respectively for 30 days. Both the groups were advised Pathya Ahara. They were followed up after every 10th days. After the intervention the Samanya Lakshana of Amlapitta were observed, recorded and assessed. The overall assessment of both the groups, where group A receives Nistushyadi kwatha and group B Phalatrikadi kwatha shows promising improvement in the subjective parameters. Assessment was done using unpaired ‘t’ test between these two groups, the result was not quite statistically significant which means there is no much difference in the efficacy of these two formulation in the management of Amlapitta. Both the formulations shown nearly same outcome in the improvement of disease parameter. The reduction in the symptoms were started to be noticed by 7th day where the patients had reduction in Hrutkantha Daha, Aruchi, Kanthadaha and Angagourav. These symptoms resolved by 30th day

    Effects of Electron Irradiation on Optical Properties of Bismuth-Doped Phosphosilicate Fiber

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    The basic optical properties of yttrium-phosphosilicate fiber doped with bismuth (Bi) are assessed in both pristine state and that established after bombardment by a beam of high-energy electrons. The fiber has been developed and fabricated with a target to use it for laser applications in visible/near-infrared (VIS/NIR) domain. In this chapter, the main attention is paid to the dramatic changes in absorption spectra of the fiber under electron irradiation. Meanwhile, we reveal its overall resistance to irradiation in terms of emissive potential and bleaching contrast at excitation into the absorption bands of bismuth-related active centers. Besides, we report a new effect of large dose-dependent Stokes shift, experienced by the fiber’s cutoff wavelength, which arises due to refractive index rise in its core area. The laws obeyed by the fiber’s characteristics vs. dose are examined for possible applications in dosimetry