5,123 research outputs found

    Quantum phase transitions of metals in two spatial dimensions: I. Ising-nematic order

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    We present a renormalization group theory for the onset of Ising-nematic order in a Fermi liquid in two spatial dimensions. This is a quantum phase transition, driven by electron interactions, which spontaneously reduces the point-group symmetry from square to rectangular. The critical point is described by an infinite set of 2+1 dimensional local field theories, labeled by points on the Fermi surface. Each field theory contains a real scalar field representing the Ising order parameter, and fermionic fields representing a time-reversed pair of patches on the Fermi surface. We demonstrate that the field theories obey compatibility constraints required by our redundant representation of the underlying degrees of freedom. Scaling forms for the response functions are proposed, and supported by computations by up to three loops. Extensions of our results to other transitions of two-dimensional Fermi liquids with broken point-group and/or time-reversal symmetry are noted. Our results extend also to the problem of a Fermi surface coupled to a U(1) gauge field.Comment: 46 pages, 11 figures; paper II is arXiv:1005.1288 ; (v3) added results for off-critical behavior; (v4+v5) added clarifications, including new appendi

    Thermodynamics of an one-dimensional ideal gas with fractional exclusion statistics

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    We show that the particles in the Calogero-Sutherland Model obey fractional exclusion statistics as defined by Haldane. We construct anyon number densities and derive the energy distribution function. We show that the partition function factorizes in the form characteristic of an ideal gas. The virial expansion is exactly computable and interestingly it is only the second virial coefficient that encodes the statistics information.Comment: 10pp, REVTE

    Coordinate Representation of the Two-Spinon wavefunction and Spinon Interaction

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    By deriving and studying the coordinate representation for the two-spinon wavefunction, we show that spinon excitations in the Haldane-Shastry model interact. The interaction is given by a short-range attraction and causes a resonant enhancement in the two-spinon wavefunction at short separations between the spinons. We express the spin susceptibility for a finite lattice in terms of the resonant enhancement, given by the two-spinon wavefunction at zero separation. In the thermodynamic limit, the spinon attraction turns into the square-root divergence in the dynamical spin susceptibility.Comment: 19 pages, 5 .eps figure

    Breakdown of Luttinger liquid state in one-dimensional frustrated spinless fermion model

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    Haldane hypothesis about the universality of Luttinger liquid (LL) behavior in conducting one-dimensional (1D) fermion systems is checked numerically for spinless fermion model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions. It is shown that for large enough interactions the ground state can be gapless (metallic) due to frustrations but not be LL. The exponents of correlation functions for this unusual conducting state are found numerically by finite-size method.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    The effect of host heterogeneity and parasite intragenomic interactions on parasite population structure

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    Understanding the processes that shape the genetic structure of parasite populations and the functional consequences of different parasite genotypes is critical for our ability to predict how an infection can spread through a host population and for the design of effective vaccines to combat infection and disease. Here, we examine how the genetic structure of parasite populations responds to host genetic heterogeneity. We consider the well-characterized molecular specificity of major histocompatibility complex binding of antigenic peptides to derive deterministic and stochastic models. We use these models to ask, firstly, what conditions favour the evolution of generalist parasite genotypes versus specialist parasite genotypes? Secondly, can parasite genotypes coexist in a population? We find that intragenomic interactions between parasite loci encoding antigenic peptides are pivotal in determining the outcome of evolution. Where parasite loci interact synergistically (i.e. the recognition of additional antigenic peptides has a disproportionately large effect on parasite fitness), generalist parasite genotypes are favoured. Where parasite loci act multiplicatively (have independent effects on fitness) or antagonistically (have diminishing effects on parasite fitness), specialist parasite genotypes are favoured. A key finding is that polymorphism is not stable and that, with respect to functionally important antigenic peptides, parasite populations are dominated by a single genotype

    String order and adiabatic continuity of Haldane chains and band insulators

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    The ground state of spin-1 Haldane chains is characterized by the so-called string order. We show that the same hidden order is also present in ordinary one-dimensional band insulators. We construct a family of Hamiltonians which connects adiabatically band insulators to two topologically non-equivalent spin models, the Haldane chain and the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladder. We observe that the localized spin-1/2 edge-state characteristic of spin-1 chains is smoothly connected to a surface-bound state of band insulators and its emergence is not related to any bulk phase transition. Furthermore, we show that the string order is absent in any dimensions higher than one.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Appendix about charge string orders added. Version as publishe

    Non-perturbative behavior of the quantum phase transition to a nematic Fermi fluid

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    We discuss shape (Pomeranchuk) instabilities of the Fermi surface of a two-dimensional Fermi system using bosonization. We consider in detail the quantum critical behavior of the transition of a two dimensional Fermi fluid to a nematic state which breaks spontaneously the rotational invariance of the Fermi liquid. We show that higher dimensional bosonization reproduces the quantum critical behavior expected from the Hertz-Millis analysis, and verify that this theory has dynamic critical exponent z=3z=3. Going beyond this framework, we study the behavior of the fermion degrees of freedom directly, and show that at quantum criticality as well as in the the quantum nematic phase (except along a set of measure zero of symmetry-dictated directions) the quasi-particles of the normal Fermi liquid are generally wiped out. Instead, they exhibit short ranged spatial correlations that decay faster than any power-law, with the law x1exp(const.x1/3)|x|^{-1} \exp(-\textrm{const.} |x|^{1/3}) and we verify explicitely the vanishing of the fermion residue utilizing this expression. In contrast, the fermion auto-correlation function has the behavior t1exp(const.t2/3)|t|^{-1} \exp(-{\rm const}. |t|^{-2/3}). In this regime we also find that, at low frequency, the single-particle fermion density-of-states behaves as N(ω)=N(0)+Bω2/3logω+...N^*(\omega)=N^*(0)+ B \omega^{2/3} \log\omega +..., where N(0)N^*(0) is larger than the free Fermi value, N(0), and BB is a constant. These results confirm the non-Fermi liquid nature of both the quantum critical theory and of the nematic phase.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; new version with minor changes; new subsection 3C2 added with an explicit calculation of the quasiparticle residue at the nematic transition; minor typos corrected, new references; general beautification of the text and figure

    Critical exponents of the degenerate Hubbard model

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    We study the critical behaviour of the \SUN{} generalization of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with arbitrary degeneracy NN. Using the integrability of this model by Bethe Ansatz we are able to compute the spectrum of the low-lying excitations in a large but finite box for arbitrary values of the electron density and of the Coulomb interaction. This information is used to determine the asymptotic behaviour of correlation functions at zero temperature in the presence of external fields lifting the degeneracy. The critical exponents depend on the system parameters through a N×NN\times N dressed charge matrix implying the relevance of the interaction of charge- and spin-density waves.Comment: 18 page