64 research outputs found

    Direct study of the alpha-nucleus optical potential at astrophysical energies using the 64Zn(p,alpha)61Cu reaction

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    In the model calculations of heavy element nucleosynthesis processes the nuclear reaction rates are taken from statistical model calculations which utilize various nuclear input parameters. It is found that in the case of reactions involving alpha particles the calculations bear a high uncertainty owing to the largely unknown low energy alpha-nucleus optical potential. Experiments are typically restricted to higher energies and therefore no direct astrophysical consequences can be drawn. In the present work a (p,alpha) reaction is used for the first time to study the alpha-nucleus optical potential. The measured 64Zn(p,alpha)61Cu cross section is uniquely sensitive to the alpha-nucleus potential and the measurement covers the whole astrophysically relevant energy range. By the comparison to model calculations, direct evidence is provided for the incorrectness of global optical potentials used in astrophysical models.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review C as a Rapid Communicatio

    Investigation of alpha-induced reactions on 130Ba and 132Ba and their importance for the synthesis of heavy p nuclei

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    Captures of alpha particles on the proton-richest Barium isotope, 130Ba, have been studied in order to provide cross section data for the modeling of the astrophysical gamma process. The cross sections of the 130Ba(alpha,gamma)134Ce and 130Ba(alpha,n)133Ce reactions have been measured with the activation technique in the center-of mass energy range between 11.6 and 16 MeV, close above the astrophysically relevant energies. As a side result, the cross section of the 132Ba(alpha,n)135Ce reaction has also been measured. The results are compared with the prediction of statistical model calculations, using different input parameters such as alpha+nucleus optical potentials. It is found that the (alpha,n) data can be reproduced employing the standard alpha+nucleus optical potential widely used in astrophysical applications. Assuming its validity also in the astrophysically relevant energy window, we present new stellar reaction rates for 130Ba(alpha,gamma)134Ce and 132Ba(alpha,gamma)136Ce and their inverse reactions calculated with the SMARAGD statistical model code. The highly increased 136Ce(gamma,alpha)132Ba rate implies that the p nucleus 130Ba cannot directly receive contributions from the Ce isotopic chain. Further measurements are required to better constrain this result.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the 91 Zr(p, γ ) 92 m Nb cross section motivated by type Ia supernova nucleosynthesis

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    Abstract: The synthesis of heavy, proton rich isotopes is a poorly understood astrophysical process. Thermonuclear (type Ia) supernova explosions are among the suggested sites and the abundance of some isotopes present in the early Solar System may be used to test the models. 92Nb is such an isotope and one of the reactions playing a role in its synthesis is 91Zr(p,γ)92Nb. As no experimental cross sections were available for this reaction so far, nucleosynthesis models had to solely rely on theoretical calculations. In the present work the cross section of 91Zr(p,γ)92m Nb has been measured at astrophysical energies by activation. The results excellently confirm the predictions of cross sections and reaction rates for 91Zr(p,γ)92Nb, as used in astrophysical simulations.Peer reviewe

    Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important 17O(p,gamma)18F reaction in a wide energy range

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    The 17O(p,g)18F reaction plays an important role in hydrogen burning processes in different stages of stellar evolution. The rate of this reaction must therefore be known with high accuracy in order to provide the necessary input for astrophysical models. The cross section of 17O(p,g)18F is characterized by a complicated resonance structure at low energies. Experimental data, however, is scarce in a wide energy range which increases the uncertainty of the low energy extrapolations. The purpose of the present work is therefore to provide consistent and precise cross section values in a wide energy range. The cross section is measured using the activation method which provides directly the total cross section. With this technique some typical systematic uncertainties encountered in in-beam gamma-spectroscopy experiments can be avoided. The cross section was measured between 500 keV and 1.8 MeV proton energies with a total uncertainty of typically 10%. The results are compared with earlier measurements and it is found that the gross features of the 17O(p,g)18F excitation function is relatively well reproduced by the present data. Deviation of roughly a factor of 1.5 is found in the case of the total cross section when compared with the only one high energy dataset. At the lowest measured energy our result is in agreement with two recent datasets within one standard deviation and deviates by roughly two standard deviations from a third one. An R-matrix analysis of the present and previous data strengthen the reliability of the extrapolated zero energy astrophysical S-factor. Using an independent experimental technique, the literature cross section data of 17O(p,g)18F is confirmed in the energy region of the resonances while lower direct capture cross section is recommended at higher energies. The present dataset provides a constraint for the theoretical cross sections.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. Abstract shortened in order to comply with arxiv rule

    Cross section measurement of the 12C(p,gamma)13N reaction with activation in a wide energy range

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    The CNO cycle is one of the fundamental processes of hydrogen burning in stars. The first reaction of the cycle is the radiative proton capture on 12C and the rate of this 12C(p,gamma)13N reaction is related to the 12C/13C ratio observed e.g. in the Solar System. The low-energy cross section of this reaction was measured several times in the past, however, the experimental data are scarce in a wide energy range especially around the resonance at 1.7 MeV. In the present work the 12C(p,gamma)13N cross section was measured between 300 and 1900 keV using the activation method. This method was only used several decades ago in the low-energy region. As the activation method provides the total cross section and has uncertainties different from those of the in-beam gamma-spectroscopy technique, the present results provide a largely independent data set for future low-energy extrapolations and thus for astrophysical reaction rate calculations.Comment: Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Measurement of (α,n) reaction cross sections of erbium isotopes for testing astrophysical rate predictions

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    Date of Acceptance: 30/01/2015The γ-process in core-collapse and/or type Ia supernova explosions is thought to explain the origin of the majority of the so-called p nuclei (the 35 proton-rich isotopes between Se and Hg). Reaction rates for γ-process reaction network studies have to be predicted using Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations. Recent investigations have shown problems in the prediction of α-widths at astrophysical energies which are an essential input for the statistical model. It has an impact on the reliability of abundance predictions in the upper mass range of the p nuclei. With the measurement of the 164,166Er(α,n)167,169Yb reaction cross sections at energies close to the astrophysically relevant energy range we tested the recently suggested low energy modification of the α+nucleus optical potential in a mass region where γ-process calculations exhibit an underproduction of the p nuclei. Using the same optical potential for the α-width which was derived from combined 162Er(α,n) and 162Er(α,γ) measurement makes it plausible that a low-energy modification of the optical α+nucleus potential is needed.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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