33 research outputs found

    Fetal Cervical Neuroblastoma: Prenatal Diagnosis

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    Neuroblastoma is the most frequent extracranial solid tumor in childhood, but it is seldom diagnosed prenatally. It usually presented with adrenal masses. Presentation of other localization is extremely rare. We report a case of cervical neuroblastoma identified at 20 weeks of gestational age. This is the third case diagnosed antenatally on neck region in the literature. Additionally, it is the first case that extended to the brain. We also discussed the literature for cervical neuroblastoma detected prenatally

    Our clinical experience in pelvic magnetic resonance imaging with vaginal contrast

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    Objectives: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important modality for pelvic imaging. Vaginal distension is provided by the use of vaginal contrast in pelvic MRI, and it plays an important role in staging especially cervical and vaginal cancer. The aim of this study is to show whether the use of vaginal contrast material contributes to the diagnosis in pelvic examination. Material and methods: Between October 1, 2016 and December 30, 2020, a total of 57 patients who underwent pelvic magnetic resonance imaging with vaginal contrast in the radiology clinic were included in the study and evaluated retrospectively. Results: Cervical cancer was detected in 38 of the 57 patients included in the study, and when the vaginal pre- and post-contrast staging of the patients was performed, the pre-contrast stage was found to be high in six patients (15%). Eight of 38 patients diagnosed with cervical cancer underwent surgery. When the pathological and radiological staging of the patients who underwent surgery were compared, they were 100% compatible. Conclusions: The use of vaginal contrast material increases the diagnostic value of MRI in various pelvic pathologies, especially in cervical cancer staging

    İncisional endometrioma mimicking a malignant mass: report of two cases

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    Endometriozis dogurganlık çagındaki kadınlarda sık görülen klinik bir problemdir. Insizyon yerlesimli endometriomaya ise nadir rastlanır. Hastalarda genellikle sezaryen veya histerektomi gibi ameliyat öyküsü vardır. Endometriomayı olusturan dokudan malignite gelisebildigi bildirilmistir. Jinekolojik bir patoloji olmasına ragmen insizyonel herni ya da karın duvarı tümörleri gibi bulgu verebilmekte ve bu nedenle hastalar genellikle genel cerrahi polikliniklerine basvurmaktadırlar. Biz bu çalısmada dogurganlık çagında olan ve daha önce sezaryen ameliyatı öyküsü bulunan, klinik ve laboratuar olarak malignite süphesi tasıyan iki olguyu sunduk. Tedavide sezaryen skarındaki kitlelere genis eksizyon yapıldı ve olusan fasya defekti primer onarıldı. Patolojik inceleme sonucu kitlelerin endometrium dokusuna sahip endometrioma oldugu saptandı.Endometriosis is a common clinical problem of the child-bearing women. Incisional endometrioma is very rare. Patients frequently presented with a history of previous gynecological surgery such as cesarean section or hysterectomy. Although being a gynecological disorder, it may seem like an incisional hernia or abdominal wall tumor. Therefore, it is frequently referred to general surgery outpatient clinics. Here, we report two cases with previous histories of cesarean sections and questinable clinical and laboratory findings of malignancy. The masses located on the previous incision scars were excised widely, and pathological examination of surgical specimens revealed the diagnosis of endometrioma in both cases

    Two cases of linear lichen planus in the lines of blaschko

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    Liken planus, deri ve mukozaları tutabilen, inflamatuar bir deri hastalığıdır. Lineer liken planus, liken planusun nadir görülen bir formudur ve tüm liken planuslu hastaların yaklaşık %0.2’sini oluşturur. Alt ekstremitede lineer liken planus lezyonu olan ve Blaschko çizgileri boyunca dağılım gösteren iki olgu sunmaktayız.Lichen planus is an inflammatory disorder that may involve skin and mucous mambranes. Linear lichen planus is a rare disorder occuring in approximately 0.2% of patients with lichen planus. We report two cases of linear lichen planus on the lower extremities which lesions followed the lines of Blaschko

    Renal miksoma : Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Myxomas are uncommon soft-tissue neoplasms, which are extremely rare in the kidney. In the present case, a right nephrectomy was performed because of suspected presence of a malignant renal tumor. In the macroscopic examination, the kidney contained a well-circumscribed, yellowish, and gelatinous tumor. The tumor was measured 6 cm in diameter. It was composed of fibroblast-like, slender spindle cells with myxoid stroma. With these histopathological findings, the case was diagnosed as renal myxoma. The case was discussed in the light of literature.Miksoma nadir olarak görülen yumuşak doku tümörü olup, böbreklerde çok ender görülmektedir. Sunulan olguya şüpheli malign renal kitle nedeniyle sağ nefrektomi operasyonu uygulandı. Kitlenin makrosopik incelemesinde tümör iyi sınırlı, sarımsı ve jelatinöz bir yapıya sahipti. Tümör çapı en geniş yerinde 6 cm idi. Mikroskopik incelemede ise, fibroblast benzeri slender spindle hücreleri ile birlikte miksoid bir stroma gözlendi. Bu histopatolojik bulgular ile renal miksoma tanısı kondu. Olgu literatür eşliğinde tartışıldı


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    ÖZETHuman Papilloma virus (HPV) enfeksiyon sıklığındaki artış ve seksüel aktivitenin artması ile birlikte servikal intraepitelyal lezyonlar adölesan dönemde artış göstermektedir. 17 yaşında yüksek dereceli skuamoz intraepitelyal lezyon (HSIL) tanılı olgumuzu sunuyoruz.Servikal intraepitelyal lezyonlar sıklıkla orta yaş grubu bayanlarda izlenmektedir. HPV indüklü intraepitelyal lezyonların tanısında ortalama yaşın düşmesi önümüzdeki yıllarda servis kanseri insidansında artış olacağını düşündürmektedir. Bu yüzden olguların erken tanısı ve takibi önem taşımaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Adölesan, HSİ

    Delayed diagnosis : Giant basal cell carcinoma of scalp

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    Derinin en sık görülen kanseri bazal hücreli karsinom (BHK) olmasına rağmen, saçlı deri lokalizasyonu oldukça nadir bildirilmektedir. BHK’ların %0.5-1’i 5cm’den geniş olup, “dev BHK” olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu bildiride, topikal kortikosteroid ve antifungal şampuan ile beş yıldır tedavi edilen bir dev saçlı deri BHK olgusu sunulmaktadır. Saçlı deride uzun süreli tedaviye dirençli eritematöz plak tip lezyonlarda ayırıcı tanıda BHK düşünülmelidir.Although basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer, the scalp lesions of BCC have been rarely reported. Giant BCC is defined as a tumor larger than 5 cm in diameter and only 0.5-1 % of all BCCs achieve this size. We report a case of giant BCC on the scalp that was treated with topical coticosteroids and antifungal shampoo for five years. BCC should be considered in the differential diagnosis in erythematous plaque type lesions resistant to therapy with long duration localized on the scalp