2,650 research outputs found

    Lattice electrons in constant magnetic field: Bethe like ansatz

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    We use the functional representation of Heisenberg-Weyl group and obtain equation for the spectrum of the model, which is more complicated than Bethes ones, but can be written explicitly through theta functions.Comment: 8 pages, LATE

    On a Generalized Oscillator: Invariance Algebra and Interbasis Expansions

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    This article deals with a quantum-mechanical system which generalizes the ordinary isotropic harmonic oscillator system. We give the coefficients connecting the polar and Cartesian bases for D=2 and the coefficients connecting the Cartesian and cylindrical bases as well as the cylindrical and spherical bases for D=3. These interbasis expansion coefficients are found to be analytic continuations to real values of their arguments of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the group SU(2). For D=2, the superintegrable character for the generalized oscillator system is investigated from the points of view of a quadratic invariance algebra.Comment: 13 pages, Latex file. Submitted for publication to Yadernaya Fizik

    Antiferromagnetic ordering of energy levels for spin ladder with four-spin cyclic exchange: Generalization of the Lieb-Mattis theorem

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    The Lieb-Mattis theorem is generalized to an antiferromagnetic spin-ladder model with four-spin cyclic exchange interaction. We prove that for J>2K, the antiferromagnetic ordering of energy levels takes place separately in two sectors, which remain symmetric and antisymmetric under the reflection with respect to the longitudinal axis of the ladder. We prove also that at the self-dual point J=2K, the Lieb-Mattis rule holds in the sectors with fixed number of rung singlets. In both cases, it agrees with the similar rule for Haldane chain with appropriate spin number.Comment: 4 pages, some references updated and added, typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels for Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2) Symmetric Spin Chains

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    We consider the class of quantum spin chains with arbitrary Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)-invariant nearest neighbor interactions, sometimes called SUq(2)\textrm{SU}_q(2) for the quantum deformation of SU(2)\textrm{SU}(2), for q>0q>0. We derive sufficient conditions for the Hamiltonian to satisfy the property we call {\em Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels}. This is the property that the ground state energy restricted to a fixed total spin subspace is a decreasing function of the total spin. Using the Perron-Frobenius theorem, we show sufficient conditions are positivity of all interactions in the dual canonical basis of Lusztig. We characterize the cone of positive interactions, showing that it is a simplicial cone consisting of all non-positive linear combinations of "cascade operators," a special new basis of Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2) intertwiners we define. We also state applications to interacting particle processes.Comment: 23 page

    Exact and quasiexact solvability of second-order superintegrable quantum systems: I. Euclidean space preliminaries

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    We show that second-order superintegrable systems in two-dimensional and three-dimensional Euclidean space generate both exactly solvable (ES) and quasiexactly solvable (QES) problems in quantum mechanics via separation of variables, and demonstrate the increased insight into the structure of such problems provided by superintegrability. A principal advantage of our analysis using nondegenerate superintegrable systems is that they are multiseparable. Most past separation of variables treatments of QES problems via partial differential equations have only incorporated separability, not multiseparability. Also, we propose another definition of ES and QES. The quantum mechanical problem is called ES if the solution of Schrödinger equation can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions mFn and is QES if the Schrödinger equation admits polynomial solutions with coefficients necessarily satisfying a three-term or higher order of recurrence relations. In three dimensions we give an example of a system that is QES in one set of separable coordinates, but is not ES in any other separable coordinates. This example encompasses Ushveridze's tenth-order polynomial QES problem in one set of separable coordinates and also leads to a fourth-order polynomial QES problem in another separable coordinate set

    Conformal mechanics inspired by extremal black holes in d=4

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    A canonical transformation which relates the model of a massive relativistic particle moving near the horizon of an extremal black hole in four dimensions and the conventional conformal mechanics is constructed in two different ways. The first approach makes use of the action-angle variables in the angular sector. The second scheme relies upon integrability of the system in the sense of Liouville.Comment: V2: presentation improved, new material and references added; the version to appear in JHE