722 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this study were to detect the Mendelian mode inheritance of growth hormone (GH) and to establish genotype frequency of GH gene in Ongole-crossbred cattle mated by the artificial insemination (AI) technique. Total of 76 blood samples were collected from Ongole-crossbred cows and bulls (G0), and their progenies (G1) at the Tumaratas AI service center in North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. All blood samples were screened for the presence of GH locus using a PCR-RFLP method involving restricted enzyme Msp1 on 1.2 % of agarose gel. Data were analyzed using statistical program function in Excel XP. The results showed that GH locus using alleles of Msp1+ and Msp1- enzyme restriction in Ongole-crossbred cows and bulls was inherited to their Ongole-crossbred progenies following the Mendelian mode inheritance. This Mendelian inheritance generated by AI technique was not under genetic equilibrium for the Msp1 genotype frequencies in groups of G0 and G1. The breeding program using genotypes of bulls and cows (G0) for generating the genotype of GH Msp1 enzyme restriction by AI technique should be maintained to increase these various allele dispersion rates for breeding under genetic equilibrium of the Ongole-crossbred cattle population

    Production of Progenies by Different Growth Hormone Genotypes (GH-MspI) of Their Parents Using PCR-RFLP in Ongole-crossbred Cattle

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    Abstract. The objective of this study was to identify different growth hormone (GH) genotypes using MspI enzyme-restriction in parental cows and bulls mated by artificial insemination influencing body weight and average daily gain of their progenies. Total of 74 blood samples of Ongole-crossbred cows and their female progenies and 2 blood samples of bulls of Ongole breed were used in this study. Blood samples were screened for the presence of GH gene using PCR-RFLP method involving Msp1enzyme-restriction on 1.2 % agarose gel. To eliminate different age effects of the progenies, body weight data were adjusted for the 50 and 345days old of ages for the first and second weighing, respectively. Data were analyzed using statistical program in Excel XP. The results showed that various genetic factors of growth hormone Msp1 restricted enzyme had significant influence on growth performance and average daily gain of Ongole-crossbred progenies during 50 to 345 days of age. The heterozygous genotypes of the growth hormone Msp1+/- restricted enzyme excelled over their homozygous genotypes in respects of body weight gain. Therefore, the Msp1+/+, Msp1+/- and Msp1-/- genotypes can be used as the candidate genes in Ongole crossbred cattle to improve their body weight.Keywords: Ongole-crossbred cattle, body weight gain, growth hormone, Msp1 gene. Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi genotipe hormon pertumbuhan yang berbeda (GH) menggunakan pembatasan enzim MspI pada sapi induk dan pejantan yang dikawinkan melalui inseminasi buatan yang mempengaruhi bobot badan dan rata-rata pertambahan bobot badan harian keturunannya. Total 74 sampel darah sapi betina persilangan Ongole dan keturunan betinanya serta 2 sampel darah sapi pejantan bangsa Ongole digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel darah diperiksa untuk kehadiran gen GH menggunakan metode PCR-RFLP yang melibatkan pembatasan enzim Msp1 pada gel agarosa 1,2 %. Untuk menghilangkan efek umur yang berbeda dari keturunan, data bobot badan disesuaikan ke arah 50 dan 345 hari untuk masing-masing penimbangan pertama dan kedua. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program statistik pada Excel XP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berbagai faktor genetik hormon pertumbuhan enzim terbatas Msp1 memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan rata-rata pertambahan bobot badan harian keturunan persilangan Ongole pada umur 50-345 hari. Genotipe heterozigot dari hormon pertumbuhan enzim terbatas Msp1 + / - mengungguli genotipe homozigot mereka dalam hal penambahan bobot badan tubuh. Oleh karena itu, genotipe Msp1 + / + , Msp1 + / - dan Msp1 - / - dapat digunakan sebagai gen bakal pada sapi persilangan Ongole untuk meningkatkan bobot badan mereka. Kata kunci: Sapi persilangan Ongole, pertambahan bobot badan, hormon pertumbuhan, gen Msp1.U Paputungan et al./Animal Production 15(1):53-61, January 201

    Penggunaan Ekstrak Rumput Laut Padina SP. untuk Peningkatan Daya Simpan Filet Nila Merah yang Disimpan pada Suhu Dingin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan ekstrak Padina sp. terhadap daya simpan fi let nila merah selama penyimpanan pada suhu dingin. Filet nila merah direndam selama 30 menit dalam larutan ekstrak Padina sp. dengan konsentrasi: kontrol; 0,5%; 1%; 1,5%; dan 2%, kemudian disimpan pada chilling room selama 10 hari dengan selang waktu pengamatan setiap 2 hari. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: pH, Total Plate Count (TPC), Total Volatile Base-Nitrogen (TVB-N), dan organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ekstrak Padina sp. yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai pH, kandungan bakteri total, kandungan TVB-N, dan nilai organoleptik keseluruhan fi let nila merah selama 10 hari penyimpanan pada suhu dingin. Filet nila merah yang diberi ekstrak Padina sp. masih layak dikonsumsi sampai hari ke-8. Penggunaan ekstrak Padina sp. 1% merupakan perlakuan terbaik dalam mempertahankan kesegaran fi let nila merah yang disimpan pada suhu dingin

    Heritabilities of Body Size by Growth Hormone (Gh-msp1) Genotypes Using Pcr-rflp in Ongole Grade Cattle

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    Genotypic performance in term of heritability as the crucial factor of animal economical traits for body size inheritance had not been fully studied in Ongole-grade cattle. The objectives of this research were to define the heritability values of live weight, chest girth and body length in Ongole-crossbred cattle. Total of 37 blood samples were collected from parental cows and 2 blood samples from parental Ongole breed bulls. All blood samples were screened for the presence of growth hormone (GH) locus using PCR-RFLP method involving restricted enzyme Msp1 on agarose-gel (1.2%). Data were analyzed using statistical program in Excel XP. Results showed that the phenotypic estimation average of Ongole grade cattle population of live weight, chest girth and body length were 445.41 ± 45.95 kg, 175.35 ± 4.11 cm, and 139.70 ± 5.73cm, respectively. The heritability values of animal live weight, chest girth and body length in this study were 0.24, 0.003, and 0.41, respectively. These heritability values of animal live weight and body length would be categorized as moderate to high genotypic performance values, while the heritability of animal chest girth was included in low heritability standard of the animal economical trait performance

    The Estimation Accuracy of Live Weight From Metric Body Measurements in Ongole Grade Cows

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    Length in North Sulawesi province. Data on animal live weight (LW), body length (BL) and chest girth(CG) were collected from all cows (n=363) kept by traditional household farmers. Regression analysiswas carried out to estimate LW from all linear body measurements. Data were classified based on age ofanimals consisted of five groups with the first age group of two and half years old, to the fifth age groupof seven and half years old. The results showed that age significantly (P<0.05) influenced all bodymeasurements. Correlations between all pairs of measurements were highly significant (P<0.001) for allage groups. Regression analysis showed that live weight could be predicted accurately from chest girthand body length (R2=0.97). Multiple regression model can be recommended to predict live weight ofOngole grade cows based on those variables with their age groups ranging from 2.5 to ≥7.5 years old asfollows: Live weight (kg) = -806.410 + 4.79835 CG (cm) + 2.83500 BL (cm)

    Pengantrian Meja pada Restoran Menggunakan Fasilitas Short Message Service

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    Perkembangan restoran saat ini semakin pesat dengan bertambah banyaknya jenis- jenis masakan baik masakan Indonesia mau pun di luar Indonesia seperti China, Jepang dan Amerika. Dengan adanya berbagai macam masakan ini, membuat ketertarikan pengunjung untuk mencoba. Hal ini membuat pengunjung rela mengantri demi masakan yang mereka sukai. Perancangan sistem ini menggunakan simulasi denah mau pun data. Simulasi denah menggunakan tiga meja dengan kapasitas masing-masing dua, empat dan enam kursi. Simulasi data dengan menggunakan data menu yang telah ditentukan terlebih dahulu. Sistem dirancang dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler sebagai pusat pemrosesan data. Pendataan dalam proses pengantrian masih manual. Perancangan alat pengantrian meja pada restoran menggunakan fasilitas SMS ini meliputi pembuatan simulasi denah restoran, LED sebagai penanda ada tidaknya pengunjung dan software yang berguna untuk proses pengiriman SMS dan untuk menjalankan simulasi. Perancangan ini dibuat untuk membantu meringankan kerja resepsionis dan membuat Kenyamanan pengunjung dalam proses pengantrian. Hasil pengujian sistem memperlihatkan bahwa simulasi yang dilakukan berjalan dengan baik

    Studi Komparasi Sni 01-4449-2006 Dengan Jis a 5905 : 2003 .

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    Japan and Indonesia has own criteria in determinating the applicable standards for fiberboard in accordance with the development of industry in each country. JIS and SNI have differences and similarities that are only applicable in their respective countries so that the necessary information to evaluate these standards in order to be valid not only in each country. The purpose of this research is to compare SNI 01-4449-2006 with JIS A 5905-2003. Data analysis was done by using descriptive comparative technic that is compare standards specified in SNI 01-4449-2006 with JIS A 5905-2003 so that known differences and similarities of each standard. Result of the comparition between the parameter of JIS A 5905-2003 and SNI 01-4449-2006 show that the overall standard is different. The difference between these two standardsis available on the parameters of normative parameters of mold thickness, length and width, provided that te testing and measurement of test samples. JIS A 5905-2003has testing standards for fire resistance test and resistance for weather and SNI 01-4449-2006 doesn\u27t have that testing standards. Based of the comparition of the parameters between JIS A 5905-2003 and SNI 01-4449-2006, it can be concluded that JIS A 5905-2003is more complete than SNI 01-4449-2006

    Sifat Antirayap Ekstrak Kulit Bawang Merah (Allium Cepa L.) (Antitermites Properties of Onion Shell Extract)

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    The aims of these researchs were to found the extract content of Allium cepa L., to evaluated weight lost of paper disc, to evaluated the toxicity level of Allium cepa L. extracts based on mortality rates and to evaluated feeding rate value. Research was done by extracting a sample with methanol then partitioning with n-Hexane. Extract with concentration of 2%, 4%, and 6% were used to test the toxicity of extract for Coptotermes curvignathus termites. The results showed extract content of Allium cepa L. was 16,62%. Termite mortality rate was 100% with concentration 2% and 4% on day 7th while the concentration of 6% on day 5th. So extract with the large concentration had higher mortality of termite than the lower. The weight lost of paper disc was around 3,72%–11,04% and feeding rate of termite was around 0,25 mg–0,73 mg