3,628 research outputs found

    Makna Strategi Pendidikan Unggul Menyongsong Pasar Tunggal ASEAN 2015

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    ASEANCommunity2015demandingthe readinessof the nation andIndonesia society to improve competitiveness. Superiorcompetency-based educationis one aspectof strategic importancetoimprovecompetitiveness. Meanwhile,our currentstate of educationhas not beenencouraging,especiallywhen viewedfrom the outputis still lowquality.Manyschool leaversarenot ready toenter the working world. According toeconomicanalystsDr.BerryPriyono, stockacquiredskillsfromeducationalinstitutionsare inadequatetobe usedindependently, asa learnededucationinstitutedoftenjust focusontheory, so thatlearnersare lessinovativandcreative. This paper isintendedtogivefalse advicefor the managers ofupper secondaryeducation, especiallyeducation. Efforts toimprovethe ability of learnersto excelacademicallyas well asskillsandcreativity, some things thatneed attentionareimproving the qualityof teachers, facilities andcurriculumimprovement

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Budaya untuk Membentuk Daya Saing dan Karakter Bangsa

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    Global competition demands the readiness of Indonesia to improve competitiveness. Entrepreneurship education based on cultural values ​​and national character is one aspect of strategic importance to enhance the competitiveness. Kewirausahan is an attitude, spirit and ability to create something new which is very valuable and useful to himself and others. Entrepreneurship is the mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative helpless, bercipta, and unpretentious work and effort in order to increase revenue in their business activities. Entrepreneurship education aims to establish a human as a whole (holistic), as a man who has character, understanding and skills as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship education needs to be invested and developed through education, can be implemented in an integrated manner with educational activities in schools. The paper was written with the aim to mereaktualisasi concept of entrepreneurship education in schools with the hope that the implementation of applied entrepreneurship education into the curriculum in schools that can be realized and realized entrepreneurship education learners in everyday life

    Strategi Alternatif Manajemen Spektrum dan Penataan Alokasi Pita Frekuensi 1800 MHz untuk Penerapan Teknologi LTE

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    Trafik pengguna mobile data untuk layanan akses internet senantiasa mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun terutama untuk penggunaan layanan mobile broadband dibanding dengan layanan fixed broadband. Kenaikan trafik mobile broadband secara eksponensial ini dipicu dengan munculnya berbagai macam aplikasi, android, jejaring sosial dan media content yang ditambah lagi dengan pertumbuhan berbagai macam perangkat smartphone, tablet, dan mobile PC yang menawarkan beraneka ragam fitur dan teknologi terkini. Teknologi LTE (Long Term Evolution) yang di-standarisasi oleh 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) sebagai organisasi standar Internasional merupakan teknologi yang memberikan kecepatan data dan kapasitas yang besar. Dengan akses DL 100 Mbps dan UL 50 Mbps untuk standar teknologi LTE release 8. Sehingga menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi kenaikan trafik dari pengguna layanan mobile broadband. Dengan menggunakan metodologi dalam tahapan-tahapan pada proses RIA (Regulatory Impact Analysis), hal ini digunakan untuk memilih dan menentukan stategi alternatif tool spectrum management yang dipergunakan dan juga opsi refarming yang paling efektif termasuk dampak dari setiap masing-masing opsi tersebut. Metoda pendekatan voluntary spectrum redeployment dan penerapan netral teknologi yang dilakukan secara transparan dan terbuka melalui konsultasi publik dengan melibatkan stakeholder merupakan strategi alternatif spectrum management yang bisa diterapkan untuk melakukan proses refarming di pita frekuensi 1800 MHz di Indoensia. Dan instrumen spectrum management ini juga digunakan untuk melakukan penataan menyeluruh pita frekuensi 1800 MHz sehingga didapatkan jumlah total lebar bandwidth yang ideal dan kanal alokasi frekuensi yang berdekatan atau contiguous sehingga dapat digunakan dalam penerapan teknologi LTE

    Distinguished non-Archimedean representations

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    For a symmetric space (G,H), one is interested in understanding the vector space of H-invariant linear forms on a representation \pi of G. In particular an important question is whether or not the dimension of this space is bounded by one. We cover the known results for the pair (G=R_{E/F}GL(n),H=GL(n)), and then discuss the corresponding SL(n) case. In this paper, we show that (G=R_{E/F}SL(n),H=SL(n)) is a Gelfand pair when n is odd. When nn is even, the space of H-invariant forms on \pi can have dimension more than one even when \pi is supercuspidal. The latter work is joint with Dipendra Prasad

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Pelaporan Perijinan Dengan Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

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    Business licensing data in a district that has been collected in a database, it will be useful when it is analyzed, so a lot of important information will be obtained. The government need a system that can help them to analyze data easily. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is an implementation of Data warehousing that can help reporting and analyzing well. OLAP can map the data with cube dimensions, each dimension can be easily compared, so the decision maker can find the problems that faced easily and quickly. Some of the problems that solved in this research are : Progress Report on Company Registration in several years, the Number of Companies by the type of business, Development of Investment, the number of SIUP by District, , the number of SIUP by business class, the number of license based on its type, Construction Permit (IMB) in several years, and the Number of Disorders Permits (HO) by several classification. Reporting application in data Licensing are built in this research with OLAP technology. Based on the Chi-Square testing performed for business licensing data which contain 100-1161 records, the Chi-Square value are 45,89 – 80, greater than Chi-Square table (13,28), there is significantly different for time consuming between SQL and OLAP. When data are reduced for 90 records, the Chi-Square value is 2.01, less than Chi-Square table, there is no significantly different for time consuming between SQL and OLA

    Adsorption and Diffusion of Pt and Au on the Stoichiometric and Reduced TiO2 Rutile (110) Surfaces

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    A comparative first principles pseudopotential study of the adsorption and migration profiles of single Pt and Au atoms on the stoichiometric and reduced TiO2 rutile (110) surfaces is presented. Pt and Au behave similarly with respect to (i) most favorable adsorption sites, which are found to be the hollow and substitutional sites on the stoichiometric and reduced surfaces, respectively, (ii) the large increase in their binding energy (by ~1.7 eV) when the surface is reduced, and (iii) their low migration barrier near 0.15 eV on the stoichiometric surface. Pt, on the other hand, binds more strongly (by ~2 eV) to both surfaces. On the stoichiometric surface, Pt migration pattern is expected to be one-dimensional, which is primarily influenced by interactions with O atoms. Au migration is expected to be two-dimensional, with Au-Ti interactions playing a more important role. On the reduced surface, the migration barrier for Pt diffusion is significantly larger compared to Au.Comment: 3 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR

    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions

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    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions are defined and the longitudinal and transverse response functions for an electron (plus positron) gas are written in terms of them. The dispersion is separated into Landau-damping, pair-creation and dissipationless regimes. Explicit forms are given for the RQPDFs in the cases of a completely degenerate distribution and a nondegenerate thermal (J\"uttner) distribution. Particular emphasis is placed on the relation between dissipation and dispersion, with the dissipation treated in terms of the imaginary parts of RQPDFs. Comparing the dissipation calculated in this way with the existing treatments leads to the identification of errors in the literature, which we correct. We also comment on a controversy as to whether the dispersion curves in a superdense plasma pass through the region where pair creation is allowed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur
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