75 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Kekuatan Otot Lengan, Daya Tahan Otot Tungkai, Dan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Terhadap Kemampuan Passing Bawah Bolavoli

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi kekuatan otot lengan, daya tahan otot tungkai, dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap kemapmuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa laki-laki SMK Negeri 2 Watangsoppeng Kabupaten Soppeng  dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 40 orang yang dipilih secara random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis korelasi dengan menggunakan sistem SPSS Versi 22.00 pada taraf signifikan 95% atau a0,05. Bertolak dari hasil analisis data, maka penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) Kekuatan otot lengan memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 53,8%; (2) Daya tahan otot tungkai memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 80,9%; (3) Koordinasi mata tangan memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 52,1%; dan (4) Kekuatan otot lengan, daya tahan otot tungkai dan koordinasi mata tangan memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 81,6%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi kekuatan otot lengan, daya tahan otot tungkai, dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap kemapmuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa laki-laki SMK Negeri 2 Watangsoppeng Kabupaten Soppeng  dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 40 orang yang dipilih secara random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis korelasi dengan menggunakan sistem SPSS Versi 22.00 pada taraf signifikan 95% atau a0,05. Bertolak dari hasil analisis data, maka penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) Kekuatan otot lengan memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 53,8%; (2) Daya tahan otot tungkai memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 80,9%; (3) Koordinasi mata tangan memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 52,1%; dan (4) Kekuatan otot lengan, daya tahan otot tungkai dan koordinasi mata tangan memiliki kontribusi terhadap kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pada siswa SMK Negei 2 Watang Soppeng Kabupaten Soppeng sebesar 81,6%

    Kontribusi Daya Ledak Tungkai Terhadp Smash Open Bolavoli Pada Siswa SMK YPPP Wonomulyo

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    Smash in the game of volleyball is one f )* ) orm of blow that could give space for the opponent's defense even opponents. To obtain the numbers fast, then this is how most promising victory. To reach the level of ability to smash in volleyball game optimally programmed exercise the necessary diligenc e and systematically so that the ability of the coordinated motion techniques can be achieved. The physical condition and control techniques must be combined to achieve the smash smash ability in a good game. In connection it if analyze the movement smash certainly be supported by physical abilities such as leg explosive power and flexibility togok back. Explosive power is the ability to perform an activity with the use of maximally with a very short time in the sense that the ability of the legs to be used in making the leap up to grab the ball in order to achieve a punch or smash in volleyball game. This study aims to determine the contribution of the explosive power of the legs of the ability smash in volleyball game on YPPP Wonomulyo vocational students. This research is descriptive research. The study population was all students of SMK YPPP Wonomulyo with a sample of 40 boys between the studies selected by random sampling. Data analysis technique used is the technique of correlation and regression analys is using SPSS version 15 o'clock systems at significant level of 95% or 0,05. Based on the results of data analysis, the study concludes that: the contribution of leg muscle explosive power to smash open the ability in the game volleyball on vocational st udents YPPP Wonomulyo of 67.8%

    Improving Student’s Self-Efficacy Through Inquiry Learning Model And Modeling In Physical Education

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    The study aims to reveal the effect of inquiry learning model with modeling application to improve students' self-efficacy. Single-mastery and multiple-coping are used in the modeling. The study used nonequivalent pre-test and post-test control group design. The first experimental group received the inquiry learning model treatment with single-mastery modeling. The second group received received the inquiry learning model treatment with multiple-coping modeling. The direct learning model applied to the control group. Eighty seven students from three classes were taken as research sample using cluster random sampling technique. The treatment lasted for six meetings which were divided into one meeting every week. The instrument used is the physical education self-efficacy scale which was developed in this study based on Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Paired sample t-test and ANCOVA were used to analyze the data. In the two experimental groups, there was significant increase in students' self-efficacy through the application of the inquiry learning model with single-mastery modeling and the inquiry learning model with multiple-coping modeling. Inquiry learning model with multiple-coping modeling is more effective in increasing students' self-efficacy than inquiry learning model with single-mastery modeling and direct learning model

    Pengaruh Latihan Raket Berbeban Dan Latihan Dumbel Swing Terhadap Keterampilan Pukulan Forehand Dan Backhand Dalam Permainan Tenis Lapangan

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen lapangan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan raket berbeban dan latihan dumbel swing terhadap keterampilan forehand dan backhand dalam permainan tenis lapangan pada pemain Yunior Kabupaten Polmas. Populasi adalah seluruh Pemain Putra Yunior Kabupaten Polmas dan sampel yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pemain Yunior klub Kabupaten Polmas yang berjumlah 60 orang. Namun sesuai dengan rancangan penelitian, maka dibentuk dua kelompok penelitian yang terdiri dari kelompok latihan raket berbeban dan latihan dumbel swing. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji-t pada taraf signifikan 95%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka dapat dikemukakan kesimpulan yaitu : Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan raket berbeban terhadap keterampilan forehand dan backhand dalam permainan tenis lapangan (to = 13,457 > tt = 2,045). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan dumbel swing terhadap keterampilan forehand dan backhand dalam permainan tenis lapangan (to = 12,761 > tt = 2,045). Ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara latihan raket berbeban dan latihan dumbel swing terhadap keterampilan forehand dan backhand dalam permainan tenis lapangan (to = 5,757 > tt = 2,000)

    Pengaruh Latihan Pull Over dan Latihan Beban Katrol Terhadap Keterampilan Smash Pada Permainan Bolavoli Pada Klub di Kota

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    This study aims to determine the effect of pull over training and pulley weight training on the smash ability of volleyball and to determine the difference in the effect of the two. This research is a field experiment research with a randomized group pretest post test design. The population is the volleyball club players in the city of Makassar with 100 male athletes who are then randomized into a sample of 60 people, each of which is 30 people in the pull over training group and 30 from the pulley weight training group. The sampling technique used was random. The data analysis technique used is the t-test analysis technique. The results of the study concluded that: (1) There was a significant effect of pull over training on the smash ability in volleyball, where (to = 15.03220684> t table 0.05 = 2.045). (2) There is a significant effect of pulley weight training on the smash ability in volleyball, where (to = 7,2479> t table 0,05 = 2,045). (3) There is a significant difference between pull over training and pulley weight training on the smash ability in volleyball, where (to = 11.582016289> t table 0.05 = 2,000). From these results it can be concluded that pull over training and pulley weight training can improve the smash ability in volleyball games. However, in this case, pull over training is better than pulley weight training in affecting the smash ability in volleyball games

    The Effects of Training Methods and Self-Confidence Towards the Skill of Playing Football for the Students

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    This study aims to liken the two training types of playing football. The training method consists of a part-whole method. It establishes the interaction between training types and self-confidence toward the skill of playing football. Self-confidence consists of high and low types. This research was held at the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSS) football field, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The analysis method applied in this research is a 2x2 factorial design using a two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test at a significance level of α = 0.05 for the follow-through test. The 40 students, employed as the sample, were separated into four groups, ten students for each group. Firstly, the results are the skill of playing football using the whole-method is better than those using the part-method (FA = 4.842 > = 4.113). Secondly, the interaction factor between training method along with self-confidence and the skill of playing football exists. (FAB = 38.033 > = 4.113). Thirdly, for groups of high self-confidence, students trained using part method (mean 256.2212) were better than those using the whole-method (average = 243.4639) toward the skill of playing football. Fourthly, for low self-confidence groups, students trained using the whole-method (mean = 265.8223) are better than those who use part-method (mean = 238,9129) toward playing football skills

    Analisis Kemampuan Passing Bawah Dalam Permainan Bola Voli Pada Siswa SMA Cokrominoto Tmalanrea Makassar (Ditinjau Kekuatan Lengan, Tungkai, dan Koordinasi Mata-Tangan)

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    Gerakan dasar dalam permainan bolavoli semuanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan lengan sebagai penggerak utama pada proses pelaksanaannya. Oleh karena itu passing bawah yang merupakan salah satu teknik yang paling sering digunakan harus memiliki kemampuan fisik kekuatan lengan. Sedangkan tungkai berfungsi untuk membantu pergerakan dalam pelaksanaan teknik dasar passing bawah. Posisi tungkai dalam permainan bolavoli membentuk sebuah kuda-kuda dengan proses setengah jongkok. Hal ini dilakukan agar supaya proses pelaksanaan pantulan bola pada lengan untuk dapat diarahkan dengan baik. Kemampuan mengkoordinasikan gerak mata dan tangan adalah yang terjadi dari informasi yang diintegrasikan ke dalam gerak anggota badan. Semua gerakan tangan harus dapat dikontrol dengan penglihatan dan harus tepat sesuai dengan urutan yang direncanakan untuk melakukan passing bawah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kekuatan lengan, kekuatan tungkai, dan koordinasi mata tangan dengan kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa SMA Cokroaminoto Tamalanrea Makassar. Namun populasi tersebut dibatasi pada siswa laki-laki saja agar mempunyai kesamaan sifat dalam hal jenis kelamin dengan sampel yang diambil atau digunakan dalam penelitian ber-jumlah 60 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel random sampling atau secara undian. Data yang terkumpul tersebut perlu dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif maupun infrensial dengan taraf signifikan 95% atau 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka ditemukan jawaban sebagai berikut: (1) Ada hubungan yang signifikan kekuatan lengan dengan kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli terbukti r0 = 0,612 (P < α0,05), (2) Ada hubungan yang signifikan kekuatan tungkai dengan kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli terbukti r0 = 0,666 (P < α0,05), (3) Ada hubungan yang signifikan koordinasi mata tangan dengan kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli terbukti r0 = 0,859 (P < α0,05), dan (4) Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kekuatan lengan, kekuatan tungkai, dan koordinasi mata tangan dengan kemampuan passing bawah dalam permainan bolavoli terbukti r0 = 0,860 (P < α0,05)

    Effects of Training Methods and Motor Ability on Overhead Passing Skills in Volleyball Games

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    This is the experimental study to find out the comparison of two training methods to improve the skills of passing techniques for playing volleyball. The training method consists of the powerful opponent training method and the passive opponent training method. This study also aims to determine the interaction between the training methods and motor skills on the passing techniques in the volleyball game. Motor skills consist of high motor skills and low motor abilities. This research was conducted at the volleyball court, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar academic year 2018/2019. The experimental method involved 80 students divided into four groups. The data analysis technique is a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and then followed by the Tukey test (α = 0.05). There are four conclusions in this study. Firstly, the skill of passing techniques in the volleyball game using the powerful opponent training method is better than using the passive opponent training method (FA = 80.003 > Ftable = 4.113). Secondly, there is an interaction between the training methods and motor skills with the passing techniques in the volleyball game (FAB = 20,763> Ftable = 4,113). Thirdly, the students who were trained using the powerful opponent training method were better than those who used the passive opponent training method. And the fourth conclusion regarding the low motor ability group. The result of a passive opponent training method was better than the active group

    Studi Perbandingan Minat Belajar Dalam Permainan Bolavoli Antara Siswa SMPN 1 Dengan Siswa SMPN 3 Sungguminasa Kabupaten Gowa

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    This research is a type of descriptive research. This study aims to determine; Comparison of interest in learning in volleyball games between Sungguminasa SMPN I students of Gowa Regency and Sungguminasa SMPN I students. The population is all students of SMPN I Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency and students of SMPN 3 Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency. The sample used was grade VIII students. A Sunggiminasa SMPN I as many as 30 people and eighth grade students. A SMPN 3 Sunggiminasa Gowa Regency as many as 30 people. The technique of determining the sample is to use saturated samples. The data analysis technique used is descriptive frequency analysis. The results showed that: 1) Interest in learning in volleyball games in students of SMPN I Sungguminasa in Gowa Regency was 124.17 in average value 2) Interest in learning in volleyball games in students in SMPN 3 in Sungguminasa in Gowa Regency was 113.93 in average. In this case, the students of Sungguminasa I Public Middle School have a higher interest in learning volleyball compared to the students of Sungguminasa I Public Middle Schoo
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