1,713 research outputs found

    Internal Migration and Regional Population Dynamics in Europe: Sweden Case Study

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    This paper describes the structure of internal migration and population change in Sweden in recent decades, focussing on the years 1988 and 1998 to capture change in the last decade. Up to the 1970s and again in the early 1990s natural increase play an important role in regional population dynamics. In the late 1990s growing international migration, decreasing fertility and strong net internal migration into large cities increased the importance of migration at both national and local levels. In 1988 migration flows contributed to a pattern of relatively even deconcentration of population. Urban centres and surrounding communities experienced mixed patterns of growth. The pattern observed in 1998 was entirely different. It showed a strong movement up the urban hierarchy. Rural and remote areas, especially those in Norrland, depopulated. In 1998 migrants moved from low-density areas to high-density. High density areas had much higher population gains than low density over the 1988–1998 period. There is a difference in migration pattern between the north of the country, which mostly loses population and the central and southern parts, which mostly gain people. The pattern of migration of the Swedish population is, to large extent, related to the level of unemployment. Low unemployment areas attract migrants; high unemployment areas lose them. However, the level of unemployment cannot be considered in isolation, because the level of unemployment is correlated with the level of urbanisation and with type of regional economy. Areas with an educated population have a very strong attraction for migrants. A high level of education is indispensable for high level services, including tertiary education, and for high technology enterprises, which attract migrants. Young people migrate to metropolitan areas and university towns out of the other types of municipality. Medium sized municipalities attract families. Outflows from industrial regions and Inner Norrland municipalities are visible in all age groups. Metropolitan areas are gaining popularity among families. The elderly population migrates to university and medium size municipalities

    A criterion for when an emulsion drop undergoing turbulent deformation has reached a critically deformed state

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    Turbulent breakup in emulsification devices is a dynamic process. Small viscous drops undergo a sequence of oscillations before entering the monotonic deformation phase leading to breakup. The turbulence-interface interactions prior to reaching critical deformation are therefore essential for understanding and modeling breakup. This contribution uses numerical experiments to characterize the critically deformed state (defined as a state from which breakup will follow deterministically, even if no further external stresses would act on the drop). Critical deformation does not coincide with a threshold maximum surface area, as previously suggested. A drop is critically deformed when a neck has formed locally with a curvature such that the Laplace pressure exceeds that of the smallest of the bulbs connected by the neck. This corresponds to a destabilizing internal flow, further thinning the neck. Assuming that the deformation leads to two spherical bulbs linked by a cylindrical neck, the critical deformation is achieved when the neck diameter becomes smaller than the radius of the smallest bulb. The role of emulsifiers is also discussed

    How Changing the Inversion/ Eversion Foot Angle Affects the Nondriving Intersegmental Knee Moments and the Relative Activation of the Vastii Muscles in Cycling

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    Nondriving intersegmental knee moment components (i.e., varus/valgus and internal/ external axial moments) neutral). A previously described mathematical model was used to compute the nondriving intersegmental knee moments throughout the crank cycle. The excitations of the VMO, VL, and TFL muscles were measured with surface electromyography and the muscle activations were computed. On average, the 10-deg everted position decreased the peak varus moment by 55% and decreased the peak internal axial moment by 53% during the power stroke (crank cycle region where the knee moment is extensor). A correlation analysis revealed that the VMO/VL activation ratio increase

    High-intensity interval training for reducing blood pressure: a randomized trial vs. moderate-intensity continuous training in males with overweight or obesity

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    The optimal exercise-training characteristics for reducing blood pressure (BP) are unclear. We investigated the effects of 6-weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on BP and aortic stiffness in males with overweight or obesity. Twenty-eight participants (18–45 years; BMI: 25–35 kg/m2) performed stationary cycling three times per week for 6 weeks. Participants were randomly allocated (unblinded) to work-matched HIIT (N = 16; 10 × 1-min intervals at 90–100% peak workload) or MICT (N = 12; 30 min at 65–75% peak heart rate). Central (aortic) and peripheral (brachial) BP and aortic stiffness was assessed before and after training. There were no significant group × time interactions for any BP measure (all p > 0.21). HIIT induced moderate reductions in central (systolic/diastolic ∆: −4.6/−3.5 mmHg, effect size d = −0.51/−0.40) and peripheral BP (−5.2/−4 mmHg, d = −0.45/−0.47). MICT induced moderate reductions in diastolic BP only (peripheral: −3.4 mmHg, d = −0.57; central: −3 mmHg, d = −0.50). The magnitude of improvement in BP was strongly negatively correlated with baseline BP (r = −0.66 to −0.78), with stronger correlations observed for HIIT (r = −0.73 to −0.88) compared with MICT (r = −0.43 to −0.61). HIIT was effective for reducing BP (~3–5 mmHg) in the overweight to obese cohort. Exercise training induced positive changes in central (aortic) BP. The BP-lowering effects of exercise training are more prominent in those with higher baseline BP, with stronger correlation in HIIT than MICT

    The effect of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on aerobic fitness and body composition in males with overweight or obesity: A randomized trial

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    The optimal exercise training characteristics for improving body composition in individuals with obesity are not clear. This study assessed the effects of 6-weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on aerobic fitness and body composition in males with overweight or obesity. Twenty-eight participants (18–45 years; BMI: 25–35 kg/m2) performed stationary cycling 3 times per week for 6 weeks. Participants were randomly allocated to work-matched HIIT (N = 16) (10 × 1-min intervals at ~90% peak heart rate) or MICT (N = 12) (30 min at 65–75% peak heart rate). Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2peak) and body composition were assessed before and after 6-week training. Both HIIT and MICT induced moderate increases in aerobic fitness (Δ% VO2peak: HIIT 9 ± 8%, ES = 0.42; MICT: 7 ± 13%, ES = 0.32) and work capacity (Δ% peak workload: HIIT 13 ± 10%, ES = 0.69: MICT 17 ± 15%, ES = 0.76), but these changes did not differ significantly between the groups (all p > 0.16). The effects of HIIT or MICT on body composition outcomes were negligible to small across whole-body and all regional-specific sites (all effect sizes ES = −0.19 to 0.38) and did not differ significantly between the groups (all p > 0.21). Short-term (6-weeks) cycling training did not improve body composition in males with overweight or obesity. Improvements in aerobic fitness were comparable between work-matched HIIT and MICT

    Statistical analysis of the sampling design: FishPi case study on the biological sampling of the European hake fishery

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    FishPi is a pilot project financed through an European grant (MARE/2014/19) aiming to strengthen regional coordination in the area of fisheries data collection. This project includes four case studies, one of which aims at analyzing alternative sampling plans for fisheries operating on Northern & Southern hake stocks. The case study analyzes a variety of sampling design scenarios, from Simple Random Sampling to combinations of stratified sampling designs (by country, by port, by quarter…), using anonymised landings data from logbooks and sales notes (2013-2014). The results were compared regarding bias and precision to evaluate the best approach. The most precise estimates of total catch were obtained in scenarios stratified by port and, secondly, by port and country and by port and quarter. The general conclusion was that regional sampling designs stratified by port provided improved precision in this fishery. Apart from statistical considerations, this conclusion was also discussed under other points of view to give a feasibility perspective showing that coverage by country, and also by domain (stock), would be compromised if regional design is simply based on statistical analyses. Efficiency and precision of sampling were found to be highly sensitive to the sampling assumptions and in general countries with smaller contributions to overall landings of hake would see their sampling plans reduced, compromising other requirements for advice such as those related to other stocks or local management measures established by National governments. Hence further analyses are being considered that integrate biometrics, cost-benefit aspects, and concurrent or single-stock sampling strategies

    A major population of mucosal memory CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells, coexpressing IL-18Rα and DR3, display innate lymphocyte functionality

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    Mucosal tissues contain large numbers of memory CD4(+) T cells that, through T-cell receptor-dependent interactions with antigen-presenting cells, are believed to have a key role in barrier defense and maintenance of tissue integrity. Here we identify a major subset of memory CD4(+) T cells at barrier surfaces that coexpress interleukin-18 receptor alpha (IL-18Rα) and death receptor-3 (DR3), and display innate lymphocyte functionality. The cytokines IL-15 or the DR3 ligand tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-like cytokine 1A (TL1a) induced memory IL-18Rα(+)DR3(+)CD4(+) T cells to produce interferon-γ, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-5, IL-13, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and IL-22 in the presence of IL-12/IL-18. TL1a synergized with IL-15 to enhance this response, while suppressing IL-15-induced IL-10 production. TL1a- and IL-15-mediated cytokine induction required the presence of IL-18, whereas induction of IL-5, IL-13, GM-CSF, and IL-22 was IL-12 independent. IL-18Rα(+)DR3(+)CD4(+) T cells with similar functionality were present in human skin, nasal polyps, and, in particular, the intestine, where in chronic inflammation they localized with IL-18-producing cells in lymphoid aggregates. Collectively, these results suggest that human memory IL-18Rα(+)DR3(+) CD4(+) T cells may contribute to antigen-independent innate responses at barrier surfaces.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication, 1 October 2014; doi:10.1038/mi.2014.87

    Liquid Chromatography Electron Capture Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-ECD-MS/MS) versus Liquid Chromatography Collision-induced Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-CID-MS/MS) for the Identification of Proteins

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    Electron capture dissociation (ECD) offers many advantages over the more traditional fragmentation techniques for the analysis of peptides and proteins, although the question remains: How suitable is ECD for incorporation within proteomic strategies for the identification of proteins? Here, we compare LC-ECD-MS/MS and LC-CID-MS/MS as techniques for the identification of proteins.Experiments were performed on a hybrid linear ion trap–Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. Replicate analyses of a six-protein (bovine serum albumin, apo-transferrin,lysozyme, cytochrome c, alcohol dehydrogenase, and β-galactosidase) tryptic digest were performed and the results analyzed on the basis of overall protein sequence coverage and sequence tag lengths within individual peptides. The results show that although protein coverage was lower for LC-ECDMS/MS than for LC-CID-MS/MS, LC-ECD-MS/MS resulted in longer peptide sequence tags,providing greater confidence in protein assignment

    Apoptosis-Like Death in Bacteria Induced by HAMLET, a Human Milk Lipid-Protein Complex

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    Background: Apoptosis is the primary means for eliminating unwanted cells in multicellular organisms in order to preserve tissue homeostasis and function. It is characterized by distinct changes in the morphology of the dying cell that are orchestrated by a series of discrete biochemical events. Although there is evidence of primitive forms of programmed cell death also in prokaryotes, no information is available to suggest that prokaryotic death displays mechanistic similarities to the highly regulated programmed death of eukaryotic cells. In this study we compared the characteristics of tumor and bacterial cell death induced by HAMLET, a human milk complex of alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid. Methodology/Principal Findings: We show that HAMLET-treated bacteria undergo cell death with mechanistic and morphologic similarities to apoptotic death of tumor cells. In Jurkat cells and Streptococcus pneumoniae death was accompanied by apoptosis-like morphology such as cell shrinkage, DNA condensation, and DNA degradation into high molecular weight fragments of similar sizes, detected by field inverse gel electrophoresis. HAMLET was internalized into tumor cells and associated with mitochondria, causing a rapid depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane and bound to and induced depolarization of the pneumococcal membrane with similar kinetic and magnitude as in mitochondria. Membrane depolarization in both systems required calcium transport, and both tumor cells and bacteria were found to require serine protease activity (but not caspase activity) to execute cell death. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that many of the morphological changes and biochemical responses associated with apoptosis are present in prokaryotes. Identifying the mechanisms of bacterial cell death has the potential to reveal novel targets for future antimicrobial therapy and to further our understanding of core activation mechanisms of cell death in eukaryote cells

    Dopamine D1 vs D5 receptor-dependent induction of seizures in relation to DARPP-32, ERK1/2 and GluR1-AMPA signalling.

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    Recent reports have shown that the selective dopamine D(1)-like agonist SKF 83822 [which stimulates adenylate cyclase, but not phospholipase C] induces prominent behavioral seizures in mice, whereas its benzazepine congener SKF 83959 [which stimulates phospholipase C, but not adenylate cyclase] does not. To investigate the relative involvement of D(1) vs D(5) receptors in mediating seizures, ethological behavioral topography and cortical EEGs were recorded in D(1), D(5) and DARPP-32 knockout mice in response to a convulsant dose of SKF 83822. SKF 83822-induced behavioral and EEG seizures were gene dose-dependently abolished in D(1) knockouts. In both heterozygous and homozygous D(5) knockouts, the latency to first seizure was significantly increased and total EEG seizures were reduced relative to wild-types. The majority (60%) of homozygous DARPP-32 knockouts did not have seizures; of those having seizures (40%), the latency to first seizure was significantly increased and the number of high amplitude, high frequency polyspike EEG events was reduced. In addition, immunoblotting was performed to investigate downstream intracellular signalling mechanisms at D(1)-like receptors following challenge with SKF 83822 and SKF 83959. In wild-types administered SKF 83822, levels of ERK1/2 and GluR1 AMPA receptor phosphorylation increased two-fold in both the striatum and hippocampus; in striatal slices DARPP-32 phosphorylation at Thr34 increased five-fold relative to vehicle-treated controls. These findings indicate that D(1), and to a lesser extent D(5), receptor coupling to DARPP-32, ERK1/2 and glutamatergic signalling is involved in mediating the convulsant effects of SKF 83822
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